you did what to C4 ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by makrome, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. KukKung

    i should really use spell check on my mobile phone when using this forum lol :D
  2. KukKung

    read below, same reason you don't lose your weapon or your armor, if youre going to lose one physical item, then you should lose them all. pretty stupid to think oh theres my dead body with the C4 trigger in my hand, and my gun, but i can respawn with my gun but not the trigger, and not a physical object as the C4 that i placed down.
  3. Urban Cohort

    Give them back the C4 then, not a free kill for what turned out to be a kamikaze attack. Neutral - it doesn't punish nor does it reward the death. Just like how everything else in the game goes.
  4. Mythicrose12

    You've not read enough posts if you are asking an honest question. Some general highlights for you though.

    1. C4 isn't always reliable to begin with. It can often refuse to detonate or fall through the target/ground to detonate at zero damage.

    2. The time to deploy two bricks of C4 and detonate is much longer than any engineer throwing AT mines.

    3. Unless carrying an UBGL, two trips to a sunderer is needed to blow it up. Meaning you have to pass the derp defenders at least once. If the derp defenders killed you even after a successful C4 plant, they have time to detonate it and repair the sunderer before the planter arrives back on scene.

    4. C4 has a small "throw" distance and falls rather slow. It is easy to miss tanks if they all of a sudden decide to moves. In the mishap of missing, you just lost 100 resources as you can't pick up the very C4 you had.

    5. It's the most expensive explosive to use at 100 infantry resources. It also had a relatively small blast area (now a little big bigger).
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  5. MasterCheef

    why cant it just blow up on respawn?
  6. FigM

    I think that change is reasonable. But the cost of C4 is unreasonable, relative to mines. If C4 effectiveness is going to be nerfed, the resource cost better be reduced. It should be 75 tops
  7. Twitch760

    You still aren't answering the question as to why you think this is a good idea...So I'm supposed to stay dead while my other friends run up and try to detonate my C4 with a hand grenade? I'll just stop playing LA altogether with this change and play another class.
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  8. Urban Cohort

    Let's leave out the reasoning of there being bugs in the game (a sad, yet unavoidable fact that can't be planned for) and stick with the intended use of the explosive.

    Your second, fourth, and fifth points are all annoying yet calculable factors. Just the price of facing off against live, reactive enemies. Not unlike shooting enemies in the medium range, or throwing a need to calculate where the enemy is going to be, and if you're wrong, you come home with nothing.

    As for the third point...'almost' doesn't cut it as an argument. I can 'almost' cap a base, but fail- should I get credit for it? I can 'almost' destroy an enemy tank, should I get the last 20 hp free of charge just because I tried my best but FAILED? No, C4 shouldn't be treated any differently from any other bit of equipment - you fail to detonate your C4, you should absolutely get a free retry, sure (should get the block back)...But Not a 'push button to finish job'.
  9. anaverageguy

    C4 shouldn't be despawning. They should be made removable by friendly infantry [at least to give the tank driver the option of getting out to check if he suspects C4 was planted, meanwhile becoming vulnerable to small arms fire].

    Don't have the game do things for players on its own. <- that's what we call dumbing it down.
  10. Terran537

    I don't agree with the C4 change either, but I've got a suggestion that you can check out in my signature.
  11. Gavyne

    The change is fine, I'm one of those that love to suicide run in and toss C4, just so I can blow up 5+ people including MAX units after I respawn. It makes no sense, I did it because the game allowed it, and I'm actually totally fine that they took it away. It shouldn't be allowed in the game, it's cheese.

    But please do allow us to pickup C4. There are too many missed tosses due to the annoying delay in planting C4. There's a 2 second delay from when you click you mouse, to the animation of actually laying the C4. That 2 seconds is killer as it's near impossible to put a C4 on a moving vehicle, especially a hover strafing one that moves in all directions.
  12. makrome

    my crystal ball sees sunderers,
    lots of sunderers,
    invincible ones.

    God help us all.
  13. Desann


    Add a "dead man's switch" to the end of the C4 cert tree. If you have this cert, and you die, your C4 detonates, due to your "dead man's switch"

    :D see we can all win!

    Also, as a c4 user (occasionally) and a victim of c4 (sometimes) I would cast my vote to lower price of c4, at least to 75 (same as a mine) They cost a lot of certs to use, and require a bit of danger to the user due to you having to run or fly near your opponent to use it. Tank mines, however, are drop and forget and only cost 75. I have over 300 kills with tanks mines, I love them. I have less kills with c4, but since they are much harder to use (in my opinion) i feel they need to be the same, if not cheaper than mines.

