Lancer can't 1 shot ESF's but the other ESL's can?....

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by treeHamster, Mar 18, 2013.

  1. treeHamster

    Please explain this to me....I don't honestly see the point of a Lancer if I can't use it to 1 shot all the Mossies that like to hoverpod spawn rooms with impunity.... What is the point in even getting it if the dumb fire rockets are more useful?

    You're making us charge it up (I'm assuming we have to have it scoped up to charge it), then give a trigger delay, and on top of that it can't even 1 shot the ESF's. Please explain to me, WHY I would want to get it at this point? It's no good for infantry killing (outside sniping stupid stationary targets), will do the least damage of the 3 launchers and carry the least ammo (for a full charge shot).
  2. Colt556

    The TR launcher can't one-hit an ESF. The NC one is the only launcher that can destroy an ESF in one hit, and that's because it has a tiny range, slow move speed, and requires the user to be rooted in place. The lancer can be charged and fired from the hip, but it's inaccurate as hell so don't do it.

    The primary reason the Lancer can't one-shot ESF's is because the projectile is fast as hell and gives absolutely no warning. It would be exceptionally overpowered to have a sniper rifle that can one-shot an ESF.
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  3. zacoda1

    Yeah, they also said that a fully charged shot will not be able to one shot infantry either, which is somewhat ridiculous.
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  4. treeHamster

    So what is it SUPPOSE to do? Tickle tanks? Maybe scratch the paint a little?

    SOE, how about you ditch the Lancer and give me a better pistol or a banana peel, I think either one would be more useful than this new ESL.

    Also, just ONE rocket from the Striker isn't suppose to kill an ESF but an entire clip sounds like it can and considering it can fire 6 rockets in 3.75 seconds, that's a HECK of a lot faster than charging a Lancer ~1 second, reloading ~3 seconds, and charging to shoot again ~1 second (5 seconds total if not longer).
  5. Sturmwaffles

    It has an incredible projectile speed. Use your LMGs to kill infantry, you lazy heavies. Jeez.
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  6. zacoda1

    I think the problem we have is that it is seriously dumbed down from the PS1 version, like just about everything else in this game.
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  7. CrashB111

    Because stuff like this

    Should not occur.
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  8. treeHamster

    Who cares if the projectile moves fast if it doesn't do any good damage? I'd rather have a laser that moves at the speed of tree sap if it can actually hurt stuff. Otherwise it's nothing better than a giant laser pointer that screams "HA over here, shoot me!".

    And don't compare it to the Spartan laser because that thing doesn't have a trigger delay and can shoot more than 2 shots (Lancer can do 2 fully charged shots). They give us massive speed balanced by a trigger delay then nerf it pre-release to where it won't 1 shot anything because "that wouldn't be fair". If it can't 1 shot anything then a trigger delay is ABSOLUTELY pointless and does nothing except make it even HARDER to use.
  9. Sturmwaffles

    Sounds like it does awesome damage to tanks. The game is very modular on the matter of damage to specific can do great damage to tanks, and not so great damage to people.

    Just because it cannot insta-gib players, doesn't mean it won't do well against tanks.
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  10. whaleboy

    Breaking the strikers line of sight stops the rockets, flares stop the rockets, and you have a warning first.

    Lancer hits without telegraphing the hit first or giving you a way to counter it.
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  11. Sturmwaffles

    What's different? It's "dumbed down" because it won't give an awesome advantage? Travel time is an awesome advantage, it sounds like you want it to insta-travel to ESFs and gib them. Sounds like a fun way to piss off pilots.
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  12. Phyr

    Apparently it will be easy to hit ESF's with it, though they haven't told us exactly how fast it actually is, or how much damage it actually does.
  13. CrispyHaze

    So let me get this straight.. if it doesn't ridiculously and without warning one-shot an ESF at full health, it's useless?

    Have you tried pretending to be an ammo tower? You might become marginally useful again.
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  14. treeHamster

    Have ANY of you ever tried sniping ESF's with the Saron from a camped tank? It's incredibly hard at more than point blank because of the trigger delay and that was BEFORE they cut the bullet speed.
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  15. Lucidius134

    The back of a flash isn't immobile. 8)
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  16. treeHamster

    You guys defending it's crappy damage obviously have never tried using the Saron for anything. Trigger delay is usually ~1/4 of a second and makes it a LOT harder to shoot than you'd think because 0.25 seconds in this game is a LONG time when you're trying to shoot something that's 50 meters away (a small target).
  17. CrispyHaze

    You should entertain the possibility that you are a moron that is using the wrong weapon for the wrong job and expecting that it should be effective, rather than it being a problem with the weapon itself.
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  18. treeHamster

    Look, my point is that it's sounding a lot more like a glorified laser pointer than anything else. The Saron is great because it carries a lot of ammo and is mounted on a tank, so you get armor. This will only get 6 rounds (max of 3 rounds per charge) and doesn't come with an armor benefit.

    So it's great at shooting tanks which are giant slow targets. Tank mines do the same job except you can deploy them faster and have a much larger splash damage (not to mention easily kill infantry).
  19. sustainedfire

    Since we have not seen them in action, we can only speculate.

    Based on the information we are told, I think I would rather have a Lancer over a Striker.

    TR gets another Lock on Launcher? And the kicker is you have to maintain the target in your sights the entire time the rocket is in travel. Thats asking to be Rocket Podded, Heat rounded, or Dalton/Zepher bombed.

    Complaining about a Ultra High Velocity Chargable Laser Beam is just ridiculous. You are going to be able to snipe aircraft! Having to hit them a few times is no big deal- what do you want to be Vanu Rambo One Man Army?

    If you have anyone else on your team using one of the plethora of Anti Air options, ESF will be in fear of the Lancer. You will potentially be able to kill steal a crap ton of damaged targets from your teammates- and thats exactly what you want isn't it?!?
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  20. CrispyHaze

    Obviously it would take a VS player to understate the advantages of having fast as hell round velocity. You never had to try to hit a Magrider at distance, have you? No, didn't think so.

    Lol at comparison to tank mines. So Lancer can't one-shot ESF, therefore useless. Better use mines instead!
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