Why do people still think lolpods are OP?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by BH Brigade, Feb 22, 2013.

  1. Autarkis

    All I hear from ESFs is that they want to be able to fly around and get into dogfights without getting murdered by AA all the time. Fine. We can reduce AA by a lot, but that means redefining some roles for aircraft.
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  2. gunfox

    Fixed that post for you. You are wrong, and propably very new to the game.
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  3. xen3000

    As a LA, I jetpack into an area, 2-3-4 AIMAXX = I am dead instantly. Tank gets lucky, I am dead instantly, GL dont hit exactly on targret, I get nothing, an probably shot up.

    Hmm, good comparison. So your point is that ESFs are like LAs that don't have to worry about small arms and can also fly away on a whim?
  4. Tasogie

    hahahaha, son, you don't rate high enough to change anything of mine, an you likely never will. I state facts, not opinions or els I don't speak.Please try an learn before wasting my time with juvenile posts next time, there's a good lad.
    With 501 hours played, I am hardly new, but good try.
  5. Colt556

    You've got it backwards. Everyone doing everything makes for stale gameplay. Everything being good at one thing and bad at another thing is the most core foundation of good game design. If you have any unit that can do everything, players will just use that unit and nothing else. You think it's better if EVERYONE plays HA and nothing else? Because few would agree with you. But if HAs could do everything, people would play exclusively HAs. Thus everything must have a pro and a con, a strength and a weakness. Without that the game is bland boring ****.
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  6. Xuram

    I can easily kill a tank with one mag of rockets to the back. That's shooting some straight into the ground while I'm taking aim as well.
  7. LahLahSr

    I don't fly ESFs because I'm horrible at it. But I do drive tanks and am frequently a victim of ESFs when I take the risk of venturing out alone. Even though it's a fast death for me and a relatively easy kill for the pilot, I don't think it should be nerfed. However, I do think that it should require a "pilot class" infantry type that is very lightly armored and armed. (same for all other vehicles for that matter, except the ATV). Instead they could perhaps be given a +15% movement speed bonus.

    There is something slightly amusing at the thought of a burly space marine with a should fired rocket launcher, a light machine gun and a belt full of nades and mines, squeezing into the pilot's seat of an ESF....but I digress.

    Furthermore the sound should be fixed. One thing is to be hit from behind..but not being able to hear the scream of their turbocharged engines as they hover to nail you, makes the equation a little too uneven. Boost their noise profile in the game is all I ask.
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  8. GamerOS

    Actually, most LA only have 180 rounds total.
    Most LA don't use the select fire variants of their carbines, very few will have the UBGL.
    2 C4 is the maximum BTW.
    Multiple grenades? What a silly Idea, Flak armour is mandatory these days.
    Pistol, what does the back up weapon have to do with this?

    Can fly for short periods, tanks are more likely to kill the LA unless he can ambush them or they don't drive away from the C4 wielding idiot.
    Sunderers? Only if they are completely unguarded, otherwise they will be repaired as 2 C4 only bring it in ciritical state.
    And what a surprise, infantry kills infantry.

    The only time LA come close to ESF would be if they where used by speed hackers and their C4 was free.

    And yeah, if you fly into multiple AA-MAX suits then you die quickly, tough if they don't hold fire you can still run away pretty often.
    If a LA meets only 1 HE tank he's pretty much done for, if my LA meets a Lolpodder my LA is dead, if my LA meets anything really (except for most infiltrators) he's likely to die or have a 50/50 chance to survive modified by individual skill.

    ESF aren't threathend by the majority of Infantry, Heavies might lock on (or shoot dumbfire) but with the nerfs to Anhilator lock on speeds (now 5 secs) and very few people using the old AA launcher they aren't realy a threat till 12 seconds after they start locking on.
    ESF can only be downed by tanks if they get a lucky shot or are very good (tough the TR AT weapon will rip an ESF at close range)
    ESF can be downed by AA, but only if the AA outnumbers said ESF or said ESF doesn't flea when he gets attacked.

