Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Fatalness, Mar 30, 2013.

  1. Fatalness

    Hello everyone Im Fatalness. I play on Waterson as NC and I cant stand the fact that THERE ARE NO Vanu fights the only worthy opponent is the TR the VS CANT take anything because of there low population. SOE I WANT THE GAME TO BE FAIR. We need another server merge or SOE needs to move big outfits over to waterson. Its ridiculous The Current Pop on Waterson is NC:35% TR 35% VS:29% AND THATS VERY high for them. Please help
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  2. MarioO

    It's like that on almost every Server. Well, on most servers the NC have a population advantage against both faction. I'll tell you something:
    The population will only be balanced if the VS gets a buff of some kind and the NC a slight nerf.
    And don't come with your "buuhuu, our weapons are all UP", you know that this isn't true, and you know that the 4th faction will only return to the VS if they have something very strong again.
  3. vulkkan

    All servers have a fairly low Vanu pop in comparison to TR and NC. Waterson already has the powerful Vanu Alliance, so you just have to head in the right direction for a good Vanu fight! Also, DON'T MERGE THE SERVERS. As TR, I was queuing last night just to get on, and then every continent was full.
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  4. Dead soldier

    IKR but we have FEW good outfits in our vanu alliance. But if any vanu wants to be good come over to waterson. Despite having 25-30% pop we took Indar. I'm in VREV and we are pretty elite but there are also BJTC and others that IDK.
  5. PutteFnask

    SOE needs to increase the character slots. As it is now I already got 3 chars and I wont delete neither (so I could help a dying server) cause of the cert spent on each. Either give us the ability to purchase slots or just add 3 more.
  6. Fatalness

    The Waterson VS warpgate is OP its not based on skill at all. TR Had indar locked down when they had it and so did the NC. Every fight for the Vanu the oppenent outnumbers 3 to 1
  7. TotalNoob

    Waterson NC and VS are one faction. TR have been fighting them side by side for days.

    The largest NC outfit is called the De Vanu Sovereignty ffs.
  8. Kylesal18

    As someone who was leading a full platoon for awhile on Esamir on Waterson I can say that we were easily warpgating the VS most of the day and the TR was giving us a great fight. To those who took Snowshear Watchtower after a full 1 1/2 I salute you. That was one of the best fights I have been in since Beta.

    I have seen the VS do well lately, but they don't have the numbers. As a normal squad or platoon leader I know that if we have a lot of people attacking one base then we most likely will take it without a plan.

  9. Dead soldier

    Ha we're warpgating U and TR are helping. U shall not own INDAR!
  10. Eclipson

    Waterson does not need a merge. I was in a quee yesterday just to get stuck in the VR for 40 minutes. I think our population is fine, and I have had tons of difficult fights with the vanu.
  11. BRG7780

    I haven't had too many difficulties. I play with Xen of Onslaught (XOO). We seem to do well wherever we go. Yesterday afternoon on Esamir, we had difficult battles and difficult defenses at Saerro Listening Post (NC/TR?), Mani Bio Lab (NC? Multiple Scatmaxes is what I remember), and Aurora Materials Lab (TR... Good God, a lot of TR). We can take territory, we can defend territory, we just don't have the numbers to keep what we take, and we certainly can't faceroll anything. I'm having fun.
  12. Zotamedu

    I fear the VS more than I fear the NC on Waterson. They are way more organized.
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  13. Saintlycow

    You just need to find the outfits, not the zerg. If you see XOO, DAWN, SENT, basically any outfit in the Vanu Alliance, you've probably found a great fight. Most of our Vanu are really organized, because the odds have almost always been against us.

    Just looking outfits over 768 members on the server. There are 9. 5 TR, 3 NC, 1 Vanu. Shows that the Vanu tend to run in smaller groups. So if you're looking for a large fight, go look for VDRS.

    Source : http://www.planetside-universe.com/outfit_leaderboard.php?server=Waterson&members=768
  14. Dead soldier

    Can U guys explain to me, FGHP (Forgotten Hope) isn't in the alliance right, why, is it becuase they have a lot of players but most are trolls. **Cough** ROCKETCHICKEN, the Tk'er that destoryed my sythe with no enemies around and when I got out to repair he killed me **Cough** Man I must have a cold.
    PS. I copied and pasted a name with Diff. font and I can't find family font in the selection, But I'm dead so who cares.
  15. Jokkie

    I play on Waterson and the Vanu regularly control vast areas of the continents throughout the day. What are you talking about?
  16. Flying Mug

    We own the northern half of Indar because that's how Indar is built. Unless you mean we're capping Esamir or something and it's getting capped back every day before I log on.

    Anyway this is the new order, probably for some time. The time to do something about it was January when it was obvious that Vanu populations were waning.
  17. NC_agent00kevin

    You cant be serious.
  18. Jokkie

    NC:35% TR 35% VS:29%

    29% population compared to 35% isn't that big of a difference and doesn't warrant a server merge. All the factions capture areas of the map, then have it retaken by another faction. That is normal, and I see the Vanu regularly do it on Esamir and Amerish. If it weren't for the Vanu on Waterson, the TR would get warp gated all the time by the NC.

    I have been playing for the past month, and I am telling you what I am seeing everyday, day and night.
  19. FigM

    I noticed VS have low pop on most servers. That's why I like playing them now

    What we need is much greater XP reward for low pop continents. The current system gives like 5-10% bonus in average low pop situations, with 27% being absolute maximum. That is pathetically small. That isn't going to make anyone think twice about joining another faction.

    The bonus for uneven pop should go up to 100% and represent a logarithmic curve - so you get big increases up to 50% with just 10-15% pop imbalance, and then the bonus flat lines when pop imbalance is 50% or more. Roughly speaking
  20. DeltaGun

    29% is high. Usually its 25% like it was Friday night. 25% means that VS is only 1/4th of the population on the server. Ouch.