People who only buy SC on 3x days

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by ShomerShabbos, Feb 20, 2013.

  1. ShomerShabbos

    Stop coming into threads about how expensive gun prices are telling us you only buy SC on 3x days and we should just be smart and do what you do, because you're unwittingly proving the OP's point.

    All you're really saying is that if guns were 3x cheaper, you'd buy them more frequently then on the scheduled monthly or bi-monthly basis you currently buy them on. If you think you're getting a deal, or at least what you believe is a fair price, on a 3x SC sale, that just means you think that guns would be fairly priced if they were 3x cheaper.
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  2. Stellus

    I value my money far more than you assume.
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  3. Chipskream

    Read it twice, understood none of it. But I think OP its trying to make a point.
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  4. Stormlight666

    Of course the guns would be more fairly priced if they were 3x cheaper.

    It's also why SOE puts on 3x Station Cash sales on the final days of their financial quarter before they have to show their profit numbers to their investors.

    Everyone should only buy SC on 3x events until they lower SC costs down. Heck, everyone should also cancel memberships in protest for being treated like dirt by SOE.
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  5. PaladinZERO

    OK, I buy on 3X days, and I only buy stuff on sale. (at least now, I did binge on the 3X sale day). I just like to make my money work for me and get the most value.
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  6. Jac70

    The prices are ridiculous IMO. You can spend about £5 on a virtual gun that is little more than a texture and a few variables shuffled around. Or the same on a horn for your Sunderer - £5 for a few second sound file.

    Still the game isn't a charity. It is a business model and for me buying SC on 3x days and waiting to get items in the sale makes the prices that touch less offensive.
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  7. Stellus

    Let me rephrase the OP's post with a similar example:

    "People who buy things on sale are dumb and should buy it at MSRP. All you're saying is if you walk into Macy's during their semi-annual sale and only buy things then, you'd buy your work clothes more frequently if the sale happened all the time"

    My response:
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  8. phreec


    You can't stop me from educating all the peasants moaning about prices to only get SC during 3x promotions. I agree that the default prices suck ***, so I teach them about the solution rather than create threads ******** about "$7 guns"...
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  9. TheEvilBlight

    Guns cost a lot of Station Cash (and through normal currency exchange, a lot of money); and Carthage must be destroyed.
  10. Semtex.KIA.

    I only buy station cash on 3x or 2x days, but what exactly the OP is blabbering on about I have no idea................
  11. TeknoBug

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  12. Timeraider

    Just buy the freaking guns with certs, its only like 2-3 days casual gaming if you have a 50% exp boost.
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  13. Isila

    In the US at least, with Walmart cards, 3x sales are actually 4x sales.

    The actual value of SC is 1/4 what it normally sells for. Only a fool would do business with SOE at the normal 300% markup.
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  14. ZaltCW

    OP I Have one thing to say...

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  15. VanUp

    If SOE comes to believe that they would make a greater profit by selling more items at a lower price they will do so.

    You pay what you are happy to pay for SC.
    You are also welcome to not purchase SC.
    The market will speak louder than any forum post.

    This is not a car-boot/yard sale. If you visit your local supermarket and try haggling for the price of beans they'll most likely laugh.
    Why? Because you're assuming you know more about their best interests and the practicalities of selling beans than they do.
  16. Anubis77

    If you have a 50% xp boost, you are not a casual gamer. Casual gamers don't pay $90 minimum for a game that isn't even out of beta (I know it's supposedly no longer in beta, but it still is regardless of removing the "Beta" tag off of the logos)

    And to OP, I haven't spent anything and I won't until they do another triple SC event, where I will be looking for the wal-mart card with the bonus SC. No way I'm paying $7 for a fricken virtual gun, that's ******* ridiculous. Maybe I'd consider it if there were some special bonus for spending a certain amount of real money on the game. For example, spend $100 in-game and receive a 1:1 replica Beamer. That'd be legit, though I'm still unlikely to spend $100 on a single video game.
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  17. BalogDerStout

    For reference, steam just told me today that Deus Ex, is on sale for $2 cheaper than buying an in game item, or the same price as a decal or camo.

    What I think the OP's complaint is people who come into threads about prices, say the 'prices are fine just buy on 3x SC days' which is hypocritical.

    Telling us to only put money into the game once a year is kind of absurd. There are people who came to the game after the 3x events, and enjoy it. They'd also likely spend money on the game except they feel they are getting ripped off, so they don't, get discouraged, and leave. That's not healthy for the game.
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  18. Aisar

    I have bought SC here and there for purchases I absolutely wanted to make because I can afford it but I will definitely be waiting for a x2 or x3 to drop some big bucks. I also wait for sales. Stuff is too expensive to go wild. When you are paying $7 for one gun it's just not reasonable to buy up everything I want.
  19. Warruz


    To Make my Money worth the most, buy on x3 sales and wait for ingame discounts.
  20. ShomerShabbos

    If the forum let me edit my post after I banged it out and ran off I could have made it more clear, but it still wouldn't be as clear as this.