Thoughts on the striker

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Roland0077, Mar 25, 2013.

  1. Roland0077

    I honestly don't believe it needs a damage nerf or any sort of reduction. Its real power comes in the form of team work. Make it take 3 or 4 mags to kill an esf and then it will be my 3rd or 4th launcher dude in my squad who gets the kill. Solo play the launcher is garbage other then for tickling tanks and libs. Its the only one of the 3 that Is practically unusable at close ranges such as 50m due to obstacles and the lock on timer plus the idiotic trajectory of the missiles.

    If it was to recieve a dumb fire mode I would be all in favor of loosing 100m or so of lock-on if the damage remained the same, however I doubt this will ever happen. The phoenix seems to be usable solo and in groups (tested with my outfit against my own outfit). I do want the launcher to being a esf to flames in a single hit however and loose the screen shake at start. And the lancer has the capability to alpha strike kill a tank at 0-500 in groups of 10. people complain about the trail but iv never seen it render when I'm getting shot with it unless they are within 50m.

    In short. Use more teamwork with your launcher. The air lockon for both factions is just as good as the striker. Overkill will always happen when used as a squad
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  2. Ash87

    In groups the Striker and the Lancer look like they are the best launchers in the game. I know multiple people who are now rolling Striker and lockon groups again to stop armor columns.
  3. PS2Freak

    it will be tweaked . in curent state it is OP. so it would be nonsense with dumbfire mode, that would make it even more OP. i find, and many agree, that the range and firepower of striker is just too much. need to be balanced soon
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  4. XRIST0

    Striker does not need a nerf , seriously stop this nonsense .
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  5. Roland0077

    Its only good at range. Rush a striker group with lightnings and watch what happens
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  6. UrMom306

    oh ffs, ANYTHING used in groups will seem OP. I solo alot and the striker does jack **** to ESF's and Tanks. The only time I get kills with it solo is if the pilot or tank driver doesn't take cover and repair (which they should do no matter what rocket they get hit with)
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  7. PS2Freak

    "Striker does not need a nerf "

    lets call it not nerf, but " minor tweaks to balance launcher"
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  8. Kristan

    How is it OP?
  9. Roland0077

    How could you nerf it and nit make it more garbage for solo play. The lancer can snipe maxs and kill idiot tank drivers with no warning solo. The phoenix can strike without LoS if you know how to position and use personal waypoints. The striker will tickle anything solo.
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  10. Morpholine

    It's an Annihilator with 1.5 times the damage output per magazine.
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  11. XRIST0

    Your point is what exactly ?
  12. Roland0077

    And 5x the miss chance plus all rockets need to hit for it to be worth it
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  13. Roland0077

    Literally the only way it can kill u is if you stand still. Esfs And libs fly down. Tanks scoot back and forth or sit 3/4ths behind cover
  14. Morpholine

    The Annihilator gave up the ability to dumb-fire and a small amount of damage to get the ability to lock on to both vehicle types.

    The Striker, on the other hand, actually gains damage when making the same sacrifice.

    That's my point. If it's an Annihilator re-skin, it's one with a clear damage advantage.
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  15. CptFirelord

    What makes it OP? It's a lock on weapon. Everything in the game that it can lock onto has ways to deter it. IR Smoke, Flares, Vehicle Stealth, Terrain dips, etc.

    And for the OP: The Striker as it stands now seems very well balanced ( a first for SOE ) although I will admit, the idiotic projectile pathing really gets annoying.
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  16. XRIST0

    But , who ever said it was an Annihilator re-skin ?
  17. Roland0077

    I will admit it makes the anhilator useless for tr. But when is 10 strikers better then 10 grounder (tr air lockon) if ur sniping infantry with a tank at 400 your doing it wrong. Armor just needs to rush strikers and they win
  18. Dawgpound12

    What lancer are you using? My lancer can barely kill an infantryman.
  19. RomulusX

    My Striker can't even damage an infantryman.
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  20. Roland0077

    I haven't used it. Iv seen it used on brainless comrades. They don't move and let 2 full charges spank their *****. Dat prowler ***