Which hack kills you the most ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by CrazyMike, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. Bacon Stain

    what a piece of Sh8t lol. In before they lock it - to show how weak this company is.
  2. ViXeN

    Yes because only Planetside 2 has hackers...
  3. user68

    Eve Online doesn't
  4. p10k56

    One can wonder on impact of cheaters to game balance issues. How many things were nerfed or buffed just cause of this:confused:
  5. P4NJ

    The left one, for some reason most Hacksaw maxes seem to fire with the right one first, so the left one finishes the job. I don't die to them a lot though, since I'm LA usually so they can't catch me.
  6. user68

    In case you interested, Eve Online has it's traffic encrypted, address space randomized, god knows what else. No hackers, ever.
  7. GraphicJ

    What I hate the most are dumbfire rockets hacks one shotting one's ESF when flying 600, 700 feet in the sky. The reason I hate it the most is because the cooldown on an ESF is long. At least if i was aimbotted as an infantry no real penalty there as it takes a couple seconds to respawn. Funny enough these hack kills always start to happen after 11pm-12am...cheater time.
  8. p10k56

    Today my mossy was shoot down by vanu rocket launcher it shows S1 name no lock on warning:mad:
  9. user68

    SOE doesn't give a **** about hackers. I mean, why the floor is transparent when the player is underground? Why you can shoot through floor from underground? How hard is to fix it? It is damn 15 minute fix.
    SOE just don't give a ****.
  10. Hamakua

    Honestly, Map & no Recoil probably kill me more than aimbots, but map & no recoil are nearly indistinguishable from a "really good player" without any spectator mode or actual accuracy check on the server side (most things are client side, oh well).

    There are a couple of infamous "subtle" aimbotters running around who have stayed under the radar for 70+ levels though.
  11. Get2dachoppa

    I was waiting for someone to bring up APB. Played it before Realtime Worlds went belly up. Was even killed by a hacker featured in a youtube video advertising their hacks.
  12. meucha

    Inb4 lock :eek:
  13. WycliffSlim

    How many games have you coded in your life? What's that, none? Then don't pretend like you know about how easy it is to implement things in a game. Because you're flat out wrong. It would take a vast amount of time and would suck up even more memory and CPU usage than the game already does.

    Here's the thing, could SOE make it absurdly difficult to hack in PS2? Yes, they could. Would the game still be playable? No, it probably wouldn't. Checks, encryption, all of that uses up processing power and the average machine doesn't have any to spare while running the game.
  14. p10k56

    There seems to be also simplified flying hack for ESF. Makes me wonder how simplified it is?
  15. user68

    Yeah, right, non-transparent floor uses a lot more processing power than the transparent one
  16. vastaitku

    Because having the ground be opaque both ways would basically double the polycount for the ground mesh, a change 99.99% of the playerbase would never even get to see. Making it impossible to shoot from below ground would probably not be a trivial thing to implement either, and to do that just to deny a handful of people their favorite pastime would be a monstrous waste of resources.

    Now that I think about it, they could try making the ground under a cap point be a restricted area. That'd be pretty funny. Wouldn't stop people no-clipping through the wall, but still.
    • Up x 1
  17. DogEgg01

    I , like many these days have been playing fps for 22 years now . Hacking is way more common now than ever before.

    I'll leave you with one interesting fact.

    Punkbuster twittered that 1 in 7 players was cheating after 2 months of launch on Battlefield Bad Company 2 , they admitted that despite all their efforts that this would probably rise to 1 in 5 by 5 months after launch ....

    They had no answers or solution.

    Wake up and smell the rotten stink of modern gaming online.
  18. SceaRd

    There are varying levels of skill and eye-hand coordination. I systematically annihilated the defenders of an outpost with my Prowler. When a gentleman accused me of cheating after I head-shotted him from 150m away with a tank projectile, I explained to him that I have played CS 1.6 in my past and that I am using broken equipement (pre-nerfed HE and infrared) he still wouldn't wake to the reality.

    In short: It's in your head guys.
  19. user68

    Eve Online has no hacks and an average online of 60 000 players, all playing on one server. Sure, its not FPS, but still.

    Traffic encryption and address space randomization cost nothing cpu-wise, but somewhat costly to implement.
    I guess its a lot more "cost-effective" to hire a bunch of cheap outsourced support to ban cheaters by hand.
  20. user68

    You didn't bother to read thread or watch the videos, right?