Says the Chez: GU07 Weapon Tuning

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by JGood, Apr 12, 2013.

  1. Phyr

    Any chance of opening the scout rifles to more classes?
  2. SgtBreastroker

    I can already see the NERF TR MERCY MAX threads after this update.
  3. DiHorizon

    How many fights do you have that exceed 70m? (The "intended" range of most weapons)
    Post 22 shows the graph of damage fall off and by the current damage model you're outperforming the NC and TR on a shot by shot basis at ranges less than 70m. It's only after that point you're losing out. And realisitcally, why are you trying to snipe infantry that are more than 70m away? Bring out your sniper rifle; those have the same damage fall off on all factions.

    This is actually a VS nerf in disguise, unless they buff projectile speed at the same time.
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  4. Zeke342

    ALL anti vehicle max weapons..?

    I'm assuming this doesn't include bursters, correct? Theres no way in hell burster maxes need a buff -.- if anything they need a nerf, but that would just encourage lolpodding. All a buff will do is make sure an ESF is gibbed even if they aren't hovering.
  5. Alarox

  6. Alarox

    -1 for saying a damage increase is a nerf.

    -1 for saying that not having to take into account bullet drop isn't an advantage.

    The things I could do with a Gauss Saw and no bullet drop...
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  7. TheBloodEagle

    Actually, below 70m VS has a damage advantage. After the patch, the VS damage & range model tiers will be the exact same as TR & NC. You could argue that the bullets-to-kill are pretty much the same but it does help against shields, nanoweave & gaining assists.

    I'll make it easy for you. After the patch, the VS will be the same as the Blue line.

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  8. Alarox

    Your numbers are right. Your interpretation is wrong.

    It's all about whether or not an advantage is practical. For example, it doesn't matter if I dealt 10k damage with my knife if I hit at 50m, because I won't ever hit at 50m. Basically, the damage "advantage" is not an actual advantage in any situation.

    1.) Pre-patch, a given VS weapon could take 7 shots to kill before 70m just like a TR equivalent damage weapon. After 70m, a given VS weapon could take 8 shots to kill after 70m, while a TR equivalent damage weapon would only kill in 7.

    That is a damage advantage, but it is no practical advantage. However, the disadvantage is practical.

    2.) Post-patch, a given VS will take 7 shots to kill before 70m just like a TR equivalent damage weapon. After 70m, a given VS will take 7 shots just like a TR equivalent damage weapon.

    Now since there's no difference in shots to kill, when compared to pre-patch it is certainly a buff.
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  9. Badname3073

    What about T5 AMC? It is currently the crappiest carbine in the game. Would you finally reduce the stupid first shot recoil, and also buff the damage to 167/bullet? Otherwise it is plainly worse than anything else, and by far.
  10. Sieve

    Question, will the VS MAX accuracy fixes from the test server be live at this point?
  11. TheBloodEagle

    But I just said that already. You're repeating what I just said about arguing bullets-to-kill. I said the damage edge is more helpful against ASC shields, HA shields, nanoweave & getting Assists.

    I'll give you an example again @ 65 meters.
    NC/TR = 125 per bullet
    VS Standard = 126,8 per bullet
    VS High Velocity = 128.2 per bullet

    times that with ROF and you get a slight edge to get more assists and so forth that I mentioned. Keep in mind PS2 is not a 1vs1 pure twitch game, so damage also comes in from many players & various ranges & weapons so it does help a bit to get kills and assist. It actually was a practical advantage because most infantry shooting is below 70m.

    If you think those numbers are worthless than so is Soft Point ammo then. SP is used to give yourself an edge in CQB. No VS LMG has access to SP. Guess why?

    Soft Point @ 15m = 143 per bullet
    Standard @ 15m = 141 (.5 something) per bullet

    It's totally up to VS if they care or not. I'm just pointing out that VS did have an edge below 70m. I'm more upset that the factions are becoming more and more the same. VS had a really unique damage & range model to go along with no bullet drop.
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  12. VexTheRaven

    My comets are getting a large buff? Hot damn! I already own face with my dual comets, I can't wait to massacre tanks and infantry alike with them!
  13. DeltaGun

    Trust me, VS care much more about one bullet difference then these hypothetical "assists".
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  14. Posse

    • All VS weapons
      • The extra damage scaling at range will be removed from all VS weapons. Post patch, the VS damage scaling will match the damage scaling of the other two factions.
      • Okay I guess, won't change much for me, and I don't think it'll change much at all since combat at those ranges is almost nonexistent.
    • Battle Rifles
      • All battle rifles will be getting recoil adjustments, which will allow them to place multiple shots on the same target at a much faster rate.
      • In addition, muzzle velocity and/or damage scaling will get slight adjustments so that they’re more capable at range.
      • I didn't even know there were battle rifles lol
    • Scout Rifles
      • They goal with these is to give the infiltrator a viable medium range weapon, so they will get a large tuning pass that makes them better fit that role.
      • Good change, everything that wasn't bolt-action was practically useless
    • MAX weapons
      • A few of the underperforming TR and VS anti-infantry weapons will be getting minor adjustments to bring them up to par.
      • Nice, as long as the Mercy/Cosmos don't get buffed because those might turn OP really easily, the other VS MAX weapons at least definitely need some more love (dunno about the TR). This won't make the NC MAX underpowered, in fact, it's not like the nerf changed much, they still dominate the Bio Labs/Towers as before the nerf, it's only not as abusive as it was.
      • All faction anti-vehicle weapons will be getting a large buff. These weapons will be getting the largest adjustment in the patch, with magazine sizes, rate of fire, and more stats all improved.
      • Finally! AV MAX were so useless before, I don't think I'll be certing into them in the short/medium run though, I'm happy with my lancer :D
    • Grenades
      • The grenade trajectory is changing so that it is thrown directly at your aim point, instead of being angled slightly from your hand like it is currently on live.
      • Didn't understand this one.
  15. Alarox

    I never saw any of your previous posts until the time you quoted me above, so I wouldn't know what you said before that.


    You make a good point about this. It's more of sacrificing your advantage to remove your disadvantage. So I'll concede to the idea that this isn't strictly a buff. However, I do think that a consistent 1 bullet less to kill past 70m is more of an offset to the % difference in damage before 70m. But whether or not the removal of the disadvantage will off-set the removal of the advantage will be entirely situational.

    That being said, I can sympathize with regretting the factions becoming homogenized.
  16. Xhaleon

    The stated change to the scout rifles just makes it seem like they're turning them into assault rifles. If so, why not just give Infiltrators access to assault rifles then?

    The scout rifles can then be shuffled over to the battle rifle category as added variety.
  17. Anti-Skub

    Two pretty major balance concerns here. As people have already pointed out. With the VS damage scaling being changed to match the other factions what is the drawback for their lack of bullet drop and lower recoil? And with the NC AI damage nerf and a buff to the TR/VS AI Maxs, what benefit does the NC max get for having a fraction of the effective range?
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  18. Bill Hicks

    So VS get, good reloads, Accuracy, ADS speed, good velocity, good recoil, and good ROF with no downsides? and add the bonus of no bullet drop.

    on top the get the best defualt camo in the game

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  19. Phyr

    We also have the lowest population and pink digital camo.
  20. CHDT65

    Nice for the bingo winners who will be able to get all these revised guns for free.
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