SoE You are now losing customers because of this...

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Lewk, Mar 12, 2013.

  1. Lewk

    Deconstruct in combat.

    I finally convinced a couple of my RL buds to dl and try PS2 (they LOOOOVE TF2) and it starts off shaky but they start to get the hang of things and we are romping around killing. We 3 stroll up on a sundie that has been hidden behind some rocks and one of my new RL buds is a heavy so he starts launching rockets into it. I tell him no sweat, i am engineer so i can give him ammo, have at it (it had blockade armor). So he starts plinking the thing down, and when it was at about 10% the owner (no where in sight) deconstructed it.

    My bud's reaction "Wait, where did it go?"
    My response "Umm, it looks like he deconstructed it."
    My two buds "Yea, !@#! this game, that is bull !@#!@ that is in the game still." (mind you they heard the game was buggy to start, thus the having to convince them to play now that the game had "matured".)

    They logged out. They havent logged back in since.
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  2. Bape

    Should be a 20 second countdown to deconstruct.
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  3. USD

    If that's aggravating enough for them to quit this game over, they wouldn't last long anyway.
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  4. Ravenorth

    Only after vehicle have taken some damage.
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  5. GSZenith

    i forgot we play this game to farm, brb going HEAT prowler again.
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  6. Dubious

    Vehicles should only be able to be decon while you in the vehicle..
    But, TBH, it should be removed completely and vehicles despawn if you pull a new one
  7. DaninTexas

    Sometimes I feel like the only one that doesn't care about certs. Someone deconstructs - who cares. That vehicle asset has still been removed from the battle.

    I still would like to see a 30 sec wait after vehicle damage. But really - caring about a few XP? Who really is worrying about this. Is this the sad state of the mentality of the gamers these days?

    Maybe caring about fun and caring about what is best for the team is out dated. Maybe I am getting to old for it. Maybe complaining about every little thing and wanting everything handed to you is the way things will be from now on. *sigh*
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  8. CHDT65

    This "deconstruct" is very lame, a tank must be repaired by the driver on the front, this is what I do in spite this could be very often difficult.
  9. Sevre

    That's lols, cause myself and countless others have been posting about this problem since beta. It's like were trying to help SOE by giving them small, golden nuggets of wisdom, but SOE is like "D'awwww, I taught it was a chicken nugget. I eated it :C

    Griefers and trolls take heart -- SOE will continue to ignore this feature. Please continue to use this cheap tactic to your heart's content, at the cost of potential (paying) players.
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  10. GSZenith

    3hours dual burster max, 60cert, but i had fun, it was odd, i tried before farming kills for medal got burned out in an hour or two, then went back to trying to have fun with same gun mind you and got more kills, fun = certs.
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  11. PaladinZERO

    I really don't think they quit over this one thing, do you? On another note, my old outfit quit the game over a lot of issues. That is more serious than two guys.
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  12. FateJH

    *throws AT mines at the foot of the Sunderer*
    Now was that really so hard?
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  13. Cl1mh4224rd

    I usually curse the owner of the vehicle, but then I move on. There are plenty of people to kill and things to blow up.
  14. smokemaker

    Its already in the roadmap.
  15. iccle

    Just give the attackers a damage bonus exp similar to the ground to air bonus for damaging it.

    If someone manages to decon a sundy after you put say one shot into it then that is fair play to them, they spotted you attacking the sundy, decided they dont need the spawn point any more and removed it.

    Considering how quickly a sundy can be killed with mines/c4 and combined HA I think you should only have a few seconds to destroy it in these circumstances, and should be awarded some exp if it decons and you have done significant damage before it decons.
  16. NaySayer

    I think the time to decon a vehicle should vary based on the distance between the owner and the vehicle. Example: within 20m=the time it takes now, between 21 and 40=+5 seconds, between 41 and 60=+10 seconds, etc.
  17. Ash87

    Yeah, someone has already said it: If someone gets angry over something that minor on their first day of play... well, they wouldn't have stayed anyway.

    Vehicles maybe should only be able to be deconstructed if...
    A.) There is no enemies nearby
    B.) There has been no damage to the vehicle for a fixed period of time.
    Just kind of makes sense in my head that way, and would prevent ragequits in the future... so that they can ragequit over something else!
  18. Hosp

    Can't wait to see what some people will be screaming when OSs get implemented.
  19. Mefi

  20. Lewk

    If there is a mechanic as blatantly borked as people deconstructing vehicles in combat in a vehicle/cert based game, it WAS enough for them to quit over.
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