Shotguns spoiling infantry combat.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by DeltaGun, Apr 22, 2013.

  1. DeltaGun

    Shotguns are mandatory for indoor and close range fighting. They will usually defeat a machine gun in of engagements under 20m, and nearly 100% of the time when under 10m.

    They kill you so quickly, you can't react (unless you have a shotgun too). You can shoot a person six times and they can 180 and shoot you once with a shotgun. They win. WHAT.. I don't even. How does this make for fun gameplay?

    I was hoping that they would seriously nerf the pump-shotguns, but their "nerf" hardly changed them.

    I've heard the argument that "Shotguns are balanced because they are ineffective at long range". There are two issues with this statement.

    1. You are NOT forced to fight long range battles in PS2. You ARE forced to in close range battles to capture points. Often you just drop pod right onto your enemy! Not to mention that Vehicles dominate in outdoor/long range engagements, not machine guns. Thus shotguns are more useful than machine guns.

    2. Shotguns instantly kill enemies at ranges which it is also easy to hit them. Imagine that machine guns instantly killed enemies at long range, one or two or three shots. In this case, it would actually be balanced. Instead, it is incredibly difficult to hit long range targets, and even if you do, it takes 7 or more well-aimed hits to kill an enemy! This amount so a kill time that is so large, the enemy is most likely to seek cover before their health can be depleted. It hardly compares to the instant kill time of a shotgun weapon. Usually a shotgun-user can simply wait behind cover for the enemy to get closer, which they HAVE to to capture a point.

    So we've now established that Shotguns are overall the best weapon for infantry to use. Not its time for the real kicker.

    New players don't have access to shotguns. The best infantry weapons in the game, you must pay for or spend hours playing for 1000 certs. This completely goes against SOE's philosophy and everything the Devs stood for.

    SOE wants MLG in PS2? Let's talk about that.

    I'm not a fan of MLG FPS titles, but I can't imagine that they include weapons which are so imbalanced as shotguns in PS2. It will come as a suprise to no-one, that an theoretical MLG team would have a simple strategy: the whole team gets in tanks/aircraft to approach an objective. Then, they switch to all shotguns to capture the point while some vehicles are left to protect the shotgun team from being taken out at longer ranges. In this scenario, a MLG team has taken the most effective use of the tools given. They have used the most powerful weaponry for the situation. Machine guns did not factor into the equation.

    I didn't write all this just to not offer a solution to the problem. There are two easy solutions for the devs.

    1. You like shotguns. It fits your idea of PS2. The kill time is where you want it. You also want the game to be more like Battlefield, remember? Great, so double the damage of all machine guns.
    2. You made shotguns too strong. Ooops! You liked the original kill time and feel of PS2 back in beta when there weren't any shotguns. Half the (maximum) damage of all shotguns.

    Come at me, shotty bros.
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  2. Bill Hicks

    pumps with slugs getting OHK at medium is kinda ridondulus but you are not really forced into cqc that much. I often wait outside control points and wait for shotgunners to come down the hall and watch them squirm before the die, doing 10 damage to me.
  3. Konfuzfanten

    Every FPS needs noob weapons.

    PS2 got shotguns, actually its the auto and pumpaction thats the "problem", the auto/pumpaction shotgun TTK just makes for uninspiring combat.
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  4. gigastar

    I kill shotgun users with the Lasher at shotgun range. Does that make the Lasher a shotgun?

    If not then i dont see what the problem with shotguns is anymore.
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  5. Parasox

    Shotguns have turned what used to be engaging, skill-based CQC into Hello Kitty Point & Click Adventures. By doing so they've trivialized many of the other weapons designed to fit the role.

    But SOE doesn't care, because people buy them, and that's all they can ask of a game dying by their hands. Bit of a tragedy really.
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  6. MilitiaMan

    Everything ruins everything, so tired of seeing these threads honestly.

    ESF cry about Infantry.
    MBT cry about ESF.
    Infantry cry about ESF and MBT...

    After awhile everything will get nerfed and we will be forced to run at each other and ***** slap the **** out of one another....
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  7. Tobax

    Umm yeah you are, you have to go into the base to take it and fighting in a cap point room is cqc, there for every base/outpost in the entire game required cqc to take it.

    I have long tried to use the carbines, LMG's and AR's as much as possible but even I gave up recently and now just grab a claw or sweeper to hold points or gen's, a hate ever using the word nerf but.... I know they are meant to be good up close but there is soo much of it that they become a constant pain.
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  8. ShayeUK

    Heavy Assaults, spoiling infantry combat.
  9. DeltaGun

    It's a legitimate thread that happens to have nothing to do with vehicles like the other threads you posted.

    I would also like to add that one of my suggested solutions is NOT a nerf, its a buff. To machine guns.
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  10. DeltaGun

    Now now, let's stay on topic. :p
  11. Pengalor

    "So we've now established that Shotguns are overall the best weapon for infantry to use."

    Lol no you didn't.
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  12. Phazaar

    Infantry are spoiling shotgun combat....

    Seriously, could this need anything but a massive 'L2P' tag. I get killed by shotguns maybe a couple times in a day. I kill shotgun users almost every time I encounter them. They're better equipped than you are for close range, so bait them into a longer range encounter where they'll need to use a second shot, or make sure their first shot doesn't hit, or simply kill them before they shoot you.

    You aren't supposed to win every encounter. It's not just skill that decides the outcome, it's how prepared you are. If you're blasting through hallways with an LMG, you're not as well prepared as the guy at the end of the hallway with the shotgun. This allows him to mitigate the fact that you may have better reactions, precision, map knowledge than him, but he's got the tactical priority position, and he's going to win. He'd win with an SMG, or a carbine, or even a revolver and a knife.

    If you double the damage of LMGs, you'll have to double the damage of carbines, SMGs, ARs and sniper rifles too. And if you do that, you'll have to double the damage of tank shells, rocket pods, zephyrs etc too. It's a stupid 'solution' to a non-existent problem. If you half the damage of PAS (I assume it's PAS you're complaining about really), there'll be absolutely no reason to use them as they'll guarantee you death in -every- situation. Instead, you'll just have to go back to your Piston/Nighthawk/the VS one. That still too low TTK for you (despite that it's matched by a good SMG user)? So you half the damage of the rest of the shotguns... Now there's absolutely no reason to use one, at all, whatsoever. That's not variety, or balance, it's just you getting your way, and believe me, no one wants that but you.
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  13. diversionkay

    The only reason I use my shotgun is because of the ridiculous time to take down heavies even at close quarter fights.
  14. Kracken

    Been thinking about changing my signature....

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  15. DeltaGun

    Nice ignoring the part where I explained that you are forced into CQC due to the mechanics of the game. BTW, If you're going to tell someone to L2P at least have better stats than they do.

    This doesn't make any sense. Heres what you just said: The enemy was more prepared and brought a shotgun, so he wins. However, he could have not brought a shotgun and won. What are you even talking about? Otherwise I'm sure we are all aware that getting the jump on your enemy helps, and its the only way a machine gun user can defeat a shotgun user in close range engagements.

    When I sway "Machine gun" I mean all machine guns. Not just LMG. And how does that effect vehicle balance? Lol, pulling this stuff out of thin air aren't you.

    Well I'm glad you speak for everyone. I think it's time we share this with the world that their opinions will now be channeled through you. You just know better.
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  16. Pengalor

    Lol bringing up KDR in Planetside, that hilarious.
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  17. EvilPhd

    All the more incentive to get a shotty if you want close combat..or a launcher, or a mine, or a max, or a cloaking SMG inf, or a shield, or a team. I am so sorry that you can't rambo it up as much any more.

    The 'noobs don't have shottys' argument is getting real old and doesn't hold much water.
    It doesn't hold water because there are a myrid of ways noobs are going to get certs anyways. Engi, medics, planes, tanks, snipers, infiltrators.

    LMGs and SMGs are not obsolete and biofarms are not the only engagements.

    Your weakness is your playstyle.
    Trying to appeal to nooblets tears isn't helping your cause.

    Before you bring up my KDR too because you seem to think it's some bragging right, I'm an engi. I'm a support class. I'm also a lib / galaxy / sunderer pilot in the whole support thing. I run 4890's which get bad frame rates so I play to what I can. Look at my time in game. Yeah. I know WTF I'm talking about.
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  18. Phazaar

  19. Bloodskull

    Shotgun? I find them fine.

    Pump Action Shotguns? Worst idea in the game for infantry weapons.
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  20. Bloodskull