Scythe TTK on MBT

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Katana, Apr 5, 2013.

  1. Katana

    I literally couldn't tell if this was a flaw in the game or hacks, should a scythe be able to (wait, of course it shouldnt) can a scythe kill my full health prowler (albeit not with full armor upgrades) within 1 to 2 seconds. If that.

    If it can, ********, but at least it's not hacks.

    If it can't, then 4 different people with the same tag ****** me up last night I don't know how....
  2. Zenith

    So we have one camp saying ESFs are useless, another saying tanks are useless, and both whining that they are UP. Interesting.
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  3. Flashtirade

    If he got you with rocket pods from behind, it's a game mechanic. A ******** game mechanic, but totally legit.
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  4. LonelyTerran

    Doesn't even take that long Haha.

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  5. Radec594

    Well, according to ps2calc, Photon Pods end up doing a very slightly, if not irrelevant, higher damage upon unloading an entire mag.
    The problem isn't the weapon damage, it's the double-shot; this is what makes them so hazardous for a vehicle's rear.

    I've read of many Scythe pilots actually complaining about this, as it's technically forcing you to waste two rockets instead of one in a single shot.
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  6. EliteEskimo

    The ******** part comes into play considering no single AA source can take an ESF down in 1-2 Seconds, it's easy to get behind a tank, and you don't need to aim at the rear armor, just be behind the tank and then even hitting the front armor will still result in a critical hit.
    Agreed, legit but really really stupid.
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  7. KlyptoK

    It wouldn't be as bad if the hit registry mechanics were less... basic.

    Either way, if you get bombed by aircraft then too bad. It's their job.
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  8. Katana

    So that's a legit mechanic? Looks like I'm gonna go full AA just to annoy the **** out of people that fly those ******* things.

    I got instagibbed by suicidal aircraft on multiple occasions. Fun stuff!

  9. WalrusJones

    The prowler Vulcan takes 1.05 seconds....
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  10. GSZenith

    it is ok just kill the lolpoder before he kills you 700m away! oh wait nothing but AP van can do it in time
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  11. Flashtirade

    AP or HEAT actually. AP instagibs, but HEAT gets it to near-death, and then it explodes in like 2 seconds.
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  12. EliteEskimo

    Oh boy, only from point blank ranges and only if they are hovering or barely moving. Not only that you give up medium to long range utility verse tanks and infantry with the Vulcan. I also don't count the Vulcan as AA since it is only really useful short to just under medium ranges.
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  13. WalrusJones

    If there are trees in your local area, planes have a rather hard time shooting you with you without getting point blank, I have found.....
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  14. GSZenith

    meant as in time to save the poor tank, ignoring having to aim at tiny tiny dot 700m away.
  15. GhostAvatar

    If hit from the rear, TTK is 1.422s in 8 shots. Add in the fact that if they was flying towards you at full speed from a long range, basically closing up the distance between the projectiles in flight before the first impacts, then to the observer it would seem even faster. And if you had even lost a sliver of you tanks health, even from hitting a rock, it would put it down to 6 shots and a TTK 1.065s

    And the Vanguard HEAT can do it in 0s and is instagib
  16. EvaJones

    I think if an ESF sneaks up on you from behind, then you're probably out of position and they deserve the kill. All MBTs are weak from the rear, and all Rocketpods do roughly equal damage for their clip size (or at least that's how I understand it) so it's not limited to Scythe vs MBT.
    Although I have noticed that Scythes are the most proficient at it, due to their natural ability to hover and their high damage per volley of rockets. But it also happens to me if a Reaver sneaks up behind my Prowler

    At the end of the day, it's your own fault most of the time. Accept it, learn from it, get better.
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  17. smokemaker

    A tank does not have the right to move unmolested over open ground.
    Without AA coverage, or even a 2cd crewman, a tank does not deserve free passage.
    Rear armor weakness limits tank spam. And is mainly effective on the foolish tanker.
    Stay within your AA and infantry and you need not worry to much about your rear armor weakness. :)
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  18. Sebastien

    You say that. But the trees don't have enough coverage to protect you form aircraft.

    My signature relates to your post.
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  19. EvaJones

    Nothing comes from attacking the argument. You do not prove me wrong, or prove yourself right, all you prove is that I probably used a fallacy in my argument. But in turn you struck back with an argument from logic fallacy, assuming that an argument which reaches it's conclusion through a fallacy is automatically wrong, but even fallacy ridden arguments can reach a true conclusion. So next time, attack the content of my argument, not the manner in which it was presented.

    Now, if you'll actually present a counter-argument, I will respond in kind.
  20. SolidSnake

    I asked a similar question in another thread, photon pods seem to kill tanks faster than rocket pods. There's literally no time to react if a scythe sneaks up behind you, they fire two volleys and you're dead. I don't think Reavers/Mosquitos can do the same.

    If this is the case then we have every right to ask for a damage reduction on Photon pods. Scattermax TTK is too low so it got nerfed, by that same logic Scythe TTK on tanks is too low so it also deserves a nerf, or give TR/NC same damage on pods.
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