Why play more of *this* VS ?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Haya jii san, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. †Ashley†

    I'd LOVE to see some stats of Tank v infantry.
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  2. TheRealMetalstorm

    omg i was kidding lol it was meant to be a little humour... relax bro
    This part:
    ▉ Prowler
    ▉ Vanguard
    ▉ Magrider

    Magrider seems to be much more balanced now. Also, Magrider K/D is currently at most 0.1 from being neutral.
    And it seems to be able to hold this neutrality despite being outnumbered by other tanks:

    Y axis: # of MBTs pulled. T axis: Time
    ▉ Prowler
    ▉ Vanguard
    ▉ Magrider

    Sources: two tweets by higby. Can link if you want.
  3. CommodoreFrank

    Yes, they were scientists, but their main qualms should be with the TR. Instead, they just decide that the NC needs to die, too, because they don't believe in their sacred alien hoohah. From what I've gathered, there's no doubt they started out with good intentions, but they became a bit too fanatical over time.
  4. prj3ctm4yh3m

    This is garbage. do the Vanu take your spine when you sign up to use their technology or something?

  5. Ztiller

    Against other tanks! How many times do we have to explain this to the TR before it finally bashes in? The Magrider was Superior against Other tanks, not overall against all enemies.
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  6. TheRealMetalstorm

    AB doesn't help you climb inclines you cannot climb by default in normal hover mode any more.
    That was to stop you from getting into places you usually cant.

    Before magburner nerf:

    I mean, it WAS funny, but because the magrider manages to "not give a /uck" about terrain that a tank shouldn't.. well.. be able to climb. It was spidertank for a reason.


    Here! all 3 factions are now challenged equally.
  7. Vikarius

    You realize those charts still remain to be utterly useless because they don't show or discern what weapons the tanks were using in MBT vs MBT. Id bet a lot of SC most of the prowler drivers are STILL using HE, and the vanguard players HEAT. Id also bet SC magrider drivers make up the majority, however small, of MBT drivers using AP.
    So if prowlers composed of mostly HE are now equal (according to your/higbys chart) to magriders using Anti tank rounds, that would in turn show that prowlers are now OP hmmm?

    Fun determining what is OP and what isn't with skewed statistics and little to no evidence, isn't it?

    You are responding as if you didn't even read what I wrote. I said nothing about climbing. I said turning magburner into a juke (dodge assist)
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  8. TheRealMetalstorm


    Title says MBT vs MBT K/D.
    That means tank vs tank.
    "against other tanks"

    Time to nerf the TR infantry killing ability, that's all that remains.
  9. Ztiller

    Yes, against other tanks. Not Compared to other tanks. This graph shows absolutely nothing about the tanks overall performance on the battlefield, such as for example infantry kills. This graph is like trying to compare Heavy Assault LMGs by measuring how many Infiltrators they all kill.

    Do you have any idea what you are talking about? You seems to be unable to grasp what this graph actually represents, and how it is completely useless.
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  10. TheRealMetalstorm

    Check this tweet out.

    Also, Vikarius. We'll see in time - the Prowler is so much more viable as an AV tank now. ps2dev team has data on weapon kills. If the prowler mbt-mbt kdr creeps up due to more people equipping AP loadouts, they will need to nerf it. Until then, I'll await more data.

    Btw, what do you think about the nerf to the magburner, after having seen the "Magrider doesn't give a /uck" video?
    Edit: I read what you wrote as "joke", my bad. That video was rather useful at dispatching qq about burner nerf.
  11. TheRealMetalstorm

    I already said that they need to nerf the prowler's OP infantry killing ability.
    They have already solved the MBT vs MBT problem. Next would be infantry farming ability. That has to be equalised.

    Chill out. VS was FoTM, now it's somewhat divided between NC and TR (mostly because VS isn't FoTM any more)

    Read what I said above. Also, TR's vulcan is insane at "tank cqb" and "killing esf's coming in close for a rocketpod run" while VS's SARON HRB is insane at "zerodrop sniping enemy tanks at extreme (really extreme) ranges" and "hovering liberators at long distances"
    NC get a tank that tanks. And has an enforcer, that's basically a lame saron HRB with bullet drop.
  12. TheRealMetalstorm

    To me the TR is like China, with all the underhand methods, and low quality high production stuff.
    The VS is like the church of scientology, violently defensive of their own ******** beliefs,
    NC are the disillusioned believers of "Freedom" much like today's USA. American dream, my ***, lmao. There's too little and too much of everything.

    Which also means, every faction in PS2 is ********. But vs, your representation is scientology in spandex.
  13. Vikarius

    I watched the video, and am still laughing about it, because it looked hilarious. However nerfing isn't always the correct path, if they instead changed it to the "juke" I outlined, and kept the strafe speed reduction it has now, the magburner would ultimately have a purpose that fits directly into the magriders role. So even in close ranges, and even with the increased velocity of enemy tank cannons, the magrider could effectively dodge the first hit by pressing the magburnerjuke, in which time the cooldown would be long enough to determine the fight based on skill of the both opposing drivers even when fully certed, as an example ofc.

