SOE, You are losing us by the hundreds and I understand a few stay.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duke, Apr 24, 2013.

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  1. Duke

    I do not want to cause a fight with the few that enjoy Planetside 2, as a explicit matter of fact those left on these forums are generally those who enjoy the current game's state. I Cannot say you are wrong, because the fact of the matter is you simply enjoy the game and will defend it (respectfully) until it's demise.

    With that said, I am standing for the 120k people that have left the game after extensive play and the 440k people who have left after two hours of play.

    I've became a tyrant to SOE because I fight for this. It will not change who I am or what I believe.

    We have came together many times AS A COMMUNITY and SOE has failed to listen, before ALPHA launched we told them the issues they would face (I went into great detail about this on PSU, yet I was ghosted).

    I have a news flash for all of you. The community/Developer aspect has NO BARING on the outcome or design of the game. As long as people keep buying SC and support it.... We have no fight.

    So I say let them have it. Let them have Planetside 2. Let the Meat-Grinding fanatics enjoy their seven-eight month basque of fun and let the bloody game die when the remainder grow board, as most of us have.

    I am utterly confident that if SOE can develop a game that supports 2000 players, given their track record of frack-ups, then another company will emerge and do it right.

    Planetside 2 is N O T H I N G but a meat-grinding AND cert grinding BF3 mixes with CoD elements. It has no depth, no meaning and no purpose. They designed the game so that "you can jump in, play and leave" without any repercussions and they have succeeded.

    I said (ON PSU) that the game would not last 3 months after release. After a three month span, they server-merged many servers, kept many bugs in the game and still have not fixed the general flow of combat.

    I do not, and I cannot phatam why the pissed away 10 (TEN) 1 0 ( T E N ) years of knowledge and trial and error only to recreate the wheel..........

    I hope Higs unfracks this. I really do... I love Planetside...... But as it is now, it's just a POS with 'purty' graphics.

    I'm Sincerely done trying. All that would fight with me have left and there is no cause to carry on fighting this fight.

    I still stand to have an open debate with Matt Higby on the OFFICIAL forum... But I know he would refuse. Out-smarting an intellectual drunk is beyond his means.
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  2. smokemaker


    " As long as people keep buying SC and support it.... We have no fight."
    Maybe you over stated how many "we" are.
    Love the game, love where its going, and I buy station cash regularly.
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  3. Dramma Lamma

    TL / DR: Enjoy it while it lasts.
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  4. ChaosRender

    I hope they make this game in to a High Def version of PS1 one every one can stop going on about PS1.
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  5. MrMurdok

    Who IS this guy?
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  6. Killy80

    OP is right. OP will get banned for this and the thread deleted. SOE censorship policy has changed in the past days.
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  7. Kartaugh

    I'm still deciding whether the OP is writing in English as a second or third language (of which he lacks command) or simply is a product of the American educational system and therefore can't spell, construct coherent sentences or convey an idea in any meaningful way.

    TL, DR: I have no idea what he is talking about.
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  8. Killy80

    I could read his post just fine. He just didn't write it for grammar ***** which refuse to read anything which isn't perfect.
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  9. ChaosRender

    Can you blame them post like this are pointless and not helpful. Now if he posted all this so call stuff on PSU here instead that would be different.
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  10. notyourbuddy

    I sure wish you were "Sincerely done trying" as you are by far the worst poster on this board. Smear crapola rants about SOE and Higby coupled with zero constructive substance everytime you post.
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  11. Killy80

    I do believe it's helpful. The DEVs refuse to listen to the community or even communicate with them. It's no surprise people get annoyed.
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  12. Kartaugh

    I don't refuse to read anything that isn't perfect.

    I do refuse to read wild rants with little coherence or point to them.

    Seeing as I am using English as a second language (I'm Brazilian, therefore Portuguese is my mother language), anyone with half a brain and a little bit of dedication can achieve basic sentence structure, punctuation and you know, occasionally use a verb in the correct tense.

    Not asking for perfection, just readability.
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  13. ChaosRender

    Strange I see them making changes every GU based on community advice, it is one of the thing I love about this game is how much they listen to the players.
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  14. VSDerp

    its a FPS game what did you expect?? we get updates every other week. atleast the devs actually listen to ya whining a**es unlike most devs in other games that don't give a sh*t about the players. they can't do everything you desire in one day. This game is getting better and better in each update. So much negatively on these forums.
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  15. Wasdie

    This thread reads like one I've read about every week since launch.

    Seriously. Game is still not dead. You're not original. You're pulling numbers out of nowhere. You're being over dramatic.
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  16. VSDerp

    That's Duke for ya.
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  17. Llaf

    Not related to the topic, but I just wanted to say, if what you say is true, well done. Your english is excellent, you've even got some of the slang down apparently, which is a true indication of mastery. With english considered the most difficult language to learn(just ahead of japanese), I just wanted to give you a tip of my hat.
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  18. ent|ty

    Amen brother.

    RIP Planetside 2.
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  19. Captain Kid

    That's odd. English is not my native language and I can read his post just fine.
    Perhaps your understanding of the English language is lacking?
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  20. siiix

    i liked it when it for came out better, it was more like BF then now ... the community is NOT united !
    some want this , some want that ... there is not even a majority on the biggest issues

    SOE tries to listen , but to what ?! if they do this some people will hate it, if they do the opposite the other half of the community will hate it ... its a lose lose situation

    and to be frank i think there are way more x-battlefield players here then x-planetside1 players.. but of course i do not have an exact statistics... and just as the OP is partial to PS1 , i'm partial to BF
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