Briggs TR is...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by TheRealMetalstorm, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. TheRealMetalstorm

    ...absolutely revolting.
    with the exception of a small handful (less than 100) individuals who actually know what they're doing,
    • only two "large scale" outfits - KNTR and KOL
    • both of these outfits have poor coordination and discipline, especially KOL - poor recruitment policies
    • faction is never able to hold captured territory for long, zergs into the north or west that gain ground never hold said ground for more than a few hours
    • nobody ever listens to /re, despite the "small handful" often giving very valid tactical analyses (that's plural)
    • ...
    What do?
  2. Roy Teppert

    Reroll Vanu. Since alot of the 'YOLOSWAG420' teenagers are turned off by the VS's style, we end up having a higher percentage of mature and intelligent people.
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  3. whitehawk

    just join NC, a nice mix of not 12 year olds, fun playstyle, and FREEDOM.
  4. TheRealMetalstorm

    Not rerolling, already have NC/VS characters in other servers.
    I don't join the winning team because they're winning.
  5. Zaik

    every person i've ever been killed by with yolo, swag, or 420 in their name has been VS.
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  6. Heen

    I can understand your concern, being Briggs TR myself but I think there are a couple of additional factors to consider.
    I'm not a member of KOL or KNTR myself but when I roll with them they are generally well managed and respectful but the leaders aren't online all the time so sometimes the TR is left with no decent public platoons.
    Also, we suffer from a severe case of Crown-fever, everyone seems to love that deplorable base and will stop at nothing to take it. This, combined with our other main problem, population (NC and VS usually have 5-15% more pop unless we are ghost capping a continent) means that we get capped back to the canyons every few hours.
    Yes... we always seem to be fighting a loosing battle and not holding territories for long. But that's all part of the game, not much to be done about it really.
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  7. JokeForgrim

    My highest amount of TKs are on my VS account. Sure accidents happen, but 90% is someone who is going heavy/full auto in a doorway.

    Here is a crazy idea... give the kids their extra shields to hide behind, Just dont give them the guns with the biggest clip/ammo pool in the game then they might learn to aim.

    As for the OP, I agree.

    I never play TR because their stock guns feel too easy to use and it seems there are no good leaders I have seen so far (unlike NC and VS) This is my guess as to why most people re-rolled another faction after GU02.

    When you could only have 1 account, TR were ALWAYS pulling 50% on indar, now they are lucky to get 25%. After the prowler nerf they are lucky to pull 20%.
  8. SKYeXile

    Most Australians are just bad, the only escape is play on Connery.
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  9. Stealth1

    Doesn't help when there IS a good battle going on, and outfit leaders decide its mandatory for everyone to participate in ghost capping Amerish/Esamir, just so we can have a resource discount for an hour or two before its capped back.

    In all the public and private/outfit platoons I've participated in, the extent of coordinated strategy I've seen is;

    - "everyone get in the Gal", those who don't make it "grab a Mossy"
    - "everyone get in the Sundy", which doesn't even have MineGuard and is subsequently taken out by a lone Engy as no one even protects it

    Have never seen a proper AA group put together that can camp a strategic point (top of a cliff etc) to suppress enemy air or provide a retreat zone/honeypot, or ground vehicles prioritizing AA turrets so air can move in, minefield setups, deployment of Flash Radar, etc etc. The usual order is just "everybody push". Pretty disappointing.
  10. CHC999

    Thanks for the blanket statement. Love the use of 'most' to over your hindside.o_O

    Anyway, I used to play all faction and now just VS. Joined big outfits on all of those. NC and VS is pretty good overall. TR side is just disappointing, filled with kiddies trying to sound mature and weirdly mature guys acting like a kid trying to sound mature. They behave well when they are winning in a zerg but instantly get bored when they lose and leaves the game (probably to join the other side).

    At the end I just had it and decided to pick a side, which was VS because I invested most certs in it. Although I do say NC is a very close, I like the weapon and the outfits aren't that bad.
  11. LonelyTerran

    Helios TR is a force to be reckoned with.
  12. fiqsa

    KOL are finished except for a few with no clue.
    KNTR are rumoured to be moving to NC.

    TR needs strong leadership, not mindless zergs. Join one of the other great TR outfits and encourage your leaders to work together with other outfits and get work done.
  13. JChronus

    the stupid thing is the TR in my opinion have some of the most effective weapons, some of the squad leaders got on my nerves tho so i haven't been back in a while :-(
  14. Rasp

    TR are terrible and have a lot of D**** in their faction which makes me take my VS bretherin south to smite them.
  15. Brusilov [TR]

    I can't believe everyone's answer to this is to RE-***-KING-ROLL AS A DIFFERENT EMPIRE!?!

    This is the cause of OP's problem in the first place. TR was more organised than NC in the beginning, now they have the perceived worst indarside warpgate and a bunch of 4th empire nublets have switched sides.

    Also i have to agree with this statement, to some extent...

    Playing shooters on mixed servers against other Australians during Aussie primetime, makes me feel like a hero. Then playing on the same server when all the Americans are on, makes me feel very average indeed. It might partly be the higher ping, but i think there are just more gamers, more competition and hence more practiced talent.
  16. Truppen

    cunter, such a bad name for an outfit
  17. jdono67894

    You are joking right?
    Every XxX420yoloSWAGXxX I have seen was in VS, plus the biggest VS outfit name is 'TROL'.

    Everyone on briggs knows VS is officialy the 'lol we trole u mad lololol' faction.
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  18. Mcponington

    TR and NC really need to get their **** together in terms of organisation. In the last few weeks the VS armies have begun stomping armies of equally matched size all over the map.
  19. jdono67894

    Sure pal, and VS didn't spend an hour being warpgated and only holding 1 territory (guess which) during primetime last night.
  20. Dingus148

    Ahahaha OP is mad because he couldn't roll with a good outfit.