Of all the BS we've suffered through from SOE,

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fiatsu, Apr 10, 2013.

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  1. Fiatsu

    Nothing has demoralized me more than this cert Sstorm.

    It's amazing and i'm weirdly upset, jealous sure but the overall effect is the same.

    The game has lost its meaning, soo much time and effort and a bunch of kids gets to cut in front of you and laugh about it.

    I feel like i've went to school for 7 years to get a diploma that some kid pays for in minutes with daddy' credit card.


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  2. OAG_72

    Doesn't bother me at all. Other players can use legitimate tools to get cert boosts like Alpha Boosts and memberships, so to me it has always been pointless to compare myself to others.
    The game should have meaning for you based on you, not them.
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  3. Dubious

    Boosts are just that, boosts
    You still have to work for it
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  4. Accuser

    This has got to be the biggest damn whine fest I've ever seen.
    I think I've bought a few duplicates, but I haven't gotten to log in to see what the compensation was.
    Maybe it will be a lot, maybe it will be almost nothing. But SOE decided to give some compensation for people who paid twice for something they only needed to pay for once, and that's a positive move.

    This "omfg I didn't get any certs" thing is unbelievable.
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  5. Paperlamp

    Some players got considerably larger returns per SC spent I think is the issue. It's a legitimate complaint.
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  6. Caydn

    You know they need to make money to pay for these servers right ?
  7. 5kyn3t

    I think SOE should close down all the current and future threads about this. ..
    its just becoming dangerous. Imagine if north korea worked out a way to weaponize all the 8utthurt...
    The whole world could be at real risk of an ICBM (incontinent 8utthurt missle ) strike here
  8. Dubious

    You know that they don't really lose any money by refunding SC, right?
    In fact, people got refunded a higher value than they have used on the game, so this move could make SOE lose money
  9. HMR85

    Hey, I didn't get ****. You don't see me on here crying about. :rolleyes:
  10. Syphers

    "Suffered" loll Cmon it's a freaking game. But yeah 40k+ certs is kinda ridiculous
  11. Spartan 117

    Its not about "I didn't get any certs" its BR1's have double the certs of BR100's. Do you see a problem here? Players who have been playing for 50-60 DAYS having less certs than new characters...
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  12. WaRadius

    How can you suffer from additional certs? Especially, when they're not yours anyway.
  13. Novmiech

    what "over all effect" on the game are you talking about?

    Certs are very easy to come by and with few exceptions outside of your first 10k or so - really don't impact your game play. Once you have a good AT weapon, primary, 2nd burster, and a couple key items like AT and AP mines its really all semantics - how much does rank 5 NW armor protect you? ONE BULLET. Which is to say in either max upgraded armor or none - whoever gets the jump on you is going to win. There are lots of upgrades that simply don't get better with rank, such as Vangaurd shield and HA Resist shield. There are plenty of default weapons that a BR1 player can use and never need to upgrade - such as the NC Gauss Rifle, or the TR Carv.

    Do you know what kind of game breaking upgrades I spent my several thousand certs on?

    Rank 10 Ammo capacity. Oooooooh!

    Rank 5 Ammo kit. Aaaaah!

    Jump jets 5. Wooooooooooow!

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  14. Akordia

    I dont get it... what is the reason of this bug ?
  15. Dubious

    all of those will speed up your cert gain
    Everything starts with a small ripple
  16. ACE McFACE

    While getting 100k certs becauce you bought something twice is a bit excessive, its not like someone with more certs is out right impossible to kill. They just have a slight edge, except it some cases (eg: Minguard, 70% at max level)
  17. AssaultPig

    I don't really see what the big problem is. Even assuming some of these people actually did benefit from bugs (I think lots of folks would be surprised at the amount of cash people are willing to spend on a game like this), so what? A relative few people will get to go on a spending spree. It's not going to impact your gameplay in any kind of meaningful way.

    I honestly don't even envy the people who got granted 20k+ certs or whatever. Sure, it'd be fun to go on a shopping spree, but before long I'd have all the stuff I wanted with probably thousands of certs left over. And then I'd spend those on random bits that maybe I'll never use. Before long there'd be nothing left to work toward, and working toward stuff is (imo) a big part of the fun of this kind of game.
  18. CHDT65

    "You know they need to make money to pay for these servers right ?"

    By pissing at PAYING customers.

    I've paid already 100 dollars for this game and I was planning to pay 50-80 dollars each coming year.
    This money is gone for SOE.
  19. Zan_Aus

    Actually, the cert system works in both directions. Some certs like Nanoweave give a tiny bonus for the 1,000 cert level. Other certs say like the ones that reduce cooldown (IR Smoke) each level is something like a 20% improvement over the last. Being able to buy dual extended magzines instantly on all your MAX weapons is a MASSIVE advantage.

    It just depends what you are buying. If you spend it the right way, 100k certs is an enormous force multiplier to your character.
  20. IamSalvation

    I think they have to make sure that each player that has premium or bougth SC get some free Certs... like 5k or something... its just too unfair to give some nothing when others got so much...

    As for me i got 7k Certs on each Character. IT was nice and i am not upsett about other getting more.

    But i CAN understand that players that spend lots of money and get nothing and have to see others getting 10k or even 100k Certs for free are upset and very unhappy.

    They should somehow rollback that really high amounts of certs given to a single player and give everyone that payed a bit of Certs to have something to be happy with...

    I don´t think its such a big Problem.. Certs don´t give you that much more Power and i don´t think there are lots of Players with this really high amounts...
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