TR/NC need drastic balancing if VS is to regain pop

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nyscha, Apr 2, 2013.

  1. Onetoo

    Honestly, I think that would work. but if you think players complain about the VS being hard to see at night as they are now, imagine the rage if we dressed in black.

    A few changes to the appearance of the VS could go a long way towards making them more popular among the player base.
  2. TomaHawk

    So can I complain that Vanu got far better AP mines or that I can't see you guys running around in the dark or when your standing still or hiding next to a dark rock? How about that Scythe, a very good ESF, many argue is the best. Can I whine, too, in your whiner's forum?

    I can keep going, but the point is I can whine all day about your faction versus the others. So can anyone else. NC have the pop advantages on Connery as of late, but still, complaining won't really help. Why bother.

    First, and most importantly, Vanu need the numbers balanced. Meanwhile, SOE lay off the stupid nerfing which is only ruining an otherwise potentially good game.
  3. Dethx

    Lol on woodman TR seems to be the fewer faction. The reason why people wont seem drawn to you is well to start of your a bunch of religious extremists, everything about you screams Covenant 2.0, your armor/weapons look pretty bad, most new players will go to the dominate faction(NC) some might get bored and cross over and shooting laz0rs gets gimmicky real fast.

    i dont know why you seem to think that the devs hate VS i mean cmon your faction traits are the most newb friendly out of all of them and out of the ESL the TR got the worst deal they got a ****** anni at least VS got something that was different and had some effort put into it sure it was bad at first but they buffed it up. All that needs to happen is for the scatt maxs to get put back in line with the other Maxs then they need to server merge and then finally offer empire changes to NC players let em take all there items they have unlocked over and offer em a weapon or something for doing it.
  4. vrcarnage

    The balance is fine. The main reason is we just don't apeal to the droves.

    We have some things that do not play in our favor.

    Face it the vs outfit / color looks pretty freaken g4y. If they would have kept the suits from beta we would be better off.
    The VS come across as a bunch of relgious nut cases.
    Most of are weapons look similar.

    The other factions have the pro's to them such as being rebels or a massive militar might.

    The only people crying about balance now are the cry babies that only want the I win now button.

    Sure we have a few goofy things that need to be adjusted but imo the factions are far more balanced now then in the past.
  5. maxkeiser

    Nothing wrong with Vanu at all. I was playing Vanu at the weekend - went 30-1 in a magrider in 30 minutes just picking up and playing from the Esamir WG. Magrider is ungodly fun (always was) and is still the best tank. I adore it (particularly after wadling around in the vanguard for so long).

    Vanu weapons are also great fun to use and a nice contrast. Standard pulsar-C or solstice are deadly.

    Not sure why people are complaining?
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  6. Mastachief

    VS are fine it's all because of the disco balls and purple always has been.
  7. Cybrid

    My #1 problem with the VS is the sound the guns make in general. They all sound the same. Same sound file just more echo, tiny higher pitch, lower pitch, whooo... same annoying plinking sound. The weapon particle effects are the same except for 2 or 3. -Not unique total buzz kill.

    #2 The guns are FAT AS **** compared to the projectile they shoot. u don't need a ******* trailer sized gun in order to shoot a little tiny *** laser effect. The size of the damn things alone destroy a huge amount of peripheral vision which i enjoy having.

    The color scheme is nice for nighttime combat but can result in alot of TKing due to trigger happy paranoia. Seems the majority of the time the VS on mattherson only seem to attack at night which drives me insane. That was the main reason i picked up the NV/HS scope on my TR. The stock VS sniper rifle is LAUGHABLE. -seriously can people even kill with that ****? The sights in general are a pain. The faction itself appeals to me but its execution does not. Ive played all the factions and i can't stomach playing my VS past BR8 due to weapons/designs/sounds.

    The mag is a gorgeous looking tank i will give them that. But that is all they have. Besides the story and its glam-tank it is not worth playing a faction just for a tank and lore.
  8. Aegie

    Having a low population all the time is probably not very much fun so I can empathize.

    However, having a relatively low population is not evidence that the factions are imbalanced. If you could do some research into what factors you feel make VS UP compared to TR and NC that would be helpful because otherwise there is very little to construct an informative and productive discussion.
  9. DashRendar

    I think if you increase the bullet drop on TR/NC weapons you will see the overall gunplay improve. HV ammo is next to useless now bc bullet drop is imperceivable for any class other than sniper or shotgun slugs. HV ammo needs to be like the normal shots are now, and normal ammo needs to drop like a suppressed shot. This will balance against the VS no drop, but maybe lower VS damage at distance even more than it is now.
  10. 8BitArchitect


    I'm sorry, but this is really the only thing I can think in response to some of the suggested reasons the VS are under-pop on whichever server the OP plays on (also, I love how people make posts like this, that only really apply to ones server, as if they are a whole game issues.)

    Also, while it is unfortunate that your faction has low pop when you play, I highly doubt it is due to weapon balance issues. The VS have the easiest to use weapons in the game (due to their lack of bullet drop), so please don't post what amounts to "Nerf TR/NC so we get more pop."

    EDIT: That chart overstates the issue; look at the scale. In addition, it looks like a buff/nerf chart to me. you can see how one faction gets a chunk from the faction that got (relatively) nerfed, and they come back as the issues are rebalanced.
  11. Odin

    is this a joke? 2 months ago vanu were universally seen and probably unjustly seen as op, now nothing to do with infantry was changed and your up? grow up, from stats the mag is still better than the vanny, scythe is definitely better than the reaver. The only thing nc has that is definitely better is scatmaxes and they are being nerfed. Nothing else about nc has changed or been buffed. Grow a pair and grow up.
  12. Farlion

    At this point I'd like to say:

    Long live the Terran Republic.
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  13. Nyscha

    TR mines got buffed secretly.
    They sit under the ground with only the laser bit visible now.

  14. Badname82

    The magrider still scores higher than any MBT
    The lancer is now on par with the other ESRLs.

    This is not opinion. This is based on current game statistics. If believing the other factions have superior gear gets you througb your day then more power to you.

    But the fact is VS has never had high pop because they wear purple spandex and worship aliens. But keep crying. Vanu loves a whiner.
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  15. Patrician

    Whereas the VS are creepy purple freaks?
  16. HazyW

    VS are fine, you keep your dirty hands off my spandex and purple.
  17. Nyscha

  18. ScrapyardBob

    Which is yet another strong argument that, at a minimum, the developers need to revisit the bonus system for being under-pop. Better publicity would be nice as well, but for a lot of people "XP is king".
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  19. Nyscha

    This is the most up to date graph.
    TR regained pop after a steep decline, but VS still continues to plumet.
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  20. Paperlamp

    This is the truth. VS is not underpowered, magriders and scythes are still the best faction specific vehicles, and VS infantry weapons are solid - best LMGs and better than NC in all categories. TR has best carbines, ARs, SMGs due to clip size.