A Very Positive Nerf

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Umbraki, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Umbraki

    "Placed C4 will now despawn when the source player dies"

    Gentlemen - no longer will the enemy LA be able to jump on and toss C4 just to die, respawn and activate it. This is a huge nerf to them and their ability to attack vehicles.

    Thank you sincerely Devs. This patch is going to radically change combat and I (for one) am very excited about it!
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  2. Marinealver

    Is it the same for all deployables?

    Such as mines and such?

    I know if I am a squad leader and I die my spawn beacon disapears.
  3. Regpuppy

    There are upsides, but it does hit the LA class pretty hard. Before our perks were Jetpack and C4. Now it's Jetpack with severely weakened C4. Not saying I don't agree with this update, I would just like for more tools to be added to the class now.
  4. Umbraki

    And you'll get them, Regpuppy - you're getting twin weapons and stuff like that soon. But man, I think your C4 needed a nerf. Just means you can't charge like a suicide bomber into fire.

    Now, in fairness, it's not physically accurate since, obviously, stuff you own doesn't despawn when you really die...but neither (in real life) do you respawn, unless you're Hindu, so I guess it balances out.
  5. drNovikov

    This is a very stupid, idiotic, ridiculous nerf. Some mysterious magical power will remove C4 when it's owner dies.

    No more smart tactics like placing a landmine + C4. No more smart tactics like augmenting AT mines with C4. Dumb CoD kids emerged victorious.
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  6. Purple Pooka

    Per the patch notes, ONLY C4 is getting this nerf. This will really force people to be more aggressive and/or careful about their C4 use. All of the rest of our deployables like mines and beacons should remain the same.
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  7. Regpuppy

    Again, not saying it didn't. I hated my own Sundies getting popped by some lone suicidal LA as much as the next guy. But we'll be left hanging for awhile until we get our tools. I think something has to be done about ***** engineers as well for this same reason.

    As for the twin weapons, I doubt it'll happen with the negative reaction it got from the community. Even two of a factions default pistol would out-dps most hip-fire friendly guns. I'd prefer something that accentuated our mobility and added onto it. But that's just me.
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  8. drNovikov

    So do it! Place landmines! Guard your sunderer! Don't deploy it near enemy spawn!

    Mommy, mommy, I am so stupid that I cannot protect my sunderer, so please do something about those engineers!
  9. Compass

    It's ok, AT mines now do less damage to infantry, so an engineer can throw 5 mines where normally the 3rd mine would end up killing the engy from the splash damage. Any Sunderer with less than MG4 is now likely to be one-shot.
  10. Regpuppy

    Well now, someone's resorted to insults fast. Oh forums.
  11. Purple Pooka

    Assuming that the Engineer is willing to ignore wearing Armor upgrades in favor of the Utility Pouch and can actually make it to the Sunderer, then I really don't see the problem. This will burn through a rediculous amount of Infantry resources for each Sunderer kill and an Engineer without Nanoweave or Flak should be kind of vulnerable. All things considered, people will just max out Mineguard (which is still pretty cheap) and their Sunderer should have a decent chance at living.
  12. Compass

    It's not like having a 100 resource block of C4 vanishing any time you die isn't a tremendous drain on resources. With the buggy state of C4 not doing damage or sticking properly, a nerf is in the wrong direction. As it stands, a HA can plop 2 C4 and fire a rocket and blow up a Sunderer. The LA can't even manage that.
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  13. Ztiller

    I don't get what this have to do with the Infiltrator...
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  14. Regpuppy

    Infiltrator vs LA turf war going on since beta. Whenever one or the other gets buffed/nerfed both talk about it... you wouldn't understand!
  15. Zinus

    and inf can't manage either :3

    edit: in all seriousness its a good change. they need to address the bugginess of the block, and tone down the mines slighly.
    As how much i love to blow sunderers with 2 mines, i wouldn't mind if each mine was as effective as a good placed c4 block.

    P.S. or maybe you know... give c4 to infs :rolleyes:
  16. ThalonGauss

    This nerf makes sense, now LA (a class I play a lot) has to use skill to kill things with C4 they aren't some latent god mines anymore. The c4 even got an extra meter of inner blast radius, it is better and now not broken. Crying because you guys lost your exploits? Figure out how to play like this (properly) or get the eff out, we'll be better off without you. SOE still needs to close these forums down, nothing but whining and it is sickening.
  17. TintaBux

    I mentioned this before, but people attacked me saying it was lag and other stuff, thankfully this is now fixed.
  18. drNovikov

    Magically disappearing C4 make no sense. Also, skills include being smart, not just being fast clicking. So smart tactics like creating mixed charges with AT + C4 will be ruined. Dumb CoD-kiddies emerged victorious.

    It is not 'exploit'. Augmenting landmines with extra explosives is smart and is used in real life, by the way. It is not an 'exploit', it is what a smart guy would do. It is a reasonably expected behavior.
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  19. OddChelsea

    Just C4. The whole point of mines is to plant them and leave them so they eventually blow something up, whether you have died or not. I agree that the C4 needed this change however and that is coming from a heavy that uses it.
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  20. ThalonGauss

    Well now you'll have to stay alive for that to work or play more tactically in order to use your C4, I hate CoD and I hated the C4 not despawning, as it made no (in game) sense. Case and point.