Vehicle "Kill Stealers"?

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laraso, Feb 11, 2013.

  1. Mythicrose12

    I'd just like a little credit when a HA or other vehicle manages to detonate my C4 before I can resulting in them receiving all kill credit. If only C4 animations/deployment was as fast as mines...
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  2. Dusty El Lion

    I once stole a 5 person sundy kill from a Vanguard, With a Grenade Launcher. Was much lulz.
  3. Tatwi

    People shoot at things to blow them up. Some times someone else will get the "killing blow" and I am willing to bet that 99.9% of the time they weren't trying to "steal" it. Playing a single player game is really the only way to avoid this issue you have created for yourself.
  4. Aslandav

    It is called team-work...this game is not about solo. There is no such thing as "steal kills" in PS2 - you can help others in order others can help you. PlanetSide 2 is not about YOU, it is about Your Faction - Your Outfit - Your Platoon - Your Squad - Your Teammates. Instead playing so selfishly, start playing gratefully that another ally helped you to destroy the hostile so doing, prevent the enemies from deploying turn, helps YOUR FACTION at winning.
  5. 13lackCats

    I am so grateful when a friend helps me kills something. I don't care who gets the credit, and I like to think...neither does he.
  6. CptFirelord

    I get this crap all the time. Even worse, when you're flying and someone bails from their Lib or ESF. That's essentially stealing a kill. There shouldn't be an option to get out of a Lib/ESF until it's actually touching the ground. But yeah, this happens to me alot. Even as Light Assault with my C4. I'll put one on the Sundy (because I haven't earned the next 500 certs yet) and go back and get another, use it, and then whip out my underbarrel launcher. Before I can fire, some HA shoots a rocket at it and kills it. Very annoying.
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  7. Witblitz

    I stopped reading at "kill stealers" ... then I lol'd at this fool's post.
  8. PsychoBat

    Good point and I don't disagree with your solution but on the other hand, It would kind of suck chasing a tank that's almost out of health and miraculously hit it with a long range missle shot, killing it, but just get an assist for it.
  9. ShureShot

    Well there's 2 sides to this. If the LA has only one c4 certed, it's useless for him to detonate it if nobody else is shooting the sundy, because it will just get repaired. And if you hit his c4, you will detonate it and get the kill for it, while he gets nothing, he only loses resources.

    I don't think this is a smart tactic at all, because more often than not, a friendly will detonate his c4 by firing at the sundy, getting an instant kill on it with 1 rocket/shell.

    From a tactical point of view, all that matters is that the sundy goes down. You blame him for caring only about getting xp, but you also seem to care more about your xp gain than taking out those sunderers. Anyway, getting a critical kill assist on 2 sunderers without sacrificing any resources isn't too bad either.
  10. akajefe

    My rule of thumb is to shoot first and ask questions later. It is better to surely kill the target than to hold your fire and risk it getting away.
  11. CoffeeBreak

    This must be occurring on servers with very calm battles. People just standing around chilling beside the enemy. "YOU LUCKY TANK!!!! I'D FIRE MY ROCKET IF YOU WERE LOW ENOUGH THAT I'D GET THE KILL!!! I'll wait..."

    Almost every fight I see whether 10v10 or 100v100, you see an enemy you try to kill it. And with a game that sometimes has odd rendering issues I know the risk if I try to C-4 a vehicle that I may get blown up by someone you didn't care or couldn't even see me.
  12. Aslandav

    A good and valid statement well made! If shall players be playing thus selfishly, they should go play other solo shooters...PS2 is about team-work after all.
  13. Veri

    Sure there are indeed people who keep an eye out for people who are destroying hard to kill vehicles, press Q on it and wait till it's nearly dead then shoot.

    Had this happen when I was destroying turrets at an unmanned tech plant.
    I would take out most of the turrets health and then this other esf would finish it off every time.
    If I fired two rockets he would not shoot, just waiting for me to fire off enough for him to take the kill with a few shots.

    I eventually got sick of it and killed him, then took out the rest of the turrets myself.
  14. Buntfunk

    Kills are secured, never stolen. Accept this and you will immediately become less of a scrub, that's the Buntfunk guarantee.
  15. quicKsanD

    This drives me nuts all the time when it happens because I usually die as well to the rocket.
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  16. Laraso

    I find the way many people on this forum rationalize things very strange. Yes, the Sunderers died, that's fantastic. You're completely missing the point though.

    The point is, I've begun to notice people on my own team taking advantage of my targets. In my original post I described a friendly Light Assault who placed C4 near a Sunderer knowing I was going to try to kill it, and then detonated the C4 after it took significant damage.

    He did not help me. I was in no danger and the Sunderers were completely unguarded. We were literally the only people in the area. I could have easily managed to destroy both Sunderers without any problems, but he killed them right before I could finish them off.

    He was in the area before I arrived, so he could have easily killed them both himself with the C4. Instead, he chose to wait for someone else to come along, damage it, and then steal the Sunderer kill. This saved him 200 infantry resources on C4 he would have otherwise used to destroy the Sunderers, while simultaneously denying me from getting the full Sunderer XP.

    From all of that, you (and multiple other people in this thread) consider that it is me who is being selfish? I'm supposed to be grateful for this faux teamwork? I'm supposed to be glad he sat and watched me shoot rockets at those Sunderers for 2 minutes, only to detonate his C4 and get credit for the kill at the end? That's not even logical.

    The Light Assault was the one who was playing selfishly. He's the one who is playing solo. Yes, he really did steal my kill. Rather than spending the 200 extra resources for 4 packs of C4 to kill them himself, he chose to wait until someone else came by so he only had to use 2 while also getting full credit for the kill.

    This idealist way of thinking that I see many people on this forum use is just stupid and ignorant. Stop thinking about things "the way they should be", and start thinking about things "the way they are".
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  17. fish998

    Spawned into a base last night to see an enemy sunderer sat outside the spawn room, saw a HA put a rocket into it, so switched to HA to help, shot it once, and was gutted when it blew first shot and I realized I'd just stolen most of the guys XP. Sent an apology, but the game shouldn't let this happen. XP should be split based on damage dealt, with a small bonus for the kill.

    That guy should want me to help, but the way XP is distributed he's actually sat there thinking 'I hope no one else shows up', even though there's a risk someone will spawn from the sundie, kill him, and we might lose that base.
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  18. Laraso

    I honestly think they should apply the aircraft damage to land vehicles as well. Getting XP for doing damage is good, but if the system most people in this thread are asking for is implemented, you can damage something to 49% health and then just forget about it. Whenever it dies, you'll get credit for the kill. That would be stupid.
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  19. Dovahkiin

    You NEED every cert in order to progress your character sufficiently, and even then you are WAYYY behind the paying players.
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  20. DiedTrying

    Could this thread by any more politically correct? Now now little Johnny, you shouldn't shoot the bad guy because it's Billy's turn to improve his K/D. Okay William, it's your turn, aim for the head, and remember if your target kills you, nerd rage, call him a hacker and post on the PS2 forums about it.