    ESF can be attacked by most weapons, but the ESF can also attack everything there is.

    On the main topic:

    People think Lolpods are still overpowerd as they are so multifunctional.
    They can be used against Liberators and Galaxies, kill tanks in minimal time if attacked from behind or simply needs a volley of the main gun to finish it.
    And despite being so effective against Armour and Air it's still very effective against infantry.

    The only reason most people don't get killed as often anymore by lolpods as infantry is because their is a lot of AA these days preventing ESF from getting a lot of shots in at a range they can reliably hit infantry.

    Tough personally I still see plenty of Scythes on Miller just hovering and lolpodding people even if their is heavy AA present..
    And then there is daddy who lolpods all days and logs of midflight so he can't be killed.
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  9. Tasogie

    flak armor is mandatory? no, I don't use it, an never feel the need.
    40mm not used? wrong, I use it religiously.(don't care if its some silly cod name)
    Killing tanks as an LA is as simple as breathing. if you cant get above, behind or hidden from a tank as he comes into range, then tough. but most of time, tanks are morons an they will drive near cliffs, buildings etc all time.
    Sunderers die VERY VERY quickly to an LA, unless it has maxed armor, which few do.
    There is a difference with ESF though,for an ESF to get back on target after it has to evade, means putting it to more risk of getting hit by some really pissed off triple A by that stage.
    As LA I basically run as a suicide bomber, I dont care about dieing because it is irrelevant an an Infantry. Air, not so much,(don't have a problem with Air costing res).
    LA should never be afraid of dieing even if you dont get a kill, who gives a ****.

    With Airpower though, dieing means waiting out your timer, an hoping you have enough res for another one.
  10. LoveJuices

    Because in the beginning they were the fury of creation raining down blood and thunder on everything that spawned for weeks.

    People like to use their previous gross imbalance as vindication for nerfing Air over and over and over. The fact they are great for tank bustering and only moderately dangerous to infantry is irrelevant. They were OP before so now bad player's have every right to hold it over fliers when the balance shifts to the other end.
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  11. GamerOS

    If you don't use flak armour, expect to be killed instantly by grenades, tanks, ESF and Liberators without much chance of survival.
    Personally I use the grenade launcher, but I know most people don't.
    Yes, lot's of tank drivers are idiots, doesn't mean I can simply walk/fly up to them all the time to place C4, tough I'm suprised about the number of times I can simply do that.

    Actually, the Blockade armour doesn't decrease C4 dammage at all, yeah, 2 C4 will bring it into critical/burning state, but a single engineer can repair it.
    The tactic of placing C4, going back or dieing to get more and then going to the sunderer and blowing up the old C4 while placing the new C4 quickly afterwards is very effective.
    If you got the UBGL you can use it as well but I don't think it does enough damage combined with C4 to actually kill it directly.
    Eitherway, any engineer spawning near or on it will repair it out of critical quickly.

    Yeah, LA are more expandable, that's the entire idea of infantry.
    But as ESF I generally live for much long periods of them then I ever do as infantry, often out living my respawn timer.
    As ESF I can choose my fights, it's easy to avoid getting killed while still having an impact on most fights.

    The biggest advantage for the ESF is mostly that it's upfront resource cost is higher, but it then has an unlimited killing potential.
    As LA I either have to stick to killing infantry or spend 200 resources every time to kill one vehicle.
  12. Tasogie

    that is true, but the problem with ESF is our rockets, while we carry alot, have FA splash, so flak armor or no, you will not do much to an infantry unless you hit them.
  13. GamerOS

    Sure you have to hit roughly close to them, but I've personally found it only took about 4 to 6 rockets on average to kill anyone.
    But I wouldn't expect such a multifunctional weapon to be so very effective against infantry.

    Now if there where specialist Rocketpods that changed armor penetration fro Explosive damage and radius...
    Or heck dumb drop bombs...
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  14. Raital

    Why do people think rocket pods are OP?

