Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Blue4tw, Mar 17, 2013.

  1. Blue4tw

    How long can it take to balance ******* MAXes
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  2. whitehawk

    what do you mean balance? you mean suck all the fun out of each faction until none of them are different?
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  3. CrashB111

    This is the mantra of every empire when they have something OP.

    VS (launch to GU2) - Don't nerf the Magrider its ability to strafe and outperform all other tanks makes it unique, you should just lrn2play.
    TR (GU2 to GU3) - Don't nerf the Prowler its ability to wreck infantry makes it unique, you should just lrn2play.
    NC (launch to now) - Don't nerf the ScatMAX its ability to one shot everything at close range makes it unique, and you should just lrn2play.
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  4. Klondik3

    OMG scatmax barely even works after 20 meters range.
    L2P ye nerfmongers.
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  5. Flaeb

    As a Heavy with a pump shotgun and Decimator. I have no issues with maxes anymore, even NC . Buff maxes
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  6. ThundaHawkPS

    Carv has the highest capacity of all 750 RPM weapons at 100, double of the orion/msw-r. I feel 750-800 RPM is a sweet spot for automatic weapons. If I had invested in my Terran HA from the start I'd probably post 1.8+ kills per minute with the Carv9, which far eclipses what I'd do with the NC LMGs.

    Prowler's performance versus infantry far eclipses the Vanguard. There's a good reason most NC over BR 50 don't even pull Vanguards as per the stat chart: it sucks *** versus infantry. It's so bad that Heat/HE lightnings outperform Vanguards in anti-infantry.

    Lastly, the mosquito. The things that make the mosquito stand out to me are

    1) Speed (one of the most vital ESF statistics: the stock reaver is 215kph, aka the same as the stock liberator. The Scythe is 10kph faster and the Mosquito is 30 kph faster stock). With Racer 3 mosquito posts 275kph speeds cruising, which is 60kph (!) faster than a non-racer using Reaver. Speed combined with the fastest acceleration allows the mosquito to get to cover faster (break locks, avoid flak) and chase better (better angles/position to hit enemy ESF).
    2) Noise (Reaver and Scythe both have loud and/or distinctive engine sounds to alert enemies to their presence. The Mosquito is far less audible. ESF by their low-armor nature rely on Stealth more than other vehicles)
    3) Hitbox (Reaver is a huge target. Scythe has unfavorable hitboxes on its top/bottom. Mosquito is a skinny reed. If jumped by an enemy ESF, Mosquito has the best chance to avoid damage while going evasive. This along with the raw speed and acceleration makes its survival rate much higher than the other 2 ESF.
    4) Bullet velocity (ESF move fast. Fast targets are easier to hit with fast bullets. Mosquito rotary has the best velocity.)
    5) Rocket pods (Again, best velocity. Most shots and best ROF allow for the easiest target correction on misses. Misses less punished than with other ESF).

    I like the Mosquito for other reasons, too, but objectively speaking it is the strongest ESF right now with too many areas of advantage. Because ESF are less common and more difficult to utilitze properly than tanks, these balance issues might not be as evident to the population as the imbalances between the old magrider and the old prowler/vang.
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  7. MGP

    You've done a good job mentioning only the strongest sides of other faction, and comparing them to the weakest points of the NC. Kudos.
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  8. Gorion

    they need a idea for the VS MAX. Thats why there is no MAX patch.

    nc max = shield

    tr max = anchor mode

    vs max = ???

    Thats the problem!

    and yes i think scatter max is slightly op :eek: (oh no the o word!!!!!!)
  9. Vreki

    Well, the VS MAX used to have jumpjets, back in PS1.

    Anyway, having triede out the other MAX in VR, the difference between various shotgun MAX and he rest are basically what you would expect when you compare a shotgun and a LMG. The shotgun will rule CQB, but the other kill well enough.

    The problem as I see it is that the AV MAX is not a hard counter to an AI MAX as you would expect, currently the HackSaw is also the best anti-MAX weapon. And that should be fixed.

    Give the MAX better small-arms resistance, and let us have a CQB AV arm for the MAX. The current one is hard to aim up close, and does splash damage to your self.
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  10. Purg

    Only new nerf NC MAX thread I've seen today. Optimistic. :D
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  11. Goretzu

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  12. Vreki

    Maybe, but when I use a scattermax I fight like I do with a shotgun. I would never do a faceoff at anything but close range. I retreat if the range are not in my favour.
    But this raises the question again: Why are we considering how fast two AI MAX can kill each otther, when it really should be a job for AV MAX?
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  13. phreec

    NC MAX is ridiculously powerful within 10 meters but past that it's pretty much a joke, unlike the dual Cosmos or Mercy MAX's...

    Myth busted ever since the introduction of the VR training zone
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  15. Goretzu

    Indeed it is daft to use a ScatMAX at anything beyond 0-8m as it is out-DPS'd by the other AI MAXs.

    AV MAXs are probably headaches for the Devs, boost their DPS to take down an AI MAX = boosting their DPS to take down everything else (this is largely a flaw in PS2 very low TTK compared to PS2 IMO), AV MAXs are ironically excellent at AI at longer ranges however.
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  16. Marked4Death

    This video shows complete balance. IIRC the NC max cannot move at all and will just stand there taking headshots & never use cover when reloading, so OP must be wrong.
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  17. Goretzu

    The only myth is that they aren't, all the other AI MAXs do more DPS, kill quicker and don't have to reload anything like as much, VR videos abound showing this clearly. :)

    Slugs increase the NCs range, but are still quite random (due to the large spread of MAXs and the inability to ADS) and nerf the closer range DPS considerably.
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  18. Goretzu

    How do you balance for cover?

    Or to put it another way:

    The TR MAX out-DPS the NC MAX from ~8m onwards.

    At what point do YOU think the NC MAX should be "allowed" to out-DPS the TR MAX?

    0m to 5m?

    0m to 1m?

    Never allowed to out-DPS the TR MAX?

    What is your answer?
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    You don't even need slugs to kill something past 10m reliably. That's the salient point
  20. KingSnuggler

    Basically that's what these players are trying to do....
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