$2.50? I'd pay $10.00 if you offered my infiltrator VS starting armor.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hoki, Apr 27, 2013.

  1. Hoki

    So obvious indicators that you're looking at a vanu: its helmet has the distinctive vanu bullseye on it.
    And the distinctive vanu bullseye on the chest.
    The rest is either the VERY NEUTRAL BLACK or its covered with camo.

    What I would pay $10 for is noted in the image itself.


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  2. Bape

    Don't know what this thread about since the images distracted me from reading im give you a like for that ;).
  3. Fenrisk

    I have to agree. I bought the composite helmet and armour for the TR infiltrator and you still look like a guy/girl in a gimpsuit with your butt and crotch completely on show. (never gets camo)

    It's like they designed the TR infiltrators as a inside dev joke. The S&M infiltrators! We just need to be whipped and chained.
  4. VSDerp

    join vanu and problem will be solved!
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  5. HadesR

    Hopefully the other factions will get the Armour / Camo make over .. Like remove most of NC's yellow and Darken the Blue
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  6. shoolgate

    The TR camouflage look more sexy, isn't it;)
  7. Salamanerd

    I know, the infiltrator has sucky camo. The VS infiltrator only got a SINGLE BAND of camo on each limb. Most of us was STILL GREY and needed composite armor to cover the rest of their bodies.

    Only until recently did we look decent and not an infiltrator who rolled around on the floor until he got "camo."
  8. Katana

    I hate that camo, I actively teabag people that use that camo.

    Partially because when I played NC in beta pillocks were using it against NC because we couldn't tell who was who.

    So no. Keep your red bits and yoga pants.
  9. Zaik

    hey that's a great way to get FFed nonstop. infiltrators already look too vanuish as it is, when i first started i probably FFed about two dozen infiltrators thinking they were enemies.

    camo is ridiculous in this game anyway. they're all common pool and now that they are on helmets there's no way to tell anyone apart. saw this VS walking around as a zebra the other day one shotting NC with a pump shotgun, just walking through groups of NC that i guess just assumed it was yet another buttmad TK alt. i stopped to watch for a sec before killing them, it was hilarious but really dumb at the same time. if I hadn't been looking directly at them I probably wouldn't have noticed either because the whole character was just black and white splotches, absolutely no identifying features or colors whatsoever.

    if anything, everyone needs more faction specific colors showing through camo, not less.
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  10. Prince Planet

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  11. Baleur

    Hilarious post. Anyone else think the female arses in this game look like they've been sat on for 300 days in a row while she ate doritos and cheezeburgers nonstop? I guess they were going for the realistic bodytype here, but jesus..
    These are SOLDIERS, well TRAINED SOLDIERS, why do they have the physique of a couch potato? I know 40 year old women with 2 kids irl that have better arses than this.
    Reminds me of my reactions when i first saw the TR alpha squad camo..

    A falcon eating a crotch. Who would have thought.
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  12. MarthKoopa

    Yeah, let's just completely get rid of every ounce of faction colouring in the game. Let's have everyone look like the same group of clowns wearing hideous camo that doesn't actually do anything but make you look like a joke.
  13. Wintermaulz

    So your all for removing some of the camo on the NC and VS infantry?
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  14. Crayv

    TR gets more of camo patches than camo'd armor.
  15. Colinthetank

    That's not at all what this is about. If you look at it, VS actual gets the camo for their infiltrator unit. TR gets part of it, but even then we have giant red patches all over while VS doesn't have giant purple or teal patches all over in the same exact spots. It's inconsistent and not fair honestly.
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  16. MarthKoopa

    I'm all for removing camo that doesn't have faction colouring entirely.
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  17. Baleur

    Camo does do something. I suggest you join an outfit and do testing yourself, or check youtube videos of people who have done the same.

    Naturally though, camo doesn't help if you stand in the middle of a road waving at a nearby liberator with thermal.
  18. BH Brigade

    Please fix default VS infil look. It's black, no, I'm not messing with you IT'S ******* BLACK. ON AN INFIL, that no other faction has access to.
  19. Harkness

    I'm sorry. I can't hear you over the sound of how awesome I am.

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  20. Kuklakot

    I hope all the people wearing those camos that leave no trace of faction resemblance enjoy being TK'd as much as I enjoy typing v8 all the time. Camos do NOTHING to somebody spotting you, they just make it positively impossible to tell friend from foe at close range.