Scythe TTK on MBT

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Katana, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. SolidSnake

    Ahhhh so it does do more damage. Well let's increase the clip size on Scythes and lower the damage per volley eh? why should they get better hover ability AND more damage per shot? making it EZ mode for Scythe pilots to farm infantry and tanks. Yes nerf Scythe photon damage or buff the other factions.
  2. TheRunDown

    If you was shot up the ***, any ESF would insta killed a MBT in around 3 seconds..
  3. Robes

    Still mad about maxes? Man get over it.
  4. Sebastien

    The ESF is a Jack-of-All master of all.
    It's supposed to Hard-Counter other aircraft, and Soft-Counter ground targets. However it Hard Counters Aircraft, and Ground targets through the use of AA Primary, and Pod Secondaries.
    No other vehicle can destroy a tank in 1.4 seconds, the only thing that can do this is C4 which puts extreme risk on the user, and AT Mines which require luck, or extreme risk if you decide to charge at a vehicle.
    Sure you can say two HA can kill it faster, but they're using teamwork. ESF are a one man vehicle, yet can counter everything in the game effectively.

    The strength of the ESF is that it's highly mobile, which makes it OP when coupled with high damage weapons such as Pods.
    Imagine Inf having the LA jet pack

    I find it strange that the best argument for Pods is Adapt. If every problem was solved this way, we'd still be huddling in caves.
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  5. Papio

    I do find it annoying that TR and NC tanks have such a humongous fat *** and the VS get a nimble tank with a tiny rear section that takes a miracle to hit unless stationary.

    I live with it because they havta wear such stupid outfits.
  6. Purg

    Yes - they do kill that fast. Been a victim to it many times and seen a couple of Scythes rip our armor column to shreds many times. It adds to why I have such disdain for ESF pilots who complain that 7 seconds of continuous fire from my MAX bursters kills them therefore bursters should be nerfed.

    Whether that should be adjusted - on the fence. The problem with being hit in a tank is that minor dings and massive hits feel much the same - in fact, getting hit by a Liberator at maximum altitude feels like a tink even though half your health is gone. If I was being podded by a Scythe from the rear and I got decent feedback that what I was being hit by was lethal, I'd have an opportunity to put up my shields. As it is now, I don't know that a Scythe is lining up my rear and I'm dead before I even realise it's a Scythe.
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  7. SolidSnake

    Mad? I hardly ever played scatmax so I don't give a rat's ***. What annoyed me was the tons of whining about it, even though that scenario only applied to places like Biolabs. Scatmax nerf, NC pop still the same. Magrider nerf, VS pop takes a big dive. Looks like your boys didn't get over it, took their ball and went home crying.
  8. Robes

    Youre talking about your maxes in a thread that has nothing to do with that, or even remotely close to do with them. Yeah you're a little mad about it.

    I play all 3 factions diff servers ofcourse. I find it relatively similar TTK (maybe more or less second diff. Depending on amount of support the target has) with all ESF's against MTB's. I main VS and I can honestly say that the Scythe is more controlable over the Reaver and Mossie when taking tanks. But then again flying a Scythe into a army of TR won't last long as you will have more than 3 lockon strikers aiming at you and not to mention AA maxes. (I'm not complaining bout them, just stating their defence against Air) if you are alone in a MTB and don't expect to get targeted by a ESF then you are sorely mistaken. Any ESF pilot loves a stray Tank or soldier. All I have to say is, don't stray from the group and you won't get killed so easy. I get taken out by ESF's all the time while in MTBs no matter what faction I am playing. Moslty the same guys, because there will always be someone with a little more skill than you and vice versa.
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  10. CDN_Wolvie

    You would be wrong, unfortunately. Just the other day, I went up against this one BR 85-ish Mosquito pilot with a name I can't even begin to spell just outside Esamir NC warpgate (South), you know that road to the bridge with Jaeger's Crossing, during an alert. Lightning Skyguard? FOOOM dead. Vanguard Ranger? Didn't even have time to turn on the shield. Sunderer AA? FOOOM BWAP dead. Reaver? No flips and backwards maneuvers seemed to work, seemed like their nose gun had lock on bullets at their disposal.

    I went from full vehicle resources to only enough for a Flash and what would even be the point of using that other than to give em another kill, not that I would be able to pull anything else anyways, they were all on timer.

    While this anecdotal at best, it highlighted to me that 1] I suck apparently even with support (I tried everything before timers to down this Mossie nemesis and I have been complemented in the past on my tactical play just to give you a sense I am not a complete lost cause) and 2] In skillful hands there is nothing a ESF with pods can't kill.

    Enjoy my tears of rage, whoever you were you evil bastard. I am loathe to call cheat but ****, could you at least miss a few shots to make me feel like you aren't? One lone Mossie that would fly out of the edge of the map where people normally blow up staying out in the gray that long completely owned everything this game had made available to me as possible options for Anti-Air while the continent was completely stuffed full and NC were pouring out of that warpgate in close proximity. Liberators with blatant one shot Dalton haxors have given me less trouble.
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    I have had this experience many times. I utterly hate and respect those pilots. BR70-100 pilots and you only see them flying? Best is to hide when you spot them. Chances are better not being spotted by them 1st. And if they are not affiliated with Outfits they are the lonewolfs that will destroy a army of people before being taken out. Purely because they decked out their ESF to the max and are skilled enough with it not to get caught ofguard.
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  12. Xasapis

    They shoot two rockets at once but the rate of fire is the same with the other ESF. In other words, if it takes two seconds to refire the photon pair, it takes one second for the other ESF to fire their rockets. The end result is the same. The only difference is that photon pod users are punished more for misses.
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  13. Xasapis

    Hmm, let me answer this with:

    The only thing that sticks out as inconsistent about the magrider is that the saron turret has no clipping, ie shots at the turret go through.
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  14. Frosty The Pyro

    AP or heat prowler can do it in .5 seconds, and with anchor you have a much faster projectile velocity, making it way easier than a vanguard.

    Also Van heat, Van AP, Mag AP, and decimator rockets can all one shot ESFs. Stock rockets and pheonix get an honorable mention, doing 1700 damage to esfs 1750 HP, they burn to death shortly after.

    All the rocket pods are fiarly equal to be honest, Breakers are a bit better vs infantry, and pods a bit better vs armor, but the differences are small, fractons of a second either way. Rocket pods are one of the most damaging weapons in the game. The tank buster and shredder are likely the only things with higher anti armor damage output.
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  15. WalrusJones

    The prowler can do it in .6-.8 seconds. 2/2
  16. Xasapis

    I'm pretty sure the default heavy assault rocket 1-shots an ESF.
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  17. Sebastien

    Requires team work.
  18. Sebastien

    Only disables it.
  19. GhostAvatar

    Shame it dosnt show the *** view properly, kinda misleading from that angle.

    Now from this angle, the magrider looks a hell of alot smaller.

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  20. WalrusJones

    It only takes 2 if its just the Vulcan..... With two magazine upgrades.