I really wish there was more infantry combat

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Awass, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Sedisp

    That doesn't make any sense and I already responded to that.

    Do you honestly think people are pulling vehicles and then instantly dieing?

    That is literally the only way your logic could possibly work out and it's far more likely that you saw a lot of vehicles one time and decided there are more vehicles than infantry. based on nothing but how you felt at that moment.

    If this is true every single person that whines about being farmed by vehicles is lying.
  2. Littleman

    Let's go with every single conquerable area completely inaccessible to vehicles. You can have the open fields (95% of all land on a continent) and the infantry can have their ****ing bases and outposts. The battles actually last longer than 3 minutes when tanks can't roll right up to or fire spam the control point, spawn room, or both. Why do you think people mass into bio-labs, the Crown, and lesser but mostly or entirely infantry exclusive regions like Vanu Archives and Quartz Ridge? It ain't the cert gain. Aion would be the #1 MMO if people played games solely to grind!

    Vehicles and infantry don't mix well at all. Yes, there absolutely has to be mostly exclusive areas for each play style. I see more tanks than foot mobiles in an assault anymore, and I'm playing on Mattherson.
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  3. Alizona

    I hear that. In my two months of play, I've only had one day where there were more than two turrets manned, defending an Amp Station. But that was a memorable day indeed. I typed a yell into chat, "THIS IS AWESOME!" hehe

    We held off wave after wave of the red team (I play as purple Vanu) for a full half hour as they came flying in their planes nonstop. There were at least ten of us in turrets shooting em out of the skies. Just the SOUND of it was incredible!!

    But for the most part, the battles are far too small and far too boring. I spend most of my time as engineer, repairing stuff for the constant flow of certs. If I had to depend on kills for my certs, I'd have about 20% of what I've earned to date. That's kinda sad, but it is what it is I guess.
  4. Alizona

    sorry, quoted when I meant to edit. :)
  5. Sedisp

    That would make vehicles pointless. Between Gals and hot drops there would be no reason to pull a tank as no infantry would set foot outside of a base.

    Congrats you have just made bases glorified lobbies.

    Yes it is. The number one complaint about MMOs is not enough end game content to grind. If this wasn't true Prestiege mode wouldn't exist and PVP mmos would be the most popular MMOs on the planet.

    Facts disagree with you. The devs don't want to make the game you want.

    Please find another game to play if you don't like combined arms.
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  6. Awass

    I don't understand how your point has anything to do with mine. I'm not whining about being farmed by vehicles. I'd just like to promote infantry combat.
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  7. Deathcapt

    Amerish is the "infantry / air friendly continent" Ground vehicles are at a huge disadvantage on amerish, and guess what? No one plays on it.
  8. FigM

    I think this game has too much infantry combat already. It's too heavily focused on just infantry

    We need more vehicles, specifically greater variety of vehicles. I don't want to play just another 1st point shooter, I want something new, and vehicles are the answer
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  9. Sedisp

    It's basic math. If 80% of the kills are by infantry the only way we have more vehicles than infantry is if vehicles are dieing in droves before getting a kill.

    Considering how many people are complaining about being farmed by vehicles I don't find this very likely.

    If this is not true and vehicles are getting lets say 2 kills per life only ten percent of any given battle is comprised of vehicles.
  10. Vastly

    And yet if setting foot outside a base just means getting blown away, dozens at a time, by HE...? Infantry don't exist just to give vehicles target practice.

    What sort of combined arms are you talking about? The combined arms where vehicles WTFPWN infantry in all circumstances (which is what is normally refered to) or the combined arms where vehicles and infantry can stand toe to toe when playing to their strengths, but a combined infantry/vehicle force can break either one alone?
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  11. Sedisp

    Again 80% of kills are done by infantry. So either this isn't happening as often as you are claiming or combat never happens outside of Biolabs.

    Hell a cursory glance at the kill boards prove you wrong.


    Since the front line is continually moving I guess Higby made up the graph.

    If you are out in the open as an infantry while a vehicle designed to kill infantry is sitting there you should die. You deserve that death too.

    Vehicles are **** against entrenched infantry unless you are referring to Prowlers which I don't think anyone disagrees with are problem.

    So the latter already exists.
  12. Maidere

    This. I see more "combined arms" in BF3, because there tanks are quite rare, viable but not super powerful, so tanks and infantry always work together.
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  13. Vastly

    A great example. Entrenched infantry should be good against vehicles or infantry (hold the line), but poor against a combined assault (you can't fire rockets and shoot guns at the same time). However, I don't think the terrain really favors this kind of mechanic enough. You need very specific types of terrain, ones that infantry can fire over but vehicles can't easily roll, or fire over. Often, obsticles for vehicles are obsticles for infantry as well.

    The key point is you cannot easily entrench when you have to bunch up your guys to fire around objects. HE is great at killing around corners.
  14. Awass

    I never said there were more more vehicles than infantry. No one is claiming that. There are just a disproportionate number of them.
  15. Eyeklops

    100% wrong, because PS1. You didn't really think about your answer much did you?

    Vehicles are needed to deliver infantry to the base, infantry and vehicles take the courtyard, infantry take the base. Worked so well people played the game for the better part of a decade.

    And don't be surprised if "inner base" drop pods go away in the future.
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  16. TheBloodEagle

    Dunno about you but as HA I go out of my way to vehicles, hell I'll run around the region just to kill 1 MBT. I have 1,091 vehicles so far and I don't consider myself pro or anything like that. I'm pretty average. I don't really take it all seriously. I only recently joined a really casual small outfit. So don't think I'm there with BuzzCutPsycho using the Annihilator on everyone in huge groups. I play lonewolf most of the time. I guess that says something either about your server or the people around you because honestly, if they tried, they'd kill vehicles. We literally have tons of ways to kill vehicles. The only time I ever flinch about it if there's a zerg. But you can say the same about any mass group.
  17. Awass

    Anyway, back to the topic, I'd just like to see more infantry on the field. I really don't want to get into nit-picky details about specific aspects of the game. This is a big problem, and no simple, single solution will fix it. I just hope that something is done, such as putting in a vehicle cap, to help balance the game.
  18. Belkor

    There needs to be other major infantry bases besides the Biolabs for this type of combat. The Tech Plants used to provide amazing infantry battles until the developers decided to mess with the design. The Crown's defensive terrain against vehicles provides some infantry combat but not much.
  19. Eyeklops

    They nerfed the design because the game engine was choking to death at large back door fights. Groups of 20+ people would pop in and out of view 10 feet away every few seconds. I was there, it was bad*. Too many people per map is a problem.

    So instead of adding another control point, and a few more non-shielded ground level man doors away from the back door area (to spread people out), they stomped any defensibly the tech plant had. Genius in the making.

    *Eisa tech planet pre-nerf. Esamir had just been released and Esia was a seriously player dense base. NC owned the base and VS were pushing the two back doors hard. Best I could tell, the VS had about 80 people within 20m or so of the back doors, about 30 or 40 rendered. The rest would pop-up in a large chunks as I stood there. 2000, no problem.
    Sorry, to go OT.
  20. Belkor

    I was there too and never had any problems like that. All I had was amazing, constant, infantry fights there. There wasn't a moment without a pile of bodies lying somewhere. It was even more fun when people started getting organized to take down a Tech Plant with smoke grenades or mass drops.