    Drop price of c4 to 50-75ish range, not 100. I think that is fair.
  14. QuakerOatsMan

    I think the main idea behind this was that there is absolutely no counter to C4 once it is placed on a vehicle—it essentially becomes a death mark and the next attack against that vehicle will either put it in the red or kill it completely. Against AT mines, there is mineguard. However, a C4 stuck on to a vehicle's frame will easily remove a large chunk of its HP regardless of whether it has blockade armor, etc. I too do not completely agree that C4 should simply despawn on player respawn, as it complicates things and seems to exclude C4 almost like a completely separate item from resource-costing deployables such as mines. I still think though that there should be some counter to safely get rid of or nullify the damage from C4, especially with most vehicles receiving an increased exp bounty (and again, considering how there are no effective counters whatsoever to mitigate its damage against vehicles).
  15. Leer

    I never do it check my status I rarely play LA and think this change is wrong. If a wimpy LA can fly through a bunch of people plant two C4 on a non-repaired and/or non-upgraded Sundy wait 7-10 seconds with the enemy sitting around looking at the the C4 sitting there and then still destroy it they earned the kill. The defenders need to do 5-6 things wrong in order for the loss of the sundy to happen.

    Maybe just reduce the C4 damage to vehicles so it takes more...or leave it as is and people will get better at defending.
  16. Divinorium

    Looks like my thread wasn't useless.

    Like i've said before. The game had a way to place 3 blocks of c4(as a eng) while being, almost, invulnerable.
    On top of that after you did it the sund was gone for good, even if you didn't take the reward.
    That was completely broken.

    It's true that AT mines still more effective against idiots, sunderer without mineguards, it's. But it had a counter. C4 hadn't.

    I still prefer a mechanic that ppl needed to DEFUSE the C4, and the player should have a special gear for that, while giving him a good amount of exp(100 points).

    I don't think this mechanic of C4 dissapering will last, in fact i'm pretty sure it's just a temporary fix for a mechanic that was COMPLETELY BROKEN. But still better than before.

    And for anyone who said that C4 was weak. While in fact it was less effective than AT-MINE, more because of stupid players who don't use mineguard/pay attention, it was a completely broken in the hand of ppl who knew what they were doing.

    PS: I still believe that C4 needs less damage and be far less expensive. It would open more uses for that. But that's just my opinion of courses.
  17. Phazaar

    I understand the reason for the change, but I think they're ******* ******** for doing it. I haven't got in game to test yet, but if it's on -death-, not on -respawn-, there's a damned problem.

    Moreso I just think it's ******** that the already-gimped deployable is now further gimped whilst all other deployables (including ammo packs, turrets, and mines) live on after death, along with vehicles pulled for that matter. To go alongside this, they SURELY have to change the place speed + detonate timer. There is absolutely no reason I shouldn't be able to blow myself up intentionally. Putting in a 1 second cooldown before firing is just spitting in the face of those of us infantry that -want- to take on the hard targets.

    EDIT: Also, the extra wastage means the price of C4 -needs- to be reduced. I mean, why would I now use C4 rather than Tank Mines as an engie? ********.
  18. Rexsaw

    I think the resource cost is perhaps due a slight reduction. It's worth considering at least.

    As long as the C4 stays until the player respawns, I'm ok with this change.

    One major thing that needs to be changed, however, is exp/kill credit rewarded with C4 or other explosives. As it is now, you have to detonate the C4 yourself in order to get any credit at all. Often I place 2 C4 down and before I can trigger them someone else hits a full life vehicle with a rocket, blowing up my C4 and therefore destroying the whole vehicle. Most of the damage came from my C4, but if I don't detonate it I get no credit at all for the kill. If you're going to 'nerf' C4, then give us this instead please. If my explosive scores a kill/assist please give me proper credit whether or not I detonated it.
  19. Divinorium


    I think it SHOULD disappear when you DIE.

    Why? because if it's not this way for ppl who actually want to do something usefull, sorry you clearly only thinks in kills and exp instead of defending/taking a objective, will just wait until someone detonates the C4 and nothing will change. AT ALL.
  20. RadarX

    While I can appreciate you may be unhappy with the change, my intent is not to clarify why the change was made. This is what the team feels is balanced for C4 and is reflected in this game update.

    The feedback that is providing us why the change isn't liked is really what is helpful and I appreciate you folks taking the time to do so.
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