Windows 8 against Windows 7

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Vicarious, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. Laraso

    It's a gimmick because the start menu has been removed from the normal desktop environment completely, and shoved into the ugly mess that is Metro. There's really not a single reason why they would do this. The old start menu was better in virtually every single possible way.

    The only place in which Windows 8 should belong is on tablet PCs. What they did is they made a tablet OS, and then they marketed it and sold it as a desktop OS. It's completely idiotic.
  2. innersphere1

    many told me windows8 sucks, i stick with 7
  3. S1eB

    I never said it did things better, I said it does them differently and in most circumstances in less time.

    Who cares if it was needed or not? Hey, why change anything, ever?

    Lets all live as we do now, never changing anything and live our lives in the past.
    And no, you can't use your old system in half the time, the way Windows 8 works is faster. It's not fiction, it's a fact.
  4. Laraso

    The app store is moronic. Just the word "app" makes me want to puke. It's completely unnecessary, and all it does is let Microsoft pocket a few more dollars off of the sale of software that they didn't develop. The app store is Microsoft's first baby step towards monopolizing the PC software industry. It's a foundation that will allow Microsoft to turn Windows into a closed OS, similar to a Mac. Google it if you don't believe me.
  5. bNy_

    Never played games in windows 8 so I wouldn't know about it's gaming capability, however I've heard it should be around equal to W7. I can't stand that OS for many various reasons... At least give an option to remove all crap and make it look like w7/xp without you having to modify it with installed programs.

    If I wanted apps and cool weather reports, I'd use my smartphone. Oh well, it made me better at using windows+r at least.
  6. Zenith

    Sure bro, sure. Bet you're one of those folks who buys every new gadget, because it's new. Well, enjoy 8 while you can, knowing MS it will be redundant in a year or so anyway.
  7. NC_Edacyn

    I run Win8, dual monitor, full screen / windowed, on medium/high setting with a 660Ti card, i7, and get consistently 60-70fps no issues.

    If you're going to run Windows 8, you need to make sure your hardware has drivers available for it BEFORE you install it. There are some fundamentally good stuff in Windows 8 for us kernel geeky guys that make it a real dream of an OS to run. But if your motherboard/chipset provider doesn't have the right drivers, it will still work but it will run with generic PNP drivers for things like storage, CPU, and various other functions like networking. Which will be less optimized.

    So yes, if you have a Windows 7 logo'd PC, motherboard, stick with Windows 7. If you have a Windows 8 logo'd PC, motherboard, by all means go with Windows 8.

    I'd say for the original poster, he didn't have a fully supported mobo to run Windows 8 in a gaming environment. Sorry.
  8. S1eB

    No, I don't buy every new gadget, I didn't even buy Windows 8 :D

    MS was stupid enough to give out upgrade keys for Windows 8 Pro with the Media centre, which activated Windows 8 legit. Even if you were using the Windows 8 Beta (which I was), the upgrade key worked and activated Windows permanently. So, I now have a legit Windows 8 key for free.

    I can accept change and learn new ways of doing things, without dwelling on the past and how things used to be.
  9. Zenith

    So can I, so can most people, it's actually not a unique trait or anything special. I could adapt to having no electricity or running water, but does that mean having no electricity or running water is a better way of doing things? No.

    The fact remains, the changes between 7 and 8 are minor at best, and certainly nothing revolutionary or absolutely necessary. You did realise it was mostly designed around tablet use... right?
  10. Astealoth

    i'm still using windows vista lol

    i purchased windows 7 when it was new but i haven't had a reason to reformat my drive since i installed this copy of vista when vista was new.

    back when i had windows 95, i bought windows 98 and a bunch of new hardware (pentium III 800mhz and a new motherboard upgrading from a pentium II 233mhz). i installed all the new hardware and decided to boot it up with my old copy of windows 95 instead of going straight into a fresh install. win95 installed all the new hardware drivers no problem and it ran pretty good. i went a few months before i bothered installing windows 98.

    so since then every time i upgrade hardware i test my old OS install on the new hardware and decide if the new hardware wants a fresh install or will run stable with the old install. i think the only time i had real stability issues putting an old OS install in with a bunch of new hardware was going from windows 98 to windows 2000. my windows 98 install kept blue screening when i upgraded to a pentium 4 so i flipped over to windows 2000 which was the best change ever. i stuck with win2k almost through the entire lifespan of win XP, i only used winXP maybe 6 months before i got vista.

    and besides the launch day bugs vista has been incredibly fast and stable for me all these years. this single install of vista has run stable through 4 motherboards and completely outlived the entire lifespan of windows 7 and is going strong into windows 8's lifespan.
  11. Goretzu

    Nothing is great about Win 8 it has a UI designed for tablets touchscreens and XBOX controllers which is horrible on a Desktop :( , which more than outweighs the minor performance gain (1-2%) which is partially got by some base mechanical changes, and partially just by ripping out all the nice eyecandy that Win 7's UI has.

    The whole thing is puzzling :confused: , even Vista looked better than Win XP even if it ran like a dead dog in the early days.
  12. Goretzu

    There's positive change.
    There's negative change.
    There's change for the sake of change.
    And there's change because you don't have a tablet precense and want to use your desktop molopoly and XBOX user base to try and ram a UI down peoples throats until they give up in exhaustion and give you a tablet precense through capitulation.

    Only one of those is really a good reason for change. :)
  13. LGhost1904

    People didn't want to leave XP for the longest and a few still haven't, they were complaining about the drastic changes (as well as Vista optimization issues). People just don't like change, it's a part of aging. Still though, times are changing and somethings you have to adjust to, especially technology wise. XP is losing support as Windows 95 has, as will Windows 7 and 8...

    Windows will not revert backwards as they are moving forward, there are new comers to computers every year and a lot of them will start off with Windows 8 this year. Windows 8 RT is designed for tablet use, Windows 8 is designed for PC's... Windows 8 is much more useful for touch screens or new coming touch pads compared to Windows 7... But it's not catered to touchscreens whatsoever

    Microsoft is far from desperate, the people who complain about losing the start menu are not hurting them if they were to lose their business, I'm just saying that they are a minority. Windows 7 to Windows 8 isn't even a big change though, I can't say the same thing about the next one, but it may build off Windows 8.
  14. Bill Hicks

    I know your post was supposed to be witty and sarcastic, but you just end up looking like a clueless microsoft fanboi.
    Do think there was no way microsoft couldn't add the new direct x to the older versions windows? vista 7 and 8 are all 64 bit there was no reason for them to have separate direct x.

    I know you couldnt make a better post, you had that dane cook show to attend.
  15. Calisai

    So you used a third party program to make windows 8's UI look and perform like windows 7.

    My point exactly. The only thing I don't like about windows 8 is the UI... but that's a big thing. Since I'm in IT, I expressly didn't install any add-on to create a windows 7 experience due to having to support windows 8 stock, so I am trying to "learn" it. What I found was an extremely frustrating interface unless you have touchscreen (like their new surface tablets). Being forced to use an UI that is great for touch screens, but sucky with keyboard/mouse is a bad business decision by Microsoft. They can afford to make those decisions due to being Microsoft and having huge market share though. They are betting on most computers in the future having touchscreen elements and being able to utilize those changes fully... however, it sucks for the transition, and makes Companies not transition to it, and users shy away from it due to the completely different feel to it.

    I've finally given up and installed Start8 on my machine and things are much less frustrating.
  16. Scorponok

    yay our PCs have become enlarge PHONES...hurray...soon you will not be able to do **** without first buying the OS...then buying the programs you need to run throu their online not against changes but i can smell they are going to milk this like hell...its not like the OS itself is expensive enough already...spesially for people that custom build their PC's.
  17. SgtScum

    Windows 8 is made for casual touchscreen phone users who can't bother with learning all that difficult mouse and keyboard stuff.

    Real computer users will still be rolling on win 7 for a long long long time to come.
    • Up x 2
  18. WookLordz

    Wow, Win8 makes my entire rig more responsive and boot much faster. It also seems to handle multicore CPU better for this game, as I have more even usage of all cores. I can't recommend it highly enough. There are NUMEROUS methods to bypass or alter the Metro Interface to suit your needs.
  19. Phazaar

    98>XP>7>all other iterations>8>ME.
    • Up x 1
  20. SgtScum

    Sounds like a placebo effect to me. There are NUMEROUS reviews that say stay away from win 8 if you already have win 7 and don't have a touchscreen.

    98SE>>>>ALL!(though I do love my win 7 nowadays..)