Help Me Fly...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Rebelgb, Apr 25, 2013.

  1. Rebelgb

    I suck at flying. I mean really suck at it. Ive practiced and I still suck.

    Some of you guys are pretty fricking amazing with them aircraft. I just want to be good. So help me out:

    As TR what should I use for air (I want to dog fight and kill tanks mostly)?

    What certs should I spend right away?

    How do you have your keys mapped?


    Thanks Guys!!! (and gals if there are any..)
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  2. Oreo202

    Defaults are great keys, for them most part. I recommend binding pitch up/pitch down to mouse 4/mouse 5 and rebinding descend to ctrl. Make sure you rebind your air vehicle eject key!

    Nanite ARS, Dogfighting/Racer, Flares (or possibly scout radar, as you play TR), rocket pods and the TR's rotary should do it. Make sure to put NV on the pods and NV or zoom on the rotary. The first few levels of ammo capacity are cheap, so make sure to get those. Get a few upgrades on your rotary magazine size as well. Certing into reduced cooldown will also help you a lot with being able to have a mossy up at all times.

    Make sure to watch out for scythe rammers, and use the mossy's turning speed to your advantage, you will probably lose a hover-off with a reaver so try to chase them. Another important thing is to remember that unless you're REALLY close to your WG, running is a bad idea. You have to turn around and fight.
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  3. Total_Overkill

    So does 99% of the playerbase

    2 different setups, requires 2 different certlines.
    A2A and A2G is quite expensive certwise, you'll want to start with A2G as its easier to earn back your certs faster.
    For Beginners --
    A2G: I'd recommend Banshee nosegun, Rocketpods, Radar, Autorepair, and Speed.
    A2A: I'd recommend Rotary nosegun, Afterburnerpods, Flares, Stealth, Dogfighting.

    Rocketpods if your not buying with SC, followed by NV or Thermals for them, then Nosegun w/NV thermals (opposite of what pods have) after that, its up to you.

    I use default keys, if you are fatfingered you may want to move the E key to avoid "accidents"

    Do not fly on Esamir as a rookie pilot, stay away from friendly pilots, do not over extend, if enemies break out the bursters find somewhere else to fly.
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  4. Bolticus

    First off, buy flares.
    Second, buy the rotary.
    Third, practice, practice, practice.

    When I first started flying, I was shot out of the sky in moments, or I flew into a tree or canyon wall. Over the course of a few weeks, I got much better and I got the rotary.

    And a a tip, turn up your flight sensitivity. You'll be able to pull off more maneuvers and react faster. Although you have to find the level that's right for you and get used to it.
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  5. McFly

    Look at my name! LOOK AT MY NAME!!!!!

    Then you will learn how to fly
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  6. Oreo202

    Isn't flying solo with the Banshee kind of suicide? The thing doesn't do great damage against ESFs as far as I'm aware.

    He's TR, he probably won't need flares.
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  7. Jakey

    There's your first problem, both completely different load-outs :)

    AV - Rotary + Lolpods + Speed or Hover

    Dog - Rotary + Afterburner + Dogfighting Airframe

    IMO, others might tell you different.
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  8. flynn444

    Get that cert that allows your plane to defy physical laws like gravity. Then you'll be able to fly upside down, perform instant 180 degree turns, and do all sorts of other incredible maneuvers unavailable to tanks and infantry.
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  9. Oreo202

    I dunno, I don't have any trouble doing instant 180s with infantry...
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  10. NinjaTurtle

    I think having pitch up and pitch down mapped to your mouse thumb buttons will help alot. It means you won't have to jerk your mouse up and down all over the place. That is how I have mine mapped and although I'm not that amazing it has certainly improved my flying.

    Also you'll want rockets for killing tanks imo as they are stronger against armor than the other alternatives and you should aim for the back as that is their weakest area, and remember not to float but always keep on the move otherwise you'll end up getting a shell up your ****

    Flares is also imo a must what with all the lock on rockets. These can be outrun with extra fuel and/or great flying but if you're not at that level yet where you can out maneuver a locked rocket you will want flares.

    I also recommend certing into night vision optics. They make targets light up like a Christmas tree and imo are slightly OP. They should only work at night and during the day cause huge screen glare
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  11. Total_Overkill

    Hes a noobie pilot, he doesnt have alot of certs. He has neither the skill nor the ability to play both roles effectively at once. If hes engaged in A2A, he should just run for his life. So hes better off specializing in the A2G role.

    Banshees no where near as bad as the PPA in A2A combat as it is... and half my 12k kills are with that POS ;-p
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  12. flynn444

    Let us know when you can run upside down too.
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  13. gommer556

    you know if your not here to help and just want to bash on pilots (obvious from your last post) then just leave.
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  14. Oreo202

    Stranger things have happened.
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  15. BlackDove

    LOL You mean air vehicles are something more than disposable transport from one base to another, before you accidentally touch something at 2mph and flip over and explode?
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  16. flynn444

    It should be obvious that I'm bashing the game physics, which treat tanks/infantry differently than planes.

    If I wanted to bash pilots, I'd call them out for complaining how UP their aircraft are.
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  17. Oreo202

    Nice generalizing. Bravo.
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  18. Robes

    Wouldn't bother putting certs into any air right now. You're not allowed to fly wheres theres fights leaving you to only very small scale stuff, and even then all it takes is 1 person to lock you and everybody else out of that.
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  19. flynn444

    Sorry, I'm not clear what you're talking about.
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  20. void666

    I'm also a noobie pilot but here are my advices:

    Don't fly alone.
    Stay away from enemy territory.
    Use the waypoint marker to mark places you want to go or places where you may run to safety.
    Be patient. When i started flying i would die in minutes. I'd spend more time waiting for respawn then actually flying. Now my survivabilty is much better.
    I usually fly along with the zerg giving support to ground troops. I'm still very bad at dogfight. I often panic and crash against a rock trying to flee.
    Composite armor is useless. Maybe at max level it may be useful, i don't have it. But at level 1 or 2 it's useless. Better get nanite repair.
    Flares are not that essential, but well, i play TR. :) Most of the time i use cover to brake the lock or waste the missiles. Sometimes i let it hit me since i have nanite to repair on the fly.
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