    Going off usual forum posts on 'balancing', there are many people who complain about something here yet have never used it themselves and thus don't understand the nuances of how it works. They just see it as, "It killed me, like 5 times, thus it must be OP!" For example, see AT mine topics. It's almost clockwork that there will be a topic complaining about AT mines, and the the OP or someone else will say that a single tank mine destroys Sunderers/Tanks/Just-about-everything. Thus there are infantry who get caught out in the open, rocketpodded, and don't understand that rocket pods only do the wrecking damage to infantry it did in November on direct hits. So they get killed by it, get sick of getting killed by it, and come here to complain.

    However, no one complains about rotary and how it utterly gibs infantry if you get down real low and just spray around a Sunderer with it. Or that the rotary destroys everything. They don't find themselves on the receiving end of their buddies being rotary sniped around a Sunderer, getting rotary sniped in the *** and killed in 5 seconds when in a MBT, or getting rotary sniped in the air and killed with barely a chance to fight back. Because they haven't seen what it can do, they don't think it's OP.

    That's why people think rocket pods are OP. They go off of their knowledge of being killed by it without trying to use it themselves to understand the effort that goes into shooting infantry with rockets. It takes seconds to kill with a rocket pod in this game unless you're pinpoint accurate. How long does it take to kill infantry with the rotary? Going off the same infantry metric as guns, about 120ms, 3 bullets in the chest. Shooting people requires aiming, but if you can aim with a rotary in the air, killing infantry is no issue. Once the rotary catches on to being used for that purpose, they'll be here to scream how OP that is, too.
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  15. Sowahka

    Never had problems against them in my tank. ESFs are spotted 24/7 and AA is so common now that ESFs aren't even present in medium-large fights. Avoiding insta-death is as simple as watching the minimap (something you should be doing anyways) and turning your tank to face the ESF when you see it slowing down or coming up behind you. It's obvious, easy, and works every time. Just watch your dang map. They're not exactly sneaky.
  16. LibertyRevolution

    Rocketpods have a lower TTK on a tank than a Dalton... That is broken, very broken.
    Rocket pods need to have 4 round mags, with 3 sec reloads.
    They can keep their damage.. its the TTK on armor that needs adjusting..
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  17. Thardus

    If anything, G2A buffs have just increased Rocket Pod use. An ESF is almost never going to hang around to use its smaller cannons. Speed is an ESF's best defense, so it's going to get in, unload as much damage as it can, as fast as it can (aka Rocket Pods), then get out.

    (Not saying that they've made them a bigger problem, they're quite balanced right now, IMO, just saying that they've increased the incentive to use them.)
  18. Kache

    I don't know. They hit it spot on with nerfing the splash damage.

  19. XRIST0

    Rocket pods ruin the game for everybody except the person using them .

    It would be a MUCH better game without them , for the majority ..
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  20. shd

    I never understood the rocketpod whine. I played a medic almost exclusively until GU2, class that is pretty helpless against vehicles and i could probably count on one hand times i was rocketpoded in a couple of days worth of playing. And that was before all the nerfs. I was farmed by tanks about thousand times more.

    Since then i've clocked quite a few hours in tanks and the reaver. Now, im not a great pilot by any means, i'm much better in my lightning but if i want to kill a tank in one salvo (something people here talk about like it happens all the time, is skill-less and anyone can do it at will) i have to: spot him, come around and line myself behind it's back (which can be countered by you know pressing a or d), fly low so most of my rockets hit the back and not the top and hope he has reflexes of a deceased animal.

    So basically i have to find a lone tank, a very small group or strafe run infantry which basically forces me to hunt down stragglers, a role i feel i am being pushed into by all the AA. And in my tanks only time i get rocketpoded in one salvo is when i'm alone in the middle of nowhere, static and heavily distracted. And he better kill me in that one salvo or he's gonna get a shell up his ***, something i've done on numerous occasions. AT mines, C4 LA, lock on swarms, dumbfires, liberators are all a much higher threat.
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