[Suggestion] How would you nerf AV turret?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by GSZenith, Mar 15, 2013.

  1. GSZenith

    oh make sense then, only time i'm ever that close is the cliff south of xroad.

  3. mindbomb

    they are fine. weakness is air and snipers and sauron and tanks with optics. and other engineers. They have a signature sound that gives away their position like infiltrator cloak.

    usually, if there is a group of them with AA maxes, they still won't have enough AA firepower to kill a lib before the lib wipes them out. If there are no AA maxes, they won't be able to defend against a single esf.

    AP rounds on an mbt does more dps btw. And those have optics available as well as faster projectiles, thus a lower skill ceiling.
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  4. Granicus

    you ppl wont be happy till u kill off eng comply make it so the eng can only repair woot the c4, mines, and now the turret. we are exposed in it easy to hit what more do you want.
  5. Laznag

  6. notyourbuddy

    People defending these things. Use a sniper. Oh he is on a ledge 600m away and the turret prevents headshots? Oh well errr.. use a tank. Oh your tank can't aim that high or the bullet drop makes hitting that 1pixel engi too hard? Use an ESF. Oh they have an AA unit? Use a zephyr LIB!

    So the only way to stop engis from abusing this weapon is get in a lib, find the little spec 600m away, and hope the enemy has only one AA MAX and zero ESFs in the area or the "get an OP sniper rocket of our own and snipe him back" solution? o_O

    Its a broken weapon.
  7. Necron

    Because tankers are the biggest babies in the universe.
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  8. SinerAthin

    They should rename Anti-tank missiles to Bottles.
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  9. Bill Hicks

    i think the AV turret is fine. It rewards people who flank and punish vehicle zergs that never use infantry
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  10. FinWiz

    I did some math just for you. Let's assume that tanks are coming and they are 600 meter away. Let's assume that they don't have any snipers (which can easily walk closer), they don't have air support and no cover(even wastelands have). Let's also assume that engi can make all of his shot hit(which is pretty insane assumption). Average speed of MBT is 14m/s. It takes 42 seconds before those tanks are right in front of you. With fire delay of 5 seconds You can fire 8 rocket before tanks reach you and when it takes 4 rockets to kill MBT you can kill two MBT. Now that's the most ideal situtation possible. Tanks can shoot you very well after they closer than 200 meter, making all of your shot hit is not that easy, engineers can repair much faster than you deal dmg, snipers can shoot you very well, ESF gets esy kills from you and this thing has in fact recoil which interferes with your guiding and it's not the most forgiving weapon out there.

    Now tell me how is that broken?
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  11. Farlion

    The damage is way out of line in when you consider it has unlimited ammo, is virtually invisible and has a pretty good range and also when you compare it to a normal rocket launcher.

    Otherwise it is fine.
  12. notyourbuddy

    Whatcha talking about? The tanks + infantry are attacking one base while these AV engi turrets are being deployed up on top of mountains in the neighboring hex often not rendering and having rockets that certainly aren't rendering. Tanks and infantry can't get to that. Snipers aren't going to counter that. The only threat to these guys is if an ESF just happens to flyby while using IR. Nobody is complaining about engis who are using these at medium to close ranges or ones who are setting them up in a base that the enemy is currently attacking. Both those can be countered just as you can counter the traditional anti-infantry mana turret. Its the range and abusability that makes these things broken.
  13. Flying Mug

    Make it so that it's rocket and trail always render so you have some idea of where you're being shot from. :p
  14. centurionvi

    1 deploy per resupply. Maybe take away the ammo pack, I don't know why Engineers get 2 items in one slot when no one else does.
  15. mindbomb

    tank snipers wreck infantry from far away with HE rounds. High velocity, optics available, splash damage, low ttk. How can you really complain about infantry being OP in the vehicle-infantry dynamic.
  16. Takro

    Id like to see a video of these invisible turrets on mointaintops gibbing tanks from beyond visual range. How do you know its an av turret if you cant see it firing?
  17. FreelancePanic

    As a avid fan of the MANA AT turret, I wondered "how hard is it to kill me while I use this turret?".

    I was sitting on Magrider hill and found two easy ways to kill AT turret users on the Crown.

    1. Bolt action sniper rifles. There is no protective shielding for the head. It is very, very easy to make a headshot on a non-moving target (two beads down on a 12x scope at 300m).

    2. Annihilator. 400m AV turret sniper rifle. Zero skill required to look at turret and instagib it and the user. In fact, the projectile doesn't even render for the person in the turret (needs to be fixed. Annilockers should also render at 400m for ground forces, 500m for air forces).

    Using these two tools (actually one tool and one legit hax), I think I managed to get 60 certs per life off Magrider hill, just feeding off turret users. I really don't see why people whine about turrets.
  18. CommodoreFrank

    My only problem with is is the visibility. I don't see why the near useless AI turrets have to glow while the AV is impossible to spot until you get hit.
  19. GSZenith

    1) yes if you are at even hight, which is very very rare consindering most engi use an esf to get to the top.
    also yes 300m sure, will you get me at my normal 700-1000m?

    2) annih don't 1 shot the av turret, mine dosen't at least.
    also yes 400m, i sit at 700-1000m away from my tagets.

    The issue is ppl that say oh just move when get hit by AV invis rocket from nowhere, is at the hit i've already fired the second one which means death if it is from behind.
  20. Singed

    It takes some serious skill to hit moving targets at long range. The turret isn't camera guided so you have to judge distance and speed, which isn't easy considering that the player is situated behind the rocket. Usually I miss most of my targets at long range. The only easy hits are immobile targets. As long as you have an infantry escort in sundies, then your zerg is fine.