Engineers, do your job or pick a different class.

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Laraso, Feb 10, 2013.

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  1. Laraso

    I've had it with all these totally incompetent engineers who can't be bothered to take three seconds out of their time to drop an ammo pack.

    That's right, you know who you are. You're the guy who sits in his little MANA turret, 400m away from the battle, while 3 critically damaged MAX suits low on ammo sit around you begging for ammunition and repairs.

    After about five minutes, I get tired of waiting for something that is never going to happen, and I walk in front of your turret, preventing you from shooting at all those targets that are way out of the MANA's effective range, while mashing V3 in your face.

    So you finally hop out of the turret (hallelujah), but instead of repairing and supplying us like you're supposed to, you decide that now would be a great time to team kill all of us.

    You're the guy who I walk up to when you hop out of your tank to repair it. I ask for repairs, but then you hop back in and drive off.

    So I start chasing you, and eventually you decide that this would be a perfect opportunity to run over a friendly MAX. I walk out of the way, giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming it was an accident, but then you shoot and kill me.


    Listen up, from now on, if you don't repair me after the fifth time I press V3, I'm just going to kill you on the spot. I don't care who you are or what you are doing, if you aren't going to do your job, you'd be better off dead than wasting the time of the people who need an engineer's help.

    I encourage anyone who ever finds themself within the presence of a moronic engineer to shoot them and kill them