Purchased common pool item more than once? U Get Nuttin!!!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by -Crotalus-, Mar 21, 2013.

  1. Cleaver

    Let me correct that for you.

    I bought two jackets from you a couple of months ago, and you now have a sign saying that jackets are on a two for the price of one deal - retrospective to any prior purchases. Could I please take a refund that you promised?

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  2. MilitiaMan

    I have a meme for these people, though it drops the F bomb a few times....

    Still wondering if it's worth it...
  3. Sharpe

    So I managed to log in and apparentely not even helmets / armours are unlocked cross faction
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  4. Goden

    It's totally broken right now.
  5. NoctD

    Higby did state that for a fact, but it seemed like a half promise that they'd try rather than a guarantee that we will get something in return. Guess it was a glass half empty.
  6. illgot

    I want a refund in SC credits. I do not expect cash back.

    Treat your customers right they continue to do business. If you think PS2 is so original and the peak of FPS games... that you can treat your customers like disposable credit cards, good luck with that.
  7. PsychoBat

    Requesting the retrospective refund promise citation.
  8. MilitiaMan

    Like I posted in another thread, if I am shafted by this.

    I will cancel my sub and never buy another item from the depot again. I don't mind supporting a game I like, but treat me like **** and I will turn my back on you.
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  9. Ronin Oni

    Only the top investors of the game...

    yah, SOE shouldn't care about us at all after showing how much we are willing to invest :rolleyes:
  10. PhilDun

    Prices decrease over time.

    So you paid more for something that's now less expensive. Get over it. I don't get pissed when a gun I purchased goes on sale.
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  11. TimeRabbit

    Why isn't anyone just grateful they are giving us any unlocks. They didn't have to give us this feature.
    Beggars can not be choosers
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  12. Erik

    You can wait and see what they come up with like an adult or continue to through unnecessary hissy fits.

    Not directed at OP but the guy acting like the world is ending.
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  13. Jaloro

    The point is I bought a lot of items for my alt on the back of Higby's (and others) posts. If they had been more honest about this and said "we will not be providing refunds retrospectively" then I would have held off buying them until they got the account wide unlocks in.

    The cynic in me is screaming that they of course knew this which is why they were so non-committal.

    On the flip side, how many people are now going to be holding off on buying the rocket launchers tomorrow? Until RadarX's post, I was buying my Lancer in a flash. Now I am waiting for maybe a month until they finish the account wide unlocks to include the non-identical faction items.

    Frankly at this point in time anyone with an alt that buys the new rocket launchers is either rich or just stupid.
  14. Frosty The Pyro

    If you walk into a hotdog joint, and buy a hotdog, you then have a hotdog. If next week they are having a 2 for 1 hotdog deal you do not get to walk in and say "I bought a hotdog last weak, and now you are giving out two for what I paid, you need to give me a free hotdog" you will be an idiot.

    You made a purchase, you got what you purchased. Them deciding to make purchases acount wide is cool, leting it be retroactive is awesome. But you are not owed anything.
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  15. ViXeN

    Why don't we wait and actually see what they have planned before we all freak out? Just a thought.
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  16. Tatwi

    Very Simple: Never Trust Sony Online Entertainment. Never.

    That's coming from a paying customer from 2002 - 2012.

    This is exactly why I did not buy anything on Connery that I already had on Matherson. SOE cannot be trusted - just the way it has always been. I'm certainly not so say they are lying thieves or that they never do anything nice/good; Simply pointing out that it's better to ignore what they say and act upon what they do.
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  17. GhostAvatar

    About 300 or so people derp.
  18. Jaloro

    You and everyone else saying this are completely missing the point. In your analogy, in week 1 you conveniently missed out the sign next to him saying "2 for 1 hotdog deal should have started this week but we are low on dogs, come back next week and we will give you extra".
  19. RadarX

    We very obviously want feedback on this issue, but please keep it constructive. There are no plans for blanket SC refunds on the same item being purchased on multiple characters.
  20. Jezs

    Key word being "promised", which was not in the original statement.

    That said, if they actually have records of purchases (we can dream...) it would be incredibly easy to do the refunds. Guess they figured they would make more money that way than they lose from people not spending any more due to this action