To those who said the Scattmax was OP

Discussion in 'MAX' started by LanceHavenbay, Apr 8, 2013.

  1. LanceHavenbay

    And the Mercy is so much better, right?

    SOE needs to start messing with 'effective range' rather than trying to always edit the sheer damage/reload/fire speed of weapons. Turning down damage does do anything but put one weapon under another. Each faction is supposed to have superior traits toward one another, and inferior traits.

    I do agree that the NC MAX needed a slight nerf, but SOE implemented the nerf terribly. Honestly, I'd go as far to say that half the whiners on these forums do not play each side.
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  2. Reposite

    i played both NC and VS... it's really OP.

    when double XP comes all NC gets into 4th faction splatmax and camps in biolabs. so predictable
  3. llPendragon

  4. Ztiller

    I really wish people would stop using that idiotic "score/hour proves everything" argument, without stopping 5 seconds to actually think about what they are saying

    Guess what. The faction with the most members are NC. That means that TR and VS have More targets/players, meaning more potential kills, where as the NC have to compete with eachother more for every kill.

    100 VS/TR kills shared across 50 NC players will give less score/hour than 100 NC kills shared across 40 VS/TR players. More targets = Higher potential score. Less Targets = Lower potential score.

    You can't just blindly point at "score/hour" stats and claim them to be gods gift to balancing information. There are WAY too many variables.

    And that old "It was our only good thing" argument is so outplayed, by every faction. VS said it after their MAg nerf, and TR said it after their Prowler nerf. You can still instagib infantry. You just can't annihilate 5000-certs VS/TR maxes in 2 second anymore.

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  5. WycliffSlim

    Oh look... you stood 10m away from two miniguns and tried to shoot at them. You had time to get out of the way of that, you could have gone, "Oh ****, Max", and gotten back behind the wall. Do you know what happens when you come around a corner and see an NC Max there? You go, "O" and then you're dead :p. The TTK at that range would be similar on infantry for the ScatMax as that was. Your video does nothing to prove your point.
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  6. Ghosty11

    I should really take some video of where I pop shield round a corner and launch a rocket at TR MAX, and do the same facing an NC MAX. Even post nerf, unless the NC MAX happens to be reloading, I'm dead instantly and never get the rocket off. With the TR MAX I generally get the rocket off, and sometime even make back to cover alive.
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  7. llPendragon

    The NC does not have the highest pop on every server. Assigning a degree of variance to the stats is expected, and you could write a dissertation on how to normalize the data. I'd read it. Until then, I'm going to trust the data as provided over an opinion from an opposing player.

    However, none of this disproves my comment.

    The MAX produced more reliable experience for NC players than any other piece of equipment. Why wouldn't they use it on 2x experience weekend?
  8. warmachine1

    Same u do when there is guy with pump (even auto shotty wont make much difference), so what is your point?
  9. GSZenith

    you had time to shoot him with a rocket before dying.
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  10. LanceHavenbay

    Sure. Half a second. Correct. Not think of this: That MAX not only relaods faster, but can fire for longer. Even if the NC MAX killed you quick, the second he starts to reloads or wastes a shot, he is a sitting duck. That TR MAX could simply march forward firing rounds into nothingness and still be firing as he came around the corner.

    Yes, an NC MAX is supposed to be superior at close quarter combat.
    Aka, yes. You have slightly higher reaction time vs. a TR MAX. /nobrainer

    But the downside of being an NC MAX is that your shotgun does not(is not supposed to) excel at any kind of range. You also reload slow. This weighs things out.

    Right now the NC MAX has been nerfed to basically, a crappy Mercy. Longer reload, slower fire, still no range. Terrible balance pass by SOE. Changing effective range is a very simple process that does not involve altering the base value of pellet damage. I would like to SOE think outside the box in the future rather than cutting straight to bullet specs. How long have you been designing games?
  11. LanceHavenbay

    You have time to shoot 2 while my NC MAX reloads. /thread
    P.S. I'm sure you know that 2 = death. (;
  12. LanceHavenbay

    Exactly. That is how the mechanics work. Same way that a light assualt can pounce on you with a shotgun. Just come around corners slower/not step out as much.

    The TR MAX can shoot down halls. (You have no where to go half the time if that happens to you.)
  13. LanceHavenbay

    Please do take video. I'm not here to whine or complain. Here to provide facts and possible alternatives. I'm all up for counter-evidence. I'd be very happy to see some.
  14. LanceHavenbay

    And to make it clear, I would have died even if I was not aiming down sights. Hence, why I decided to fire. It takes more than a second for me to move from that doorway to complete cover. I'd be tagged by bullet even if I strafed sideways with my gun down.
  15. WycliffSlim

    I don't get what you're trying to say here? Either way, the simple answer is that a guy with a shotgun gets killed or flushed out when you throw a grenade in, you can get rounds onto him and kill him from that range. A MAX on the other hand laughs at grenades and is only slightly bothered by small arms fire(unless it's unleashed en-masse and there's no engi around).

    The Mercy runs out of ammo pretty quickly in all reality, about the only MAX that you can afford to just keep up continuous fire is the the VS MAX with dual Cosmos. Yes, he's a sitting duck for a few seconds during which time he will typically get behind cover. Or, if he's really smart he makes sure that one arm always has a shot or two ready so that he can always fight back. They should also have an engineer on them repping away any minor damage they take. If you're smart about it, the reload isn't really that much of a problem.

    That's just not true unless you start to reload right as the first rocket is fired. Rockets have,(I believe) a longer reload than any other infantry weapon or right about on par with the longest. I have 1v1'd a MAX, TR and NC, with a HA and rockets but I was jumping around like a crazy person and had lots of cover to hide behind during my reloads.

    Quite frankly, I don't really have much of a problem with the NC MAX, I don't have too much of an issue killing them and I've been playing long enough to know how to work around their strengths. I just don't think you can compare the killing power of an NC MAX with that of a TR or VS and attempt to use that as justification for them not being a bit OP(They're not too bad after the latest patch though, still quite scary in CQC). Quite frankly, I would like all the MAX's to instill the same fear that an NC MAX does. They should be powerful and intimidating. I've always said that it's not so much the NC MAX being OP as the other two being UP.
  16. LanceHavenbay

    Correct. But the point really is, should 1 infantry be able to solo a MAX? No. 2 Can. You just need forethought. Correct again, people using weapons in an advantageous way should be rewarded by being able to handle more.

    I'll have to go into the VR and test the reload times. I will as soon as I get a second. You sound like a smart player. :) I tend to see a lot of players try to zerg rush MAX suits as if it was a medic.

    With the same complaint coming from many NC about the Reaver lacking its role. I do/did not necessarily view the NC MAX as OP other than it could kill quickly at too far of a distance. The TR/VS MAXs still need a more defined role in med-long range combat.
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  17. WycliffSlim

    I love having a respectful conversation :)
    But yeah, I've played around with the NC MAX in VR and I guess when I really think about it the reload is probably about on par with reloading the default dumbfire.

    I love when people run straight at my MAX... even using a VS one I still mow through them xD.
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  18. GSZenith

    so you are the only max camping the doorway? there are no 5engi with lollauncher exploting through shields, no ha with rockets no engi no medics? nice i wanna play that bio lab :D
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  19. Purg

    You're shooting at non-moving targets with no shield and no certs in nanoweave, there's a test server now - you can go try it in actual combat for free. The range of the above video would likely have favored the TR MAX against infantry vs any of NC AI MAX weapons. It would have been unlikely to be a OHK from that range and if it was a shielded heavy, it probably would have required at least 3 dual shots.

    I get what the OP was going for and for the most part, I agree. My opinion is that the balance was tackled in the wrong way but I don't have access to the stats that the devs have so mine's largely an uninformed opinion based only on my experience.
  20. Nepau

    My biggest issue with using that is the fact that the sample size for each faction is not the same. When I look at that, average SPH is 100 difference between NC and VS, yet 300 between VS and TR. NC sample size is 10k more players then the VS, which also means that it will cause your Average to drop as you have more people to average against then the other factions, which also means there is a higher chance to have more Lower scored people to drag down the Higher scored people since the Score a person gets will not be linear ( its more likely to have a few HIGH score people on Every faction, with a Larger base of low score people. If the NC or TR have more people then its more likely that there will be more Lower score people to dilute the Higher Score people.)

    Not to mention the fact that score is equal to XP, and with how XP per kill is now, a Lower population faction is more likely to get more XP per kill then the Higher faction.

    Not saying that you are wrong in game balance, but unfortunately the statistics you are using have far to many Variable to be used as a definitive Proof of anything. This includes the VS population Drop issues people feel are happening (another topic for another thread).
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