    As for the tweet you posted, it comes from the same dev who posted the skewed charts, the same dev that has been ignoring tons of tweets and posts from infiltrators every update they break the class, sometimes even further, without fixing what they broke. Sorry, if I don't have much respect for him.

    Try here:

    http://www.google.com/#hl=en&sclient=psy-ab&q=definition of fact&oq=definition of fact&gs_l=hp.3..0l4.636.4372.0.4513.;..0.0...1c.1.4.psy-ab.tKe9hpfbayk&pbx=1&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_qf.&bvm=bv.42768644,d.dmQ&fp=f9e2570c11b0744a&biw=1920&bih=979

    1. a thing that is indisputably the case
    4. the truth about events as opposed to interpretation

    Hardly indisputable and opposed to interpretation without the release of evidence on how many of each MBT choose HE rounds over HEAT or AP
    Also begs to question why such statistic still has YET to be released, sounds more like they either did not check it, or checked it after the changes and did not want to show indecisiveness (or pride for that matter).
    The fact of the matter that it is commonly known the prowler is heavily favored to infantry killing, would already show you problems with the basis of their MBT changes. If prowlers are devoting their attention to killing infantry, this would mean their attention is off the enemy armor present, which would also lead you to believe any situational awareness that would protect them from enemy MBTs flanking them is severely lacking. By that alone would give you perfect justification as to why their KDR vs other MBTs was lower. On the otherwise of the coin figure most magrider drivers were focued on killing other MBTs which is why their KDR vs other tanks was higher, and what do you know, they are the tank most killed by infantry, another statistic shown by the devs
  14. TheRealMetalstorm

    Magburner now is used for running away from enemy fire. When I play I never venture into open fields.
    Anyway, as for respecting him: Few do. However, that quote isn't attributed to him. It's a well known......

    And tell me how the data I presented is not fact. It IS fact, but it is not the:

    complete truth.

    Can't be bothered getting you to lmgtfy a def. request for that.

    Remember: The truth is that now, the MBT K/D is balanced. All we have to do now is wait until the infantry-killed-per-mbt-life K/D is balanced. After that, it's the end of the story!

    Now that the VS aren't FoTM, 4th faction is leaving. NC are now FoTM for biolabs, TR are now FoTM for tanks.

    Here's to the VS who don't like dying to enemy tanks for a change.
    Here's to all the infantry dead from prowler shots.
  15. Erik

    The Magrider is perfectly fine asside from the straifing glitch.

    As far as weapons go they have felt a bit funky lately. I feel like there is a glitch some where. I have unloaded on a guy from 20 yards away and have gotten no hit markers when he should have been dead. Not sure if it was a lag issue or hit registration, or a very heavy accuracy stealth nerf but I doubt that. Some guns do feel a bit weird at times lately, but overall balance in this game is pretty good.

    Balance will constantly change, pick the faction you like and stop complaining.
  16. TheRealMetalstorm

    Careful, many vs don't take too kindly to their advantage being taken away.
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  17. Prodigal

    Perfectly true. TR and NC ignore how effective their MBT's are against infantry and how bad Mags are against Infantry. If we dont speak up, noone will hear us.
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  18. Vikarius

    You just keep stating what the magburner is used for, and nothing on my suggestion for what it SHOULD be. It as if you are not even going to read what I wrote, why keep bringing up the magburner in the first place?

    You did not present any facts, all you presented was DATA
    DATA =/= FACT

    Data can be the composition of evidence, and synonymous. A fact would be a collection of evidence, to cover all variables.
    You have no covered all variables, you have not made any composition of evidence, only one small snippet of data.
    The complete truth would be combination of multiple facts that still pertain to the topic, like a hierarchy.

    Complete truth = Heavy Assault is overpowered
    Fact #1: LMGs are too powerful in close, mid, and long range
    - Evidence A
    - Evidence B
    - Evidence C
    Fact #2: Lockon launchers are too viable in the game
    - Evidence A
    - Evidence B
    - Evidence C
    Fact #3: Heavy Assault is overused
    - Evidence A
    - Evidence B
    Fact #4: Heavy Assault doesn't have to sacrifice for specialization
    - Evidence A
    - Evidence B

    etc etc etc
    ^ Just an example btw

    With the last part of your post with all the "Heres to"
    You really lost any semblance of objectiveness, making any argument you present biased
  19. LeanV

    You're yelling at people for not reading the lore when you obviously haven't either? The Vanu were just scientists that rebelled against the TR because the TR wouldn't have anything to do with ground-breaking alien research that could benefit everyone, and stifled anyone who mentioned it.

    Where did you get the ridiculous idea about genocide?
  20. Zer0range

    Vanusians are preoccupied with science, and even though the word scientology slightly resembles science, the meaning does not correspond. In fact we're talking about opposites here. Now, the tank that was supposed to be a token of our technological advancement has been reduced to something scientologists could've come up with; a ridiculous piece of useless junk.
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