Is this not justified?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laraso, Mar 8, 2013.

  1. Laraso

    So, I'm in Zurvan Amp, and I'm patrolling the area with a Lightning. As I reach a dead end and turn around to go back, an ally Sunderer speeds in, nearly runs over my tank, and then deploys. My lightning is completely trapped in the dead end because of the Sunderer.

    So, I ask the guy around five times to move it, and he responds with statements like "Your Lightning is not as important as my Sunderer". It was pretty obvious at that point that he trapped me on purpose, so I warned him that I would destroy his Sunderer if he didn't move it.

    He didn't move it, so I destroyed the Sunderer with C4, but then I started getting targeted by friendly Heavy Assaults. My own team trapped me, and then they tried to kill me.

    Was I really in the wrong? Was I suppose to just ditch my Lightning because somebody thought I shouldn't be in one? It'd be nice to have some opinions on this.
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  2. Kookamunga

    Another reason FF should be turned off. Griefing is getting outta hand.
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  3. FinWiz

    I would have destroyed it too but your teammates reaction was obvious, they probably had no idea what was going on. All they saw was own guy blowing a sundy with C4.
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  4. Wasdie

    Turn off friendly fire and then watch as waves of enemy infantry run through HE explosions of their friends as you take damage and your screen shakes uncontrollably.
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  5. Patrician

    There are no reasons to turn off FF.
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  6. The Shermanator

    This is a case of the issue escalating beyond what it should have.

    He was a ******. Rest assured of that. Trapping an allied tank like that and refusing to pull up the anchors to move a little to the side? Seriously? That has five year old written all over it.

    Threatening to blow the Sunderer was perhaps a lapse of judgement on your part, and the fact that you actually did was even worse. Ultimately, he started it but if I was in that situation I would have just abandoned the tank and pulled another one. Lightnings are a dime a dozen.

    It's the nature of this game that we'll come in contact with D-bags, and some times we have to work together with them. All you can really do to avoid stuff like this is just roll with impact and go with the flow.
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  7. Kookamunga

    This game is already a spam fest , turning off FF will solve way more problems than allowing all this childish griefing.
  8. Playful Pony

    This seems a pretty extreme case. Griefers and TKers happen, the only reasonable way to deal with them are better systems for reporting monitoring and banning these guys. Luckily it's pretty rare, most of my game sessions go by without any griefing by friendlies.
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  9. Laraso

    I couldn't. I had just got the Lightning two minutes before, and I had around thirteen minutes left on the acquisition timer. I would have done that if I could have.

    I couldn't pull a Vangaurd either because we weren't connected to a Tech Plant.
  10. SgtSomeone

    Except when there is a respawn timer, so you'd be stuck without a vehicle for a while.

    Perfectly justified, I would have done the same thing. You asked first and he obviously heard you.
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  11. The Shermanator

    Fair enough.
  12. OddChelsea

    Personally I would have TK'ed the driver once or a few times but destroying the sundy did hurt the team effort as it denied friendlies a place to spawn near the objective. He was an ******* for sure but it's rarely good to destroy sundies that are actively being used. I would have just left the tank even if I had to fight on foot but that is just me.
  13. Laraso

    We were on defense and the SCU was active. The Sunderer wasn't being used, he had JUST deployed it.

    It's hard to even say it was a defense. There wasn't even any enemies in the immediate area. We were basically just killing the occasional troop who tried to overload the generators while trying to recapture the outpost base.
  14. OddChelsea

    In that case, **** him and his sundy. I feel it was justified in that situation.
  15. Ash87

    I would say no, because a deployed Sunderer is infinitely more important than a lightning tank for logistics. Lightning tank is one guy, one gun. Sunderer is 2 guns and an endless stream of infantry.

    On the other hand, it takes like 10 seconds to move.

    I wouldn't have gotten out to C4 the Sundy, but I also think the sunderer driver was being kind of a dick.
  16. Alkasirn

    I support the OP's decision. After reading through the posts so far, it looks like shying away from the obstacle-sunderer would've just empowered the person who was deliberately going around and trying to grief his team.
  17. smokemaker

    A tk war would have started if that was me. I would blow the sunderer, then started tking those that tk'ed me until weapons lock. Then switched to my other charcater and rocket pod the area till they had to move. Then switched back to my now weapons free player and blown his sunderer again. and again and again.

    If you are going to be a dick, then it becomes my mission to be even a bigger dick.
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  18. Fox234

    Luckily I've only had to do this once. A Sunderer was deployed at a base and infantry were using it as the main rally point. The Sunderer was in an alley way to protect it from enemy fire. For some reason another friendly sunderer parked right behind it and blocked the infantry from getting out. After multiple attempts to contact the owner in chat I decided just to nuke it with my AT mines.
  19. crazyoldfart

    That brought a smile to my face. This ain't wow and being an *** will get you killed by your own team. I once shot a guy for following me around and jumping up and down in my face. It was like playing wow again. After a few minutes I put a bullet in his head.
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  20. Glass

    It is. If someone is so lazy that they can't even be bothered to move their sunderer, something which only takes a couple seconds, they deserve to lose the sunderer. It might have been bad for the team, but getting a friendly tank trapped is also bad.