NC starting infil loadout is amazing

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Crywalker, Feb 15, 2013.

  1. Crywalker

    Got around to making an NC character and am LOVING their pistol. The repeater is good but the magshot feels perfect. I'm not sure if it's that much better than my VS manticore but the sound makes it seem like it, and it feels far more accurate even w/out laser sight yet. I'm considerably more confident about flanking into close-mid ranges with it since I don't assume they'll turn around and just auto me down as easily.

    And then of course...I start with a bolt action instead of a piece of garbage.

    Basically, infil class, at least as a sniper, feels complete from BR 1 onwards as NC.

    I just wish their faction colors were blue instead of yellow or something. The bright, basic yellow is ugly.
  2. Viper279

    is a redeeming feature with the NC infiltrator having a actual bolt action then the semi that the TR and VS get i will admit i not very good a sniping but one head-shot enough if they don't have nanoweave i think.

    pistol wise i think on youtube someone compared the manticore to the mag-shot i think he said they were basically the same, i do like the TR pistol but it only really effective a at close range though
  3. Crywalker

    Well according to the most recent stats I can find the magshot has a smaller CoF and better velocity.

    Also, I like the iron sights better which could part of it too.l
  4. Ruvan

    I'd rather be TR personally. I love the repeater.
  5. RobotNinja

    The TR's 99SV is actually a great starter weapon. While it may not be great for one hit kill shots, it's perfect for close-mid quarters combat and pick up kills during heated battles.

    VS & TR Alpha Squad members have it made because they get a bolt action rifle as part of Alpha Squad.

    NC get...another bolt action. Uh...yup.

    As far as pistols, the VS's default pistol is tots the suxxors. The NC's default magshot is decent. The TR's repeater pistol is good...for really, REALLY close quarters but kind crap for anything else. So say the devs ever decide to show the Inf some hawt loving and put the stalker cloak in the game, the TR's repeater would be great with a silencer. The NC could probably get away with being popping fools from farther away and the VS's pistol would still pretty much suck.
  6. Plague Rat

    Yeah, the mag-shot pretty nice. You just have to keep in mind that the aiming point doesn't actually line up with the sight, it's actually a bit above it, same with the rebel. This is important to figure out fast because otherwise going for the headshot will send your bullet over your target's head rather than into it. Fire rate is a bit slow, and CoF blooom is pretty high, but that's NC for ya, so misses are a little more common and painful than what I've had on the TR side with the emporer, but it's a solid weapon and there's no questiion the damage is very nice to have on a secondary. The Rebel is pretty sharp too, but at this point I'd say pass on that one since they're coming out with a common pool high damage revoler that will pretty much replace it anyway,

    As for the rifle itself, that's actually something I lament a bit. I feel like that TR anf VS get a better weapon to introduce players to the class, as it's something that can still function well at multiple ranges and with various tactics whereas the bolt action is limited to purely going for the one-shot, and best kept as far from the fray as possible. When i first started out the Gauss SPR was my first purchase, just as many VS and TR are quick to pick up their bolt actions.
  7. Crywalker

    The 99SV has terrible scopes for close-mid ranges and it's not good hip fire, so I'm going to have to disagree on that. It narrows your field of vision too much. It would be okay with HS/NV, reflex, or 3.4x or something like that.

    The repeater is solid, I just like the single shot semi-auto style better. I'll have to try the rebel eventually(magshot is probably better though) - the emperor will be the only one I never bother to test.
  8. RobotNinja

    Well, I've had a great experience with the 99SV, just using the default scope.

    As far as NC pistols go, the Magshot is good if you're doing a lot of up close and dirty work. The Rebel with it's higher damage but way lower ROF and decreased mag size is a bit more for stand-offish picking off wounded enemies type stuff.
  9. Jests

    Oh man... you're crazy. Just wait until you start going into pistol duels against the TR snipers, and get killed before you can fire 2 shots. Then come to the boards and tell me how awesome our pistol is :p

    P.S. The only way to win those fights is to sprint around until they're out of ammo and hope they miss, becuase if you even attempt to shoot at them they'll kill you :p
  10. MeltingCPU

    If you like the Magshot wait till you get a Rebel, it hits like a truck. I won many duels against carbines and rifles with the little thing.
    Lower ROF doesn't mean much in this case, this is not full auto. I doubt you will ever be too fast at pressing a mouse button to justify the Magshot. Add it to the fact people are never still and most times you have to correct your aim.

    Got one and never looked back.
  11. Astraka

    The Emperor is very much like the Beamer, only slightly heavier hitting, slightly slower firing, and with 4 more rounds in a magazine. In my experience the Emperor is easier to aim than the Repeater, and since it is inherently less 'spammy' & kills in 3 less shots than the Repeater it is easier on the ammo pool as well. It is more capable at longer ranges but less capable at those extreme short ranges where the Repeater shines. I prefer it on my sniper kit due to often being at longer ranges, but when rolling with the SMG I choose the Repeater.

    The major problem I have with it is that when it is silenced it is much louder than the Repeater. It sounds like the Magshot, which is a little odd. Unsilenced it sounds amazing, best sounding TR infiltrator weapon by far.
  12. Crywalker

    In close range if they get the jump on you, sure.

    The further out you get the better the magshot is though. And if you get the jump on them the magshot can still take care of business. I have a BR 25 TR and the repeater isn't quite as good as people - even myself pre-TR char - make it out to be. The clip empties fast and you have to land enough of its shots to kill, it can be pretty unforgiving if you spam it too much contrary to what you'd think.

    Not making the argument Magshot > Repeater, just that the Magshot holds its own and I personally prefer the style.
  13. Absoluth

    I used to hate fighting players with NC pistol. It didn't matter if i started shooting first hitting sometimes 5~6x, the guy would always 2~3 shot me to death. Good thing that i retired my solstice and bought a shotgun. Now i can deal just as much damage as this little NC sidearm!
  14. GSZenith

    VS > TR > NC starting gun, i just can't aim with NC stupid iron sight, can we have unlockable iron sight please :S
  15. Astraka

    None of the pistol sights are very good, the Vanu one in particular is horrendous in my opinion - it's way too busy. As someone who prefers reflex to iron sights on their weapons, it would be nice to have some on the sidearm as well. A 1x & a 2x would probably suffice for most of the weapons, something simple to get rid of the clutter.
  16. Plague Rat

    They mentioned in the 'making of' video for the NS revolver that it's going to have optics and they've said on past FNO once that they're going to be adding more attachments for secondary weapons. Sooo this might be something you'll have in the near future. *fingers crossed*
  17. iller

    It all comes down to playstyle preference.... Both rifle types have HUGE downsides. Both Pistols (TR/NC) have redeeming qualities. The only thing in any of this that is mathematically proven to be inferior is the VS's Pistol and the fact that Semi-Auto anything typically gets beat by FULLY-auto anything because of Flinch/ScreenShake
  18. Crywalker

    On the other hand everything else NC has sucks and the NC music is annoying.
  19. ArcKnight

    tell that to an NC MAX face to face
  20. Joram

    Numbers are equal but the mag-shot sigts are good and the VS ones are f awfull