[Suggestion] Let infiltrators use shotguns again

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Sweetcookie, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Sweetcookie

    I think now that the devs have implemented the SMGs, infiltrators should be allowed to use shotguns again too. Because by letting the infiltrator use the SMG the devs, makes the infiltrator have the same playstyle as when they are using shotguns.
    I cant be the only one missing playing infiltrator with a shotgun :)
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  2. Kociboss

    Also make them usable while being cloaked.

    Make cloak 100% perfect even while sprinting.

    Remove the noise.

    Double the mine damage.

    You guys will never stop, right?
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  3. OddChelsea

    At least with an SMG an infiltrator can't uncloak and insta-gib me. I have a chance to react. Same with my enemies when I play infiltrator. Granted it's a very small time frame if they're actually hitting me and got the drop on me but a shotgun would almost be an instant kill. It's not the same thing, really. It would be OP.
  4. Eyeklops

    The SMG does not OHK to the head like a shotgun does. That's a huge difference.
  5. Dr. Euthanasia

    And just like the SMGs, this won't fix any of the problems plaguing our class, yet will further convince a majority of the playerbase that the Infiltrator is "fixed", thus earning their opposition to changes which actually matter to the class like more hacking objectives or a cloak which is functional in CQC.

    No thanks.
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  6. Sweetcookie

    we will never stop, no ;)
    But dont you see what i mean? You might as well let the infiltrator use a shotgun if they are allowed to use SMG's
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  7. Blitzkrieg

  8. OddChelsea

    Do you see what we mean? No you don't, obviously. Considering you ignored the previous points on it.
  9. Dr. Euthanasia

    Or, we could get something which allows us to do more than just kill enemy infantry.
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  10. Rhinzual

    You have to get super close to use them, either you're gonna hear that cloak/decloak noise before they get that close, or you'll see them before they do get that close. Of course you're someone who thinks Infiltrators are completely OP because of sniper rifles and the ability to cloak and move closer for SMG goodness, nevermind that LAs get far more out of the weapons due to their Jetpacks allowing more silent flanking, you won't ever have an Infiltrator drop behind you in a BioLab from the many roofs with a shotgun/SMG.
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  11. Sweetcookie

    like what? making us cap points faster, or what are you thinking?
  12. Dr. Euthanasia

    Literally any interaction with vehicles would be nice, be it as mild as temporarily disabling important features, blowing them up with C4, or outright stealing them through hacking. More hackable objectives like doors would be nice as well, or on a completely different tangent, how about the ability to run through base shields before the generators are down? The ability to shut generators down without overloading them and waiting for them to explode?

    My personal favorite would be a cloak which actually works, though. I wouldn't really care if it took my primary away if I could actually count on it to do something when in the line of sight of an enemy player.
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  13. Sweetcookie

    usually the shotgun kills you in 2 hits but nvm. i'll still bet you that an SMG and a shotgun can kill you in the same rate of time, and you have to think about how many shots a shotgun has in one mag. If you don't hit or the enemy sees ya, you are dead.
  14. Sweetcookie

    i actually really like your ideas. I never thought about how few objects there actually are to hack.
    And about the vehicles, any class should get some kind of "buff" against vehicles, 'cause if you surround a base with tanks, the base is literally lost.
  15. Eyeklops

    I said "The SMG does not OHK to the head like a shotgun does." I threw in a few hints in there for you. :)
  16. Sweetcookie

    Thanks, what a pal you are.. :) but so what if the shotgun kills you with 1 shot to the head, you have to get incredible close to OHK someone with a shotgun, compared to the SMG where you can stand a little further away from your taget and still kill him in no time because of the firerate and controlable recoil :)
  17. Ibuprofen

    Yeah, as much as I think this doesn't matter, I've gotta disagree with people saying that a shotgun is somehow way worse than the SMG for one simple reason: the firing delay after decloaking.

    If you are close enough to OHK someone by shooting them in the head with the shotgun, then you are also close enough to kill them in mere fractions of a second by just aiming your SMG at their face(0.28 seconds to be exact). Considering that means a shotgun takes ~1 second from when you hear the infil to when you are dead and an SMG takes ~1.28, and the shotgun sacrifices some range as well as flinch-lock, I don't see this as nearly as egregiously unbalanced as a bunch of you seem to think.

    Again, this is quite possibly the least important thing to change/fix about infiltrators, but I felt like giving my two cents.
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  18. giltwist

    Or to OHK them with the short-range sniper and iron sights.
  19. VanuSovereignty

    Does no one realize why this wouldn't be OP now, but how it was OP in beta? In beta infiltrators had access to shotguns for quite a while. They got them taken away because at that time they (shotguns themselves) were OP. Shotguns had a VERY short refire time, much longer range, and you could fire the instant you decloaked.

    If an infiltrator manages to get into a building, crouched and moving very slowly (the only time when cloak is acceptable) decloak directly next to you and you somehow manage not to see him or manage to hear the decloak noise, he deserves the kill.

    Well, would everyone be opposed to giving infiltrators a decent cloak and a 1 hit kill knife that had a short animation?
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  20. giltwist

    The knife doesn't need to do more damage, it just needs better hit detection and maybe some sidegrades:

    • Machete - Greater damage, slower RoF
    • Stilleto - lower damage, higher RoF
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