When can we see the prowler against infantry statistics?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nyscha, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Killy80

    So what? Besides that this is BS, the tank vs. tank capabilities have NOTHING to do with the tank vs. infantry capabilities.

    It's just not fun for infantry to get literally pwnd instantly by 1 or 2 clicks of LMB.
  2. Killy80

    So that infantry can't step outside a base anymore at all? Uhm no, tanks are not the only thing in this game and infantry shouldn't be pure farming fodder for a minority of players currently in tanks.
  3. Curse_Gamerkin

    Wait a VANU wants a prowler nerf?!?! Where was he crying nerf when magrider had 2.0k/d over other tanks? dont QQ when you only think its balanced when ur winning.
  4. Killy80

    I never had such huge killstreaks with the pre-GU2 magrider as I'm having now with the prowler. Mag vs. infantry was never a big issue.
  5. Egonieser

    Spawn camp in close range, yeah they're good at that, and i believe it's what they're meant for in the 1st place.
    But remember, render distance comes into play here and when my tank gets 5x lockons in a row from god knows where and how many miles away, and i'm on an open field, i do not see any shots and missiles at me being rendered and got nowhere to hide cause i don't know where i'm being shot from pretty much evens it out in most cases.
  6. CaligoIllioneus

    Infantry should have to work together to defeat tanks. Infantry just plain dislike dying and they think they have to balance it so it's 1 infantry = 1 vehicle.

    They are tanks, not ATV. You already have AT mines, dumbfire rockets, lock on rockets, AV turrets, AV base turrets (these are very very good), C4 (even medics get to carry it) and this is without counting other tanks, ESF, libs, etc.

    What else do you want? should tanks have to fire 4 times to kill a single infantryman? Should stock pistols perforate tank armor and make them explode?
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  7. Oreo202

    He's just asking to see that stats. What's so wrong with that?
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  8. Killy80

    No way, you can very well use the prowler for artillery from far, far away and risk nothing. I do it every day. Oh, a lockon? Drive 5m back behind that small bump.
  9. Curse_Gamerkin

    Prowler was always better against infantry, the only difference is the spawn room traps and velocity which only matters when anchored.
  10. CrashB111

    They were close in xp only because the Prowler's were infantry farming while the Mags were roflstomping all the enemy tanks.
    When you looked at the Prowler in Tank vs Tank fights it was terrible.
  11. Nyscha

    If you want to compare who is the most OP, organise a zerg at indar bay point.

    Get one faction to defend the place and the other to attack with tanks.
    If magriders was the attackers you'd have a high chance of killing the magriders as they assaulted.
    If the prowlers attacked, well GOOD LUCK ever getting out of the spawn room, once a base is surrounded by prowlers you cant do anything other than redeploy.
    You get 1 hit killed from every angle.

    And this is prowlers with HEAT.
  12. Killy80

    So now you want BOTH? You can't be good against tanks AND against infantry. Because that's the way it is right now, thanks to the prowler buffs.
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  13. Nyscha

    This is the prowlers before the buff at the patch with themspawn killing at bases.

    Now look at them, even faster reload, MORE damage and higher velocity.
  14. Duff_Chimp

    Magriders still have that boost, can still strafe and have the Saron for long range engagements. Using a locked down prowler as an argument is also very funny. If your having trouble hitting a stationary target I'm not surprised your losing tank battles. Personally of the tank faction benefits I would probably like the shield the most, the amount of times that has denied me a kill is crazy.

    Don't let yourself be farmed, is what you need to do. Nerfing splash or only giving us one cannon won't stop us from killing infantry. FYI I don't need splash damage to kill you, I have laid waste to many a rocket toting heavy with AP rounds. Direct hits ftw.
  15. Egonieser

    Infantry doesn't render further than 300m, tanks and vehicles however can be seen from about 1km away, there is a big difference.
    Yeah u can tank vs tank in long range, but not tank vs infantry as they see you and can lock-on you, but u can't and basically are a sitting duck.
  16. Killy80

    That's me from today, it was an average day in a prowler if you know what you are doing. A couple of these are mag kills. As I said, just hop in a prowler and farm infantry. For those who can't figure out the german text: 37 kills, 0 death in 22.5 minutes.

  17. Kedyn

    Where was this outrage when the Magrider was OP?

    Oh wait....
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  18. treeHamster

    OMG, are you prowler drivers saying you want your tank to be good at EVERYTHING? If it's ONLY downside is suppose to having a weak rear end, then go play another game. You guys are all saying "Well it's a tank, it should be great a killing everything". Yeah, cause tanks are operated by 1 person and not 3-4 man crews.

    A solo'd (1/2) Prowler is currently as powerful as a dual (2/2) Magrider with HSB. Except that it still has a spot for an extra gun. That is just silly and stupid.
  19. Nyscha

    I think I'm going to spam Higby until he shows us the stat.
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  20. Luewen

    You realize that all tank HE shell radiouses are the same?

    And with the flak armored dudes going around its some times not enough to kill infantry even with direct HE hit.