Why do people still think lolpods are OP?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BH Brigade, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. AshOck

    Because after all the buffs to AA and nerfs to the ESFs the pilots have started getting used to the way things are now. They have adapted and are back at it farming grunts and vehicles :)
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  2. DukeFlash

    It's probably the spam nature of Rocketpods that make people hate it so much.
    ESF's have no problem dumping 6 rockets for 1 infantry kill cuz they've got lots more where that came from.
    A weapon that murders virtually everything.

    The extra ammo certs for rockets are cheap as hell, especially compared to something like the primary weapon of tanks.
    ESF's hold too many rockets and can too quickly refill their ammo thanks to their speed.
    ESF's are not OP but the rocketpods are still unbalanced.
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  3. shd

    You got it wrong, i was talking about ESF's. The saddest part about all this rants (and you kind of belong to that group as well) is that people whine and ***** about stuff they haven't even tried and don't know what they are talking about.

    I've clocked over 35h in a reaver and the lightning respectively, 12h in a vanguard and over 200h in medic+ha. I've had 100 kill streak on my lightning but can't even do half that in a reaver. I got killed by tanks when playing infantry about 1000 times more then i did by rocketpods.

    Point is i know just how green the grass is on the other side. The pods are op only against people that aren't very skilled and i'd say aren't very smart either.
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  4. TimeyWimey

    Only problem I have with pods is when I'm in a tank and an esf gets the jump on me from behind. I have about a second of reaction time to bail out before I go boom. But this happens pretty rarely and most of the time I've pushed a little bit too far inside the enemy lines so I guess it's my own fault :]
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  5. roDDo

    What can I say... it's easy enough to drop 1-2 rotary-magazines into the rear of ground vehicles. This should be a very accurate simulation of how rocket pods are supposed to work, no? Dogfights are much harder.
    Maybe you're like me and just don't enjoy flying as much as infantry and tanks.
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  6. PyroPaul

    I would go and say they are not OP... But they are broken unfun and ruin the game for every one.

    The rocket pod has such a high damage output that it can kill most things before they even have a chance to react. They are also mounted on a fast moving hard to hit platform which can fly from render range to on top of you in seconds. That makes it horribly powerful against every thing on the ground...

    Because of this power anti aircraft was made so powerful that ESF will often splode in seconds of direct fire. They've added so many lock on rocket launchers that over high conflict areas you hear nothing but the lock on warning. The fighters themselves are so fragile that you can be shot down by a few flashes with kobolt machine guns and will probably exit a strafing run with a quarter of your health left. So while they are so powerful they are justifiably weak as well.

    Because of this esf tend to be the most source of rage in the game. Ground forces can be decimated by podders so fast it is enraging. Pilots can be shot down so easily it is enraging to fly.

    Like I've suggested...
    Pod need to be given to the liberator and an A2G lock on missile needs to be added in its place.
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  7. Flix

    It takes 6+ missles? Strange. I`m dead after 2 missles of a reaver so you seem to do something wrong. And turning away esf with onearm-max? It takes a esf 3-4 sec to kill a max with the airsuperioritygun. How is that enough to deal any meaningfull dmg with one arm?
    As long as it is a one-man-esf able to kill that many ppl I will consider it op. Period. Do that in a Liberator and I`m fine with it but not in a esf. No idea who though it would be a good idea to give it that much power. If only more ppl would actualy shoot the frigen things if they on a bombingrun then they maybe wouldnt have so much time emptying their rocketclips but noooo. Better get squished.
  8. Tasogie

    I would be happy with that, but it wont happen, the playerbase wont tolerate it, because it means diversity.
  9. Flix

    Actualy at least for Vanu its even 150rounds. You need ammobelt for more which means in turn no 2-3 nades and no flakarmor. Did I mention ALL of his assumtions were false?^^
  10. Flix

    Who cares how many ppl you actualy kill with one mag. I see nealry ALL Rockedpodesf`s wasting a whole mag into one infantrydude. He`s dead after the 3-4 rocket that hit next to him but they keep firing->reloading->repeat. If they empty they take a short trip to the next base and repeat. And now you podders come here and claim "skill" on using 8-12 missles per dude. That It needs skill to kill infantry. You know what you need? You need to press the button and hold the mouse in the general direction of the dude until he dies. I would argue about skill if I would see more esf actualy taking 2-4 rockeds and then retargeting. But they dont. Whats next? "hey I shot 4 HA rockets your way and it killed you...SKILL". I know that they dont deal the same dmg as ha-rockets. Doesnt change the fact that its a matter of how many rockets you are able to fire.

    And on the "try it"part...why should I try that. Explain me where the difference is at killing infantry with the onboardcannon or the rocketpods...exactly. You dont have to properly aim with them. Killing a tank? If you can hit him with the onboardcannon from behind you can hit him with the rockets. Sooo...what to test? Of yourse you are better than normal ppl testing it and flying for the first time. SUPRISE you are dooing it the whole time. It would be totaly pathetic if you dont get better over time.
  11. Idono

    Yeap. Seems to me that only ESF pilots know how to adapt in this game. The rest just whine about something being OP.
  12. Flix

  13. Nakor

    Yeah, they aren't OP anymore, but it seems like every single ESF has them. Getting rocketed by some guy floating over head is just annoying. There are effective ways to deal with it in most situations but again its annoying. It detracts from the ability of everyone on the ground that isn't running dedicated AA to enjoy the game. Its a troll weapon, for farming people that can't effectively defend themselves -basically. And no, it doesn't take skill to use. Skill to hit every single shot? Some. But floating 15 feet behind someone and holding down the trigger, reloading, holding down the trigger is not hard. Sorry pilots.

    INB4: Get AA defense

    If your best rationale for having a farming weapon that annoys the piss out of everyone else is: they should have multiple dedicated units just to stop one guy on the off chance that he comes by. Then something is wrong.
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  14. PsychoBat

    As an A2A mosquito pilot I love this. Reavers and scythes that are hoverpodding are the easiest prey ever.

    I think that a decent change to the rocketpods would be to make them a bit inaccurate. They only feel overpowered when there's someone podding you from hundreds of meters away. If they have to come close enough they can be easily driven away by small arms fire.
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  15. Maruun

    You cant read? You arent allowed to post on the forums ever again!
  16. shd

    This is actually a pretty good idea, to make them hardly usable at long range, the last piece of balance it maybe needs. Unfortunately that wont stop that 1/2 MBT driving solo across barren terrain, getting podded and coming here to cry about it.
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  17. Vortok

    They're strong because they're basically HEAT rounds and thus work on anything... and since it flies an ESF can target anything with pods whereas a tank has a harder time aiming up and can't traverse the map as easily.

    The weak rear armor of tanks is the only really annoying part. Against a Sunderer the damage is more or less fine. The rotary actually kills some targets faster, like a Burster MAX or pretty much any flak toting infantry - just requires slightly better aim.

    If anything were to be adjusted to the pods themselves, maybe take 2-3 rockets out of the clip and then slightly speed up the reload speed to compensate. Each ESF has a different number though, and currently they all do very similar dps if all rockets hit so dropping 2 from a Reaver would hurt it slightly more than taking 2 from a Scythe (as it always fire in pairs).
  18. MartianDiscoFish

    Probably the guys who don't have rocket pods are the ones complaining, I can understand the issue
    Having 80% more afterburner fuel doesn't quite compare to the killing power of pods
  19. shakkar

    so true.
    if i wanna farm certs/infantry - i do it with my tank, much easier..
    true story bro, true story.
    im sure you are the best esf pilot out there after your first 30min of trying....

    im so tired of that community atm..
  20. roDDo

    ... plus some hours of mostly dogfighting.
    I just tried them again and they were pretty much what I expected. Not very good against infantry, which is good. Vehicles are about as easy to hit as with the rotary, if you remain within a reasonable distance (but I didn't have access to any zoom optics, so...).
    Of course you die pretty quickly against massive AA, but that applies to all weapons and doesn't have anything to do with pods.

    ps: You're not exactly helping your argument by simply insulting anyone with a different opinion.