Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by F1na1, Apr 9, 2013.

  1. F1na1

    NC 43% right now!!! this needs to be fixed !! ASAP
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  2. XRIST0

    50% on amerish during the alert , i just stopped playing .. whats the point :rolleyes:

    How or why there is so much nc still is beyond me ..
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  3. Brusilov [TR]

    I know right? What do we have to nerf next?! Have we nerfed the NC Flash yet?
  4. FreelancePanic

    Yeah, I just hopped off as well. It just isn't enjoyable for the other factions being overwhelmed by sheer numbers.
  5. F1na1

    yeah i left also just frustrating, how the hell are we ment to even have a chance. Not calling for any nerfs, just faction balancing this is beyond a joke and the game isnt fun anymore
  6. XRIST0

    Its really a pickle of a situation , the question is what is drawing everybody to NC ?
  7. delmac

    agree - Balance ist Nr. 1 Priority to make enjoyable good Fights for everyone.
    I will also quit, maybe the NC can play with themselve there then ....
  8. XRIST0

  9. RipperTR


    Server stats --> HERE

    Time to go play something else for a while, as this isn't enjoyable at the moment.
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  10. Marked4Death

    NC trolls: Oh NC are actually a bit under powered, it's just that everyone likes yellow and blue and "freedom"tm (Corporate tyranny)

    Why does any game become imbalanced? Gamers like to win and play where they will win more easily. There is a game play difference.

    If everyone chose NC on day 1, you could say that their lore / look may be a factor. If people are choosing a side after putting in decent game time, it's clear that the choice is being made more by gameplay than lore / colours.
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  11. Rasp

    Suck it up princess you sound like a bunch of 4th factioners.
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  12. RHYS4190

    yeah well we won that one fair and square. on the sun day event we had vanu out fit using no spread hacks/ TROL and TW8 to name a few/ we also know they where using locator hacks as well.

    We know who's been doing in and we bloody well hope SOE is looking into it. for outfits to be using hacks just unexeptible
  13. Rasp

    Who was using hacks in TROL? We don't accept hacks in our outfit.
  14. FreelancePanic

    I have no problem in killing masses of NC (fun and profitable too!). But, if we field even numbers at a facility to defend it, it's disheartening to see the rest of the map being lost due to the NC being able to field up to twice the number of people we have, which allows them to easily capture other bases which don't have enough defenders.

    Trying to minimize the problem with your petty comment isn't helping mate.
  15. FreelancePanic

    Locator hacks? You mean 100m Flash radar?
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  16. RipperTR

  17. Rasp

    Planetside is about big fights not about who can ghost cap the best. Play the game not the map. Are any of you here actually the commanders that play the map and control the soldiers? I doubt it. I'm sure you could all do better tho right?
  18. Zan_Aus

    Its not just the numbers, I was playing on Amerish during that alert and OMFG you have no idea how badly the Vanu were playing.

    I don't expect everyone to be Rambo crossed with Superman but c'mon, people have absolutely zero idea what they are doing.

    NC bring air so no one will spawn burster MAXs, eventually some MAXs appear but no one will spawn engineers to heal them. Everyone sits in the spawn room 10m away from the cap point watching it flip so they can farm a couple of kills. NC deploy sunderer in easy reach, will anyone help blow it up with LAs? NC hack vehicle terminal and start pulling vehicles. Will anyone try to rehack it?

    I was changing classes so much to try and cover every base I just couldn't get 20 things done at once. Meanwhile 75% of the team is sitting up on some hill shooting engie turrets at targets 2 miles away.

    We take Splitpeak so everyone runs down to Auraxicom(sp?) leaving an NC squad on the hill behind us firing down on our sunderer. I'm yelling in chat trying to get these halfwits to turn around and kill like 6 NC killing our whole team but no one even turns. They just run off down the hill getting mown down by NC. The same NC walk unopposed back into Splitpeak and pull a Sundy whereupon the whole NC zerg respawns at Splitpeak, takes it unopposed (while 80% of the vanu are just 50m down the road with their backs turned).

    The complete lack of even 2 brain cells to rub together on the Vanu side is driving me to quit, not the opposition.
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  19. Teegeeack

    Shh. He's NC.
  20. Teegeeack

    There is a tendency when your team is doing badly to blame everyone else for it.