Briggs TR is...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRealMetalstorm, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. Mcponington

    Whatever helps you sleep at night. We are just looking for better competition, if it requires an NC/TR alliance you guys should really make it happen.
  2. TheRealMetalstorm

    that's Briggs.
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  3. NietCheese

    Yeah as NC, when we attack the TR they are a lot easier to roll than Vanu.

    The main reason imo is that the Vanu faction have a lot more air in the sky usually. Air dominates everything in this game and is the bane of the NC.
  4. Stealth1

    I remember those days, back when we had the North WG and even populations. They couldn't do jack unless they teamed up against us.
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  5. SKYeXile

    I dont know, i think its just general attitude, even on MMO's and most recently GW2, most people dont even want to fight, they're content with getting their XP though ghosting bases and avoiding PvP, le boring... sack up and fight people, then maybe you wont be so bad when a fight does come along.
  6. gavinbrindstar

    This man would like to talk with you.
  7. XRIST0

    There are the same idiots in every faction ..
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  8. =RoBoTiC=

    This is my impression of the TR, "What!! We're losing the crown?! Get to the mossies!!!!"

    I play NC on Briggs.
  9. PeanutMF

    Noo exile come back.

    Also every faction has its fair share of idiots, it's not even the outfits themselves but specific people in them. I have noticed that TR have a bad case of Crown fever on Briggs though.
  10. DOXaus123

    I think TR does ok these days considering their sickly pop of 20-25%. That said briggs pop must be atleast 50% SE asian who make up most of the megabad players.. and when SOE launch ps2 in china soon, briggs faction imbalance will probably equalize..altho the server will also be non viable.
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  11. Katana

    Because joining the over-popped teams solves the underlying problem. -_-
  12. The Reveller

    I play TR on Briggs, we're usually the lowest population, especially since the warpgate rotation. Seems that if either other faction turns their zerg on us we get pushed back fairly quickly. I'm always keen to get organized but I find its quite hard to get at decent squad set up. It's been fun to play with IIW in the past.

    On the whole though it doesn't make a whole lot of difference if you fight close to the gate or far away, all I really want is to have a decent fight... I guess if we're getting rolled we should go to an adjacent hex? How would the new hex system make it easier or harder for TR to fight out of their zone?
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  13. RaZz0R

  14. Zan_Aus

    VS may not have many deliberate jerks but they make up for it with blithering idiots. I logged off yesterday in disgust at the sheer drooling incompetence.

    You look around at any VS base defense and find that everyone not running over all the infantry in their magrider is using an engie AI turret to shoot at tanks or firing at Libs using their shotguns or sniping at targets half a map away while the point is capped 10m in front of them.

    I'm no FPS hero but the bads on Briggs VS are just unbelievable. How some of these people make it through the day without getting run over, electrocuted or stabbing themselves with their own forks is beyond me.
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  15. SgtBreastroker

    TR Briggs are often far more organized than VS. Only when ENCO and VFD are on do the TR start lulzing up by crumbling.

    This was taken nearing prime time yesterday while I was playing on NC with some friends.

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  16. jdono67894

    When I think about it, I wish PS2 was back like it was when TR had the north warpgate and neither VS or NC could push them back far enough to take their indar lock away.
    NC was the underdog back then, it always felt that the TR and VS were having a war while we were just trying to keep our tech plant.

    If I was TR I would be happy being the underdog, sure you might get warpgated a lot now, but when you do make a push out and take all of the VS territory (no you probably aren't good enough to take NC territory) its an actual accomplishment.

    VS is normally higher pop then the NC as well, it boggles my mind since the VS are purple aliens who wear their underpants on the outside, they should be in the pop position of TR.
  17. JChronus

    note all the idiots at the crown, do these people ever check the map to see whats going on.

    we eventual pushed the NC back but got scatter maxed at the bio lab
  18. designerwatts

    So much salt in this thread for no reason.

    I love how so much of this is focused around which faction has the biggest hardcore gamer dick or alliteratively blaming which team has the most *****. This kind of ****-talk on a free-to-play no-commitment game is pretty sad guys.

    I run with a pretty mature crew of dudes on Briggs and I find it very rare to not have fun with whatever we do. It Took time to find these guys but that sort of commitment does pay off.

    To the original Poster. Here's your options:
    • Look around for a group in your faction that plays to your style. You said there's around 100 if you guys who play relatively well. Why not just stick with them? Get a chat client going and work together. Make your squads private, kick people out who are being ****lords. PS2 gives you those abilities. Use them.
    • If you can't find an outfit that works, have you tried to make one?
    • If that fails, why not roll another faction on Briggs or pick another server. You may find the play-style of TR on other servers more to your liking.
    • If you're still not having fun after all that. Honestly consider quitting PS2 and move onto something new. You've gotten all you can out of this game.
    At the end of the day if your not having fun with the game then you're just wasting your own time.
  19. Zan_Aus

    MMOs in general are a love/hate relationship, not just this one. Its always a set of scales balancing awesome vs asstastic. How much teeth grinding are you prepared to put up with for the moments of cool.
  20. Slyguy65

    Lol i hear the complete opposite actually
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