So you buffed the Phoenix?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Eclipson, Mar 27, 2013.

  1. Eclipson

    Adjustments have been made to the NC15 Phoenix:
    • Should now do more damage against air targets (same damage as default launcher)
    • Reduced reload time by 5700 ms, down to 5200 MS.
    • Fixed a projectile speed irregularity, this was causing the rocket to go much further than it should have before the player gained control of it. (Related to latency)
    • Reduced phoenix speed by 10 kph (~2.7 m/sec)
    • Adjusted the camera to be more in line with the collision model of the rocket
    Funny, because I pretty sure almost everyone have been calling for this thing to be nerfed. Faster reload, meaning more rockets in the air. You can enter the rocket almost immediately, meaning you can turn into closer targets (infantry) The reduced speed is actually a good thing, meaning you have more control over the rocket, and it can be used in closer situations. And its more accurate (The in accuracy was a bug, so that doesn't matter.)

    Thanks for listening SOE, now its even easier to kill people with these OHK noob spam camera guided rockets! You guys are the best! :rolleyes:
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  2. MrGurrenLemfox

    lower velocity means it can be shot down more often and it render within it's 300 meter range, it can only hunt a camper( Engi AV, Sniper, HA( lancer and Striker)). harder to kill moving ESF and hover ESF, Moving infantry is impossible to hit. so it is a buff/nerf at the same time. you should be rejoice the annihilator 2.0 doesn't get nerf to ground like annihilator used too.:(
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  3. PS2Freak

    1) there is already another thread like that.

    what i know, never let the guy playing for other Faction balance things for the enemy - make so many thread like your ego wish - they will not listen to you, only to they own objectives/balancing route.

    2) there is no nc between balance developers

    3) "everyone have been calling for nerf" - no, not everyone, some did it, most of forum people - dont.

    making many threads on subject feels like "massive", but actual weight to them - only few grams

    me is happy, that things are not decided on minor whine of QQkids, but on Statistical Data Developers have.

    4) you full of hate, your life must be not so good, you, forum qqnerfwarrior.

    5) nerf the nerfers
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  4. Bape

    It does **** damage to vehicles only thing you guys are calling for nerf is the AI damage but people die by tanks/shotguns/Dumbfire/ and air you just gotta give up this is a new generation where it doesn't takes 15 rocket to kill an infantry but one now. That the problem with old players :) they hate changes and like old school crap you gotta adapt :rolleyes:. Also TR should not complain they can murder any air or vehicles that dear comes across them i swear i lost about a lot of my sunderers all from strikers when i see lock on i bail like a ***** and it gone before i even blink.
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  5. BraSS

    Tested it out in VR and it seems kind of wobbly now, very similar to the bounce you get in tanks currently. Really hard to hit even stationary infantry, yet alone anyone moving.
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  6. SirBurning

    OP, you must not realise SOE doesn't lisen to crybabies on the forum. But they look at statistics, Unbiased statistics.

    Just take a few steps to the side next time you see a phoenix coming towards you..
  7. PS2Freak

    "take a few steps to the side next time you see a phoenix coming towards you.."

    i think he is deaf and blind... and total noob..with vision for balancing weapons.
  8. Zenith

    Balancing via the forums will result in a SWG situation, and they would do well to avoid that debacle this time round. The only UP launcher right now is the Lancer, and that will be corrected; the Striker is just as strong in its respected role as the Phoenix.

    Yes it's annoying to get OHK by a guided missile, but no more annoying than the hopping OHK easy-aim shotgun users. I don't see any nerfs being done to those, so I think it's a little hypocritical to want an already situational launcher nerfed into the ground.
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  9. Kon

    when they finish the new scope that doesn't render infantry till within close proximity ie 30M i don't see it being much of an issue as by that time if they are moving you wont be able to correct. there are other things they need to get right with the mechanic before they can go nerfing it. i think the hitbox is larger now so give it a go, with it rendering more often now you might actually be able to shoot them down
  10. Eclipson

    Love how a ton of NC ran to this topic to defend their weapon, funny.
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  11. Czuuk

    The only people crying for a nerf were the ones who read the forums.
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  12. Zenith

    Love how only TR and VS players are allowed an opinion, and are free to defend their own weapons at will. Funny.
  13. Czuuk

    And we love how you guys keep posting the same river of tears every day.
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  14. jjruh

    I'm sorry, are you saying that the phoenix doesn't do anything to vehicles? Because that is a downright lie. The phoenix does the same amount of damage to vehicles as the standard dumb-fire launcher, except, it is a guided rocket.... not a dumb-fire.
    Seriously the only people who have a right to complain about how terrible their ESL is the Vanu, the lancer does less damage than a standard launcher, takes longer to fire, takes longer to load, and doesn't even kill infantry with a head shot. While you have had a week of insta kill guided rockets...
  15. Kon

    your not getting it it maybe they wanted to see how these changes affected phoenixes ability to shoot at air because prior out of 100 shots i got 2 hits, now ive hit 2 esf's out of maybe 35 shots much better. like i said new scope that doesn't render infantry till its to late to adjust will change it without even having to touch the damage.
  16. Zenith

    Yes, makes me want to buy the Phoenix and use it exclusively against infantry. Best medicine for rage whine is a healthy dose of systematic desensitization. :D
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  17. SirBurning

    My ESF gets shot down by Striker spam squads. Don't hear me complaining...
    There is nothing wrong with the Phoenix in it's current state. Neither is there with the striker. Only the Lancer is a bit UP.

    Maybe you should move, have situational awareness, instead of expecting the game to change whatever you can't deal with..
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  18. jjruh

    Yes... just as there was no problem with the magrider pre GU2, and no problem with the prowler pre GU4....
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  19. Eclipson

    And I love how the NC refuse the admit that anything they have is either good of OP. A Max that can OHK infantry which makes it impossible to advance on a capture point, and a rocket launcher that you can camera guide from far away that OHK infantry. Completely balanced. The only OP thing the TR had was the Prowler, but thats been nerfed. The VS had their OP magrider, that was nerfed as well. The NC still have their OP max, and just got another OP rocket launcher. Before the Prowler was nerfed, same thing happened to the TR that is happening here. When the Magrider was nerfed, same thing.
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  20. Czuuk

    I did so this morning sir. :D I'm a heaviez, inside your buildingz, sniping all your sniperz with my TV rockets.
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