TR Faction seemingly more perfect each GU

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BoSeefus, Apr 19, 2013.

  1. BoSeefus

    I am a TR Loyalist - I don't cave to my interest in knowing what Smurfs and Barneys use to get that K/D ratio optimal.
    But as I watch each GU or hot fix, TR was set up almost perfectly from launch. We are by far the less tinkered with, just nerfed here and there ;) I think it's mainly due to TR don't complain as much about our disadvantages and just make due. Funny thing is when we are organized and want to, we still own!!!
    There aren't enough improvements the belly aching can get or TR nerfs to stop us!!

    PlanetSide Vetran since 2006
    TR Loyalist forever!
  2. Cowabunga

    Cool story bro.
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  3. S0LAR15

    Yea your disadvantage is what exactly?
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  4. Aisar

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  5. Jrv

    It's funny because TR whine more than anyone. Granted the Vanu have a better anti-nerf response team, but Terran do most of the whining around here.
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  6. Yil

    People doubled up on their idiot pills today.
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  7. LonelyTerran

    Actually we keep getting nerfed each GU for the most part.

    I'll just leave this here
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  8. Radec594

    Let's see, lower damage per bullet, ridiculous spread, the funniest diagonal recoil in the game yet, not much of that "highest ROF trait!" stuff, crappy LMGs for long range, what else...
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  9. S0LAR15

    Less damage per bullet is not correct given that it also affects the VS. that other stuff is also subjective, it's not like VS Is any more accurate or doesn't have stupid horizontal recoil too.
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  10. USD

    did they really nerf our pounders?
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  11. Amphoric

    pls dont provoke them ugh -_-
  12. Revel

    No bullet drop
  13. desktop

    i remember when the vulcan got love. It went from pea shooter to gau-8.
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  14. PurpleOtter

    I'm not sure exactly, but I think SOE managed to figure out a way to nerf a giant marshmallow....
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  15. Whiteagle

    "Our guns SUCK!" -Average NC Player, who doesn't know about engaging the Enemy at their prefered Range.
    "OUR EVERYTHING SUCKS!" -Average Vanu Player, who doesn't realise they have the BEST ******* tank in the game.
    "Suck it up, at least you aren't stuck with the Pounder." -Average Terran Player.
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  16. Teegeeack

    They should make Planetside 2 ****. "Are you going to nerf my pounder, Higby?"
  17. RobotNinja

    There's only one range you can capture a point at...and it's CLOSE...which happens to NOT be the NC's "preferred Range" as you put it.
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  18. TheBloodEagle

    Every faction has weapons in the same damage tiers such as 167 and 143. Regarding LMGs, VS have 4 143, and 2 167, TR have 1 167 and 5 143 & NC have 4 167, 1 143 and 1 200. It's similar for other weapons as well.
  19. kungflu

    So those recent nerf threads poppin' wasn't elmo tears?
  20. 13lackCats

    The complaining is an interesting study in demographics.

    I don't know if one can correlate maturity level to faction choice, but one can certainly correlate maturity level with the amount of resolve a person has to first overcome challenge using one's own moxie, and only use censorship as a last resort.
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