The upcoming double SC dilemma

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Springheel Jack, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Springheel Jack

    So with the upcoming double SC day/weekend/whatever, my first thought was to go buy a couple WalMart SC cards.

    But then I got to thinking, is it worth it? Is the game worth it to spend another $30 on? Will there be any longevity to this, any changes for the better, or would I just be feeding a cash grab based off of people's nostalgia for a previous game?

    I also already have most of what I would want on my main character and the remainder of 2000 SC I won a couple weeks ago as it is. Not sure if it would be worth it even.

    Alternatively I could use the SC on PS2's golden children the NC and make a character on that side.

  2. SenEvason

    Easy. Are you having fun? I know I am, and so are others. People are still spending money on it, so there is still longevity. I know I'll be spending money on it come 2X EXP day.
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  3. TomaHawk

    When is 2x SC day?
  4. DemoEvolved

    Look within yourself young padawan, and the answer shall you find.
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  5. Gavyne

    If you have fun, or spend quite a bit of time playing the game, then it's worth it. Especially so if you want to see the game improve and keep being expanded upon. The last thing you want to do is to not get it, then be one of the 50 people that post and complains about the price of guns later.
  6. Gavyne

    On or around Easter, no official confirmation but you can expect one.
  7. MattGL

    Any official word on next double day? I used a Wal-Mart card this weekend, but I would get another one for sure.

    Maybe two.

    oops ninjad
  8. Zeekez

    What I did was spend $50 on ebay to get the $150 nvidia card, used the ps2 code, traded the hawken and WoT codes for PS2 codes. 15,000 SC for $50 - Triple SC day for me!

    Or you can find the $50 ps2 only codes for $25-30 and just have a double SC day for yourself
  9. Garantine

    Anyone at this stage having seen the pace of improvement and addition that they have set should be able to make an educated decision for themselves. I can't see myself investing money in this game again beyond the three months of subscription I paid for after launch, just don't play the game enough anymore to justify spending money on it. I'll probably play it more in the future, depending on my level of boredom with other free time activities, but until then I've closed the bank on PS2.

    Personally I would advise against putting much if any money into PS2 until something (from your perspective of course) drastic changes about the game. As it is during the few times I log in weekly I'm seeing repetition of the same things I began seeing in late November, so from my perspective the game hasn't really improved much outside of minimal balance changes and certainly hasn't shown any signs of evolution since it launched. The focus seems extremely imbalanced weighing the need for generating revenue well above the need to improve the game and attract a larger audience.

    Will probably review my decision in 6 months to a year and see how I feel about paying more for the game, but as it stands, I feel my level of investment has been reasonable for the small return of entertainment I've received.
  10. ViXeN

    I doubt that i will buy any sc this time but are they going to start doing this on every major holiday now? If so I'll definitely buy some next time.
  11. biterwylie

    Not spending any more myself, will get the last 500SC from my membership in April and that's me done.

    Vehicles have been made useless beyond the Zerg, and there is no sign at all that there will ever be a meta game.
  12. AccelPrime

    1. You shouldn't be able to go all "solo hero" with one tank. One tank SHOULD be an easy kill. Get a few buddies and roll multiple 2/2 tanks, and you can retaliate against much larger unorganized forces. Having said that, the last time I pulled my Magrider I went on a 40+ killstreak. I can't see why people are whining so much about this matter.

    2. Right now they're making an effort to fix the flow of battle, ensuring that we have a great FPS experience. I've been yelling for meta game for months, and I really do hope it comes, but i'd rather have fun & longer battles before any kind of meta game.
  13. Rustler

    Nah ill wait for 3x SC.
  14. Phrygen

    waiting for 3x.... or real account wide unlocks... or for them to stop nerfing everything worth buying.
  15. Roy Teppert

    I thought they did 3x sc days at the end of each financial quarter. Now it's only 2x? :(
  16. Springheel Jack

    So today's the day.

    What are you folk doing?
  17. St0mpy

    I dont see anything unusual. Historically theyve only done 2 x3 promotions a year, until they did the two close together just recently. In between those x3 promotions come x2 promotions every couple or 3 months.

    Be patient, itll come, perhaps next one. Top up for the next 3 months on x2 and youll be good.
  18. LibertyRevolution

    LEFT burster. Dual burster max is the best AA you can buy. So buy it. Use that 1000certs to cert the extended mags.
    The 1000 certs for both extended mags is the difference between G2A damage points and kills, I highly recommend them.

    M40 for your Flash, because if you want a kobalt, just get it with certs, m40 hurts armor and 1 shots infantry.

    M40 for your sunderer (primary and secondary). Because it best, if you want bulldogs, just buy them with certs, they are cheaper.
    Dual m40's will destroy any tank you come across and it makes killing easy for your gunners that cant aim a basilisk.
    AA on your sunderer? not on my sunderer.. just deploy and pull your dual burster max.. air will RUN.

    Engineer AV turret. If you don't have this, you should buy one.
    Kill armor with no need to worry about running out of rockets or spending resources on explosives.

    That is 3500SC so far, and these these items are cross faction.. buy it for your NC, get them on TR/VS too.
    That would be 1 walmart $15 card, and you still have 500SC left, which is enough 10 single use camos.
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  19. Phyr

    "Cash grab" has lost it's meaning the same way "meta-game" has. People throw it around to much, and rarely is it correct.
  20. Lexicon

    Why do people start these if we're able to tell you how you feel? Good grief.