LOL at TR overpopulation

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ChickenDinner, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. ChickenDinner

  2. ChickenDinner

    Btw, I quit.

    Because it's either NC at 50% or TR at 50% all day, everyday.

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  3. fludblud

    Must be all the Chinese players at non peak times
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  4. Spartan 117

    I was convinced that was Waterson for a moment, then...

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  5. ChickenDinner


  6. Fenrisk

    The bigger LOL in this picture is playing 3 characters on the same server. Is that to catch the alert experience? or troll the other 2 factions with friendly fire and C4?
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  7. ChickenDinner

    To test out enemy weapons in the VR?
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  8. HadesR

    Connery has always been the same, the ebbs and flows of pop balance at different times is huge . Sadly not a lot SOE can do about it Globally and outside of prime time.

    I try to ignore the World pop as much as possible and just play on a continent that's as balanced as possible.
  9. Fenrisk

    rank 7 from VR?

    There are plenty of servers with 50% NC at different times of the day including one of the servers i play on but i hardly feel the need to screen cap and post a LOL NC 50% population. What exactly was your point?
  10. ChickenDinner

    So it's against the rules for me to trial enemy weapons and test them in real battle situations?

    what are you so angry about? TR OPness?
  11. RobotNinja

    Rank 7 could easily be acquired in one play session.
  12. Ganelon

  13. MuNrOe

    US - NC
    China - TR (Mainly because the hacks work better with their weapons)
    Now all we need is an influx of players who play Vanu from a different country to fill the void.
  14. Jalek

    One or two alerts ending while you're in the VR could get you close to that.
  15. Fenrisk

    There are 5 servers where the NC have the highest population and none were they have the lowest.
    There are 3 servers where TR has highest population and 5 where they have the lowest population.
    There is only 1 server where Vanu have the highest population and 4 where they have the lowest population.

    This is out of all 9 servers and based on active accounts.

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  16. HadesR

    Well not really /thread :p because we all know that active accounts and Hour by hour World pop's are different things ..
    I'm not complaining .. PS2 is a Global 24/7 game , it is what it is .. You grow a pair, suck it up and deal with it
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  17. Purg

    I was TR in that Amerish alert - that's my main TR alt and was surprised by the imbalance. Most of the time I play on Connery, it's NC that has the massive population imbalance.
  18. MooMasher

    I would have to agree with you there Munroe. It does seem that most not all but most the hackers/aimbots use TR. But in a real war with the USA, China would lose as in real life their soldiers can not use aimbots.
  19. Shubniggurath

  20. LibertyRevolution

    Waterson looks the same... All the EU guys come over and trash the place every morning..

    Video taken right now with Alert on AMERISH...

    I really wish they never merged us with TOTALBISCUT FANCLUB...