Dwindling TR Members

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GamerGawd, Apr 6, 2013.

  1. Zenith

    Bonuses for under-populated factions should have been in place from day one.
  2. GamerGawd

    Keep your smack talk and immaturity out of this thread please.

    This is not a server specific concern.

    Its like this:

    3 countries all the same population.
    1 country has fertile men and women.
    2 country has fertile men and women half the year.
    3 country has no fertile men and women.

    Give it some time.

    Who has the most population now?
  3. 13lackCats

    • Up x 1
  4. GamerGawd

    Interesting ideas!
  5. miraza

    Not only are you ignoring stats that show the active playerbase is incredibly even, not only do you make up some BS about being 'underdogs' on the server where TR frequently have the highest primetime pop on the busiest continent, but you are throwing a strop and whining about a massive SIX percent disparity in new characters created - new characters that are a small percentage of the active playerbase, the vast majority of whom won't even stick around because this game has poor player retention. 6% of a small number that won't even affect the player pool much.

    You are complaining about being an 'extinct species' over something so incredibly minor it's laughable.

    The only thing this thread shows is that people will cry and moan about anything in order to make themselves look like martyrs. It's pathetic.
  6. KeyCee

    Well they should give more information about the factions for new players. Atleast I think the TR aren't that much bad guys as in their description stands that they fight to unite all 3 factions....

    For example on Ceres the VS is the underdog a few month ago they also had ~30% population and now? 22-24% very often while the TR is the most balanced faction on Ceres with 30-35% and the NC has the highest population with sometimes above 40%. No wonder the new players mostly join NC cause they want an easy game and not a challenge.

    SOE can't do much since it's the new players decission which side they choose, but SOE can definately do something to keep the balance ( set a max. number of population per faction that can be online at once for example, or give the weaker factions a few advantages like a bit faster captimes or reduced costs for vehicles or whatever).

    I bet if there is a good balance between the factions and not one faction mostly over 40% population the new players will fairly split up to all 3 factions!
  7. GamerGawd

    show much hate.
    it must suck to be you.
  8. Czuuk

    Probably because the community is tired of all your shottie cry threads. What happened TR? Did your balls drop off?
  9. miraza

    It must suck to be as delusional as you.

    The only thing that's becoming an extinct species is people who can read stats.
  10. GamerGawd

    Do you think lore has alot to do with it?
  11. MadKat

    Thanks, I'm just really up for anything that gives new players an incentive to join a lesser populated empire, there's nothing more disheartening than logging on, seeing global pop imbalances (especially if its to my own empire's advantage), resulting in my logging off shortly after seeing said numbers. Steam roller "fights" are just no fun.

    As KeyCee mentioned; Lore also would need to have some benefactor (granted I have no idea how that would tie into it) for people who aren't so easily bribed to join an empire via bonuses, such as sign up certs or exp bonuses, like myself; NC til the end, irregardless of pop imbalances I just love their lore.
  12. The Milk Man

    The reason for the weird change of population influxes is probably because of youtube. I remember when TB was promoting this game back in like September-December I think, the TR had super high population on Waterson (50% of population was TR) and now the population for waterson is that NC almost always have 2% higher population than TR while Vs have like 10% lower population than the rest. It's really game changing atm.
  13. HadesR

    You mean a bit like it is now with X number per faction per server limit ?
  14. KeyCee

    @GamerGawd I think it's a mix of the high population for example the NC mostly has and that many people think that they are the "good guys, the rebellion" and the TR and VS are the bad guys (this is based on experience while talking with my friends and while some fights with NC guys about the game).

    That the NC actually is the private army of big concerns, I would even say mercenaries, many people do not know...
  15. MadKat

    Is that really the server limit per faction? I thought they were aiming at 666vs666vs666 on a cont? I could be wrong, I can't remember much of anything, so much has changed since the announcement days of PS2.
  16. KeyCee

    @HadesR a bit like that, but if there are for example 100 VS guys online and 300 TR guys there should be a limit that there can't be 1000 NC guys online than to keep the balance. If new players see this they join NC with a probability of 95%.
  17. GamerGawd

    Yeah, I was thinking about this.
    Promotion. PR. The recent videos Ive seen, well besides my outfit, has been NC.
    That could persuade players to choose.

    Continent caps could be another answer too. It could mean better alert battles too.
  18. HadesR

    Well 666 x 3 cont's is 1998 .. But the number might have changed due to optimization allowing more per cont, but its just a ball park figure TBH .. The main point was there is cap on online players per faction
  19. MadKat

    Er, sorry I must've misread then, what I thought you meant was there were only allowed 2,000 of each empire on any given server. So my curiosity was aimed at their capped continental numbers were 2 people away from the perceived server cap, that I thought you meant. :D
  20. HadesR

    Can't do that it way ... You are forcing for example 700 people not to be able to play .. The game would lose a lot of player's if anything like that was implemented .

    What they need to do as other have stated is give better incentives to play the under pop'd faction