THIS is why flinch is being changed this week.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by StormStrafe, Feb 27, 2013.

  1. StormStrafe

    All credit goes to ScourgeOfTheServer and his helpful friends for this video.
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  2. Gavyne

    One of the best videos describing flinching and the problems with it. Good job.
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  3. BalogDerStout

    Didn't really know what the entire deal was about flinch, but that bit about being at a disadvantage while covering a doorway as a defender really clears up a lot of my confusion about why I die in that situation.
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  4. CitizenSoldier

    The flinch does not hinder team work. Are you barking dog wacky? How the the same F*ck could it punsh people who use team work? Of coure the person who shoots first usually wins. If you want to shoot on rails then I reject you. What is your alternative to flinch?
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  5. Sledgecrushr

    So much truth in this video. Being nc it SUCKS being flinched to death in firefights. SOE, please fix.
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  6. Sledgecrushr

    Just get rid of the flinch mechanic. It turned out it was a bad idea and should be scrapped.
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  7. Zorro

    No, it should just be fixed so that the effect is directly proportional to the projectile's damage. Also, flinch should be mitigated when one has a shield up.
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  8. Colt556

    I never really liked flinch, but last night was a situation that just made me rage. Fighting an enemy, suddenly explosion nearby and my crosshair is twenty feet off target. It was an easy kill too but because my character decided to act like he has parkinsons, I lost. How mechanics like this even make it in game, let alone stay in game 3 months after launch, is beyond me.
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  9. StormStrafe

    CitizenSoldier, if you don't get it after watching that video then no amount of explanation from me is going to do you any good. Take care and good luck in life, my friend.
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  10. Phyr

    Screen shake from explosions is extremely annoying.
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  11. RasFW

    This MLG way-serious over the top analysis of the smallest detail I can possibly imagine is way over my head. I'll just see myself out of this thread...

    (But if you're suggesting to change it to that CS slow-downy nonsense, go play CS and leave PS2 alone. Thanks)
  12. Sledgecrushr

    I would like to be on a level playground when it comes to infantry play. Slow rof is fine if your not handicapped by high rof flinch mechanics. This **** needs to get fixed.
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  13. Gary

    Getting rid of the flinch will have huge side affects that cannot be predicted, Jimmy Whisenhunt did say himself he has played the game with out any form of flinch mechanic and it was not a pleasant experience. Since Jimmy has a background in FPS on multiple levels i am inclined to agree.

    I am sure he mentioned something about toning it down but not removing it, Instead harder hitting weapons will cause bigger sort of effect when flinched, Lower damage will cause smaller amounts.

    Gauss Saw would provide the biggest flinch of any automatic in the game. (No source for this think it was in the last FNO) some info may be incorrect as well.

    We need some sort of flinch, The sheer amount of players on the screen combined with the quick TTK in the game and no flinch would make for a horrible experience if you ask me.

    Whilst the NC weapons fire slower i think flinching would affect people pretty evenly... If a TR with the insane fire rate was to get flinched this is going to have a huge affect on were his aim goes... With slower fire rate comes more controllable recoil.

    All my opinion ofc...
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  14. CitizenSoldier

    Pretty much a video version of a guy with an opinion and a bunch of made-up "facts". Not a big deal. Not even an issue. Anyone who covers a door with a direct line of sight straight out into the open field should LTP, and stop making videos.
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  15. Tigga

    You're attributing far too much to this one mechanic. While most of the things you say are true to a certain degree, you seem to be arguing that every single engagement is decided by flinch and only RoF matters, which is just not true. Just look at all the TR Heavy Assaults who favour the TMG-50 over the other weapons. 577 rpm instead of 750 rpm, yet many prefer it.

    Flinch is part of the overall mechanics, and I agree with the arguement that it should be looked at, but you overstate how important it is for it to be changed.
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  16. Sledgecrushr

    Flinch isnt like a controllable recoil. Its completely random.
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  17. TheBloodEagle

    Inb4 people try to turn PS2 infantry combat into CounterStrike.
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  18. Zaik

    That's just an issue of horizontal recoil, carv has 0.225/shot while the TMG-50 has 0.175/shot. Coupled with the lower rate of fire, the TMG is going to have much more managable horizontal recoil meaning it has a much longer effective range.

    I just don't understand why I don't see more using the MSW-R, it's basically an Orion that only recoils one direction horizontally, should be the most managable out of all the 1787 DPS LMGs.

    I'd kill to have the Anchor do that. Would've never needed to buy the second SMG for my heavy.
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  19. Tigga

    That's interesting. Where did you get these numbers? The info I have doesn't have these and just shows Carv Recoil as 0.4, with TMG-50 as 0.45.
  20. Clutchstep

    To be honest, I never even noticed flinch until I read about it on the boards. Even then it took me a while to figure out when it was happening (for a while I thought it was just recoil). I'm not entirely convinced that it will make a big difference, but I really don't see why they felt the need to include the feature in the first place. It doesn't do anything to add fun to the game.

    Screen shake from explosions is completely out of hand though, and makes it impossible to hit things sometimes. So I'm glad that's getting toned down.
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