Briggs and NC

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Tullerion, Apr 15, 2013.

  1. Stinkasectomy

    well, just played an alert tonight (this morning) on amerish on my TR alt. populations were VS 27 TR 10 NC 62. bonus XP was 45%, 50% and 0%. thats a massive whopping bonus, should (hopefully?) sway some more people back to TR and VS.

    i mean, if you can get 10000 score per hour unmodified for 2 hours, thats A FULL ALERT BONUS

    i quite happily sat on 25k modified sph (about 15k unmodified) while flying air superiority in an almost uncerted mossie (stealth 1, flares 1, dogfighting 1, needler with nothing but lvl 2 ammo, fueltanks).

    so yeah, from a purely cert-farming point of view, its now better to be on a 10% TR side with 50% xp bonus (or, heaven forbid, a 27% VS with a 45% XP bonus) than it is to be part of the 62% NC (assuming you can get 10k sph)

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  2. Purg

    Ok, must be imagining the population dropping from TR and VS and NC spiking during alerts? Much the same observations ofthers have made.

    Here's the start of the Esamir alert from 2 days ago at 21:27.



    As the alert progressed, VS and TR world pops dropped, NC spiked and joined Esamir.

    Have I tried playing TR/VS alert during Briggs? No. Only have an NC on Briggs. It's obvious to me that if VS didn't jump to NC during that alert, they would have had a chance. Don't know how that makes me an obvious troll.
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  3. NovaAustralis

    Agree on both accounts.
    It's a positive feedback system.
    NC starts winning an alert, more people switch over to NC, NC starts winning faster, even more people switch over to NC... etc...

    From a 41BN perspective (and likely the other established NC outfits) this is hurting us as well.
    NC reputation on Briggs is going down the drain.
    We have to deal with numerous randoms, trolling and TK'ing.
    As well as the Dominating Victories being hollow and most of the process made boring by the lack of a good stand-up fight.
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  4. NovaAustralis

    As a dedicated NC player, I obviously don't have full visibility on the internal workings of the VS and TR on Briggs,
    but is it really that bad?

    Having fought against you, I would have thought a combined TROL, VFD, TAW8 and N7VD effort would put up a good fight.
    As would a combined KNTR, IIW, KOL, JUGA, BOTM effort.

    Why are VS and especially TR so tied to Indar?
    Nearly every Esamir and Amerish alert, the initial start population of TR and VS has been wishy-washy, not dominating... why the lack of enthusiasm?
    Those outfit leaders please weigh in here...
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  5. GSZenith

    make nc alt dooh problem sloved :D
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  6. Caydn

    at the moment vanu are taking most of easmir during the current alert , 20 minutes left and they hold 80% of the map and 55% of the pop so this thread is rather stupid the game runs in cycles everyones gets a turn to dominate a map sooner or later
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  7. Yasa

    Because none of the TR outfits except maybe JUGA bothers with the alerts. Look at it from a TR perspective.

    All this while, we have been steamrollered during amerish and esimir alerts. Say I am leading my outfit's platoon, 48 players. The alert population is 60% for the NC. Who on earth will send 48 of your outfit members to a boring, inevitable and somewhat familiar death? Dont even bother with a 'combined effort', outfit leaders only have jurisdiction on their own outfits. And the TR outfits are more comfortable fighting each other (command channel is a nightmare). Also, we have the lowest global population.

    It is stupid to blame people for this mess. It is just the way humans react to a game mechanic.

    For now I am content with earning my free 40 NC certs every alert. You are unproductiveif you do not log onto an NC character before the timer is up just to get the free certs. It only takes a few seconds and you get to try out their equipment, even if you never play that character. (I bought a phoenix launcher without having to play my nc char at all)
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  8. y3ivan

    NC on briggs lost a few alerts in Amerish even with the bloated pop during the last 30mins.

    Once i went back to each continent Warpgate to do a quick recruiting, i notice whole a bunch of 4th faction lingering around. Not contributing anything.
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  9. Prince Planet

    SOE, when you sound an alert, just divide the 3 factions into 2 teams by numbers. I remain VS in look and weapons, just my enemy be that another VS has a red triangle over their head.

    It's all about the alert not so much faction fighting.
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  10. Purg

    Absolutely. I was killed by more NC in that Esamir alert than I was by TR/VS combined. I don't need the XP, I've got something like 5000 certs sitting there doing nothing. When the alerts first started, a lot of them were 33/33/33 and some of the best fights I've had in the game. I don't want uneventful capping or being swept up in the moronic zerg - I'd love a fair fight against tough opposition even if that means being warpgated.
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  11. soeguud

    But stalemates are boring! let TR VS switch to their NC alts during alerts! watching the map turn blue is satisfying. As for TR's WE DON'T DO ALERTS COZ WE DON'T LIkE LOSING your participation would make the fights so much more compelling.

    People might stop skipping over to NC
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  12. SgtBreastroker

    Right before I joined today the VS had 46% pop with TR at 26% and NC at 28%. NC are taking the lead again, there isn't an alert though and this is expected.
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  13. Mcponington

    I was on the alert that the VS won earlier today where the population balance went the other way. The alert system is broken as it promotes the players to stack on the winning side. You can't have both your characters logged in at the same time so it is more effective for your cert gain to always stack on the winning side and go for the dominating victory. This slippery slope starts very early as soon as one side is gaining an advantage the population for the winning side will steadily increase. The reward for the alert should be mostly based on your participation in the event, win or lose I believe.
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  14. SgtBreastroker

    inb4 today's Amerish alert rage
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  15. Serval

    It's annoying that this problem is so artificial; the pops will be near even but then TR/VS send almost no one to the alert continent causing skewed population there and it just gets worse and worse until the event ends.

    Locking faction swapping after the alert starts would definitely help, since people obviously can't manage it themselves.
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  16. Robk

    VS don't take on alerts anymore because of the overwhelming NC populations, if we fight we can still win but because of your huge pop you just cap everything around us so we have to fall back. We would like to fight but we can't with the populations being so unbalanced.

    And about the obsession with indar, its because the TR give us good fair fights instead of zerging around with 50% of the server population.

    Almost all TROL commanders actually have begun to boycott alerts because they are pointless when we know they NC will just zerg spam us. Also N7 has begun this (they still go to some alerts though), and the rest I'm not 100% sure about so I won't comment.
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  17. Purg

    I hear you. I play other factions on other servers where I created characters on the least populated. I don't buy the VS not taking on alerts. Here's proof.

    2 days ago, this is the prime time Briggs Esamir alert.



    Now look at the shift in population during that alert. VS decline matching an NC incline.


    I feel for TR on Briggs, I really do. I've played with them and they were organised and awesome and they don't abandon their post. Ultimately, I didn't want to kill my own platoon mates so I deleted my Briggs TR. From the last graph we can either conclude that bedtime for VS is inversely proportional to game time for NC. Or - VS abandon their faction for NC.

    Notice the spike back to VS once the alert is done. Coincidence?
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  18. Worxe

    bout an hour in, from tonight, pretty sweet, vicious VS push over south of saurva - best bit being 33/33/33




    oh wai..
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  19. NovaAustralis

    Nicely done Worxe, glad someone got a screenshot.

    There were some EPIC battles going on.
    An Alert on Indar with 33% population for each faction does that.

    Then 4 mins before the end of the Alert, the server shuts down...
    WTF SOE?
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  20. AxisO7

    It is a bit ridiculous that just as the TR are about to win a rare alert the servers go down with about 7 minutes remaining. Ah well, we had some good battles and we all know who won.

    It will be interesting to see if the boost to experience for the underpopulated factions helps at all. I tend to think that it will help, but will ultimately need to be made even higher.
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