When can we see the prowler against infantry statistics?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Nyscha, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. Nyscha

    So we can see how much the prowler deserves a nerf? Come on devs we are waiting.

    I bet the prowler is sky high in that list just like at launch when people was farming people with liberators to no end.

    It needs to be brought back in line with the other tanks big time, or nerf make the prowler have only one cannon firing HEAT.
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  2. †Ashley†

    I already asked for this in a thread a while ago, i asked if anyone would ask him on twitter.
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  3. Egonieser

    1st they QQ about magriders, then they QQ about prowlers.
    Whiners gonna whine.

    Prowlers key strong point is best anti-infantry,
    Vanguards are best against vehicles.
    Mags have best agility and maneuverability.
    Deal with it or go home.
    (or buy a HE turret)

    *Why did that vanguard just 2shot me in the back? OPNURF*
    *Why oh why did that Magrider just strafe-dodged my shell/missile? OPNURF!*
    *Why in the name of holy cow did that prowler killed a bunch of infantry with his HE rounds? OPNURF!*
    *JESUS Christ, that guy just killed me with his Overpowered pistol of mega-death!! OPNURF!!!*

    Nuff said
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  4. Phattie

    Indeed the splash needs a huge tone down on the HEAT for sure. Whenever I drive the Vanguard, the HE cannon feels hilariously weak in comparison even to the Prowler's HEAT.

    To be fair, the Mag was ridiculous and now there is a semblance of tank vs tank balance but still vs infantry there is a clear winner. As I stated, even the Vanguard's HE feels bad compared to the Prowler HEAT.
  5. siiix

    seriously ? an other anti vehicle tread

    there is no statistics that could EVER justify a nerf... its a frekin TANK, if you get hit as infantry your dead... and the way it supposed to be
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  6. †Ashley†

    Actually if you look at the recent statistics, the prowler is now the best against tanks .
  7. Nyscha

    Prowler is best against tanks and infantry now.

    Your post is flawed.
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  8. ShureShot

    Gotta love how they made the reload speed on the very expensive HE weapons slower to do something against tank vs infantry spam, and then they wanted to make the prowler more balanced in tank vs tank fights, but all those changes did was bring back tank vs infantry spam with a vengeance. Well at least for TR.

    Looking forward to those stats.

    Also funny to see how the same people that jumped on the 'nerf OP magrider' bandwagon are now trying to say the prowler is just fine.
  9. Egonieser

    Best? Perhaps if both of the shells you fire hit, every time. Each individual shell doesn't deal that much of a damage.
  10. Killy80

    Prowler definitely needs a nerf to infantry. Whenever I'm in the mood to piss someone off, I log into my TR character, jump in a prowler and start shooting. That usually results in a 40:0 k/d in 30 minutes and 50 certs.

    Splash damage radius is WAY too large. Vanguard is perfect, why make the prowler radius so big?
  11. Egonieser

    Never in my Planetside career i complained about any of the tanks or any vehicles or even infantry.
    Even post-update 2.
  12. Nyscha

    Yeah and the funny thing is, the magrider is no where near as overpowered as the current prowler.
    Name one huge overpowered advantage the magrider had?

    All it has now is the worst dps, average move-ability and a huge "HIT ME FOR FREE EXP" sign.

    At least against magriders you could pretty much own it from above because it cant lift its cannon up enough to shoot you compared to prowlers where they just lift their cannon up and 1 shot you as you try and kill it.
  13. ChickenCurrys

    No, statistics say that prolwe is the best against other tanks, and obviously they are WAY better against infantry.
  14. Killy80

    Higby said the Prowler and Mag pre-GU2 were very close in terms of xp/hour. Yet, they nerfed the mag and buffed the prowler. Don't try to understand the devs, cause they are using a dice to decide for balance changes.
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  15. SgtBreastroker

    lolno. Have you tried driving the Magrider recently? It's like driving in glue.
  16. Duff_Chimp

    What would it achieve? Absolutely naff all I suspect. It is blatantly obvious to anybody that the prowler will 'farm' infantry better than the other single shot tanks.

    What would you have them nerf? I run heat most of the time for versatility you still have to be almost dead on target to kill infantry. Sure HE splash damage on prowler is good for killing infantry, but try killing a tank or sunderer with it, no chance. Tanks weren't designed with killing infantry in mind and considering infantry is free to spawn and can be ressed. I don't see what the issue is.

    The tank balance is and should always be about how they perform against each other, like for like battles. Thankfully I'm not losing those hand over fist anymore it's more an even playing field now.
  17. Egonieser

    They still can climb over rough terrain better than other 2 MBT's, so even if it's slower after updates, they still do it better.
    Yeah they won't climb steep hills now cause it was changed so they can't reach places which were never supposed to be reached with a MBT, but smaller slopes and holes where other MBT's often get stuck and loose a lot of speed they get over much better.
  18. ShureShot

    Maybe try waiting 0.5 seconds between shots? That way it is much easier to hit with a prowler than with a magrider, because there is hardly any drop, and much less need to lead your target because of the velocity. On top of that, every heat shell from the prowler has more splash range than a shot from the pc.

    2 magriders with pc cannot get the same dps as one heat prowler with fully certed anchor mode. Magrider had it's manouvrability, but have you tried the magrider lately? It's just aggrevating to drive them now.

    And I didn't mean you ever complained about the magrider, but I saw a lot of people that did, and are now saying the prowler is fine. I'm sure you can agree that is a bit daft?
  19. Nyscha

    There is a cliff behind the palisade at an angle of this.
    And my magrider cannot get up, but I tested it with the VANGUARD and it can slowly crawl up it, but it CAN still do it and even the magburner cannot do it.

  20. siiix

    i think it should be the other way around, they should buff the other 2 tanks

    that's how tanks supposed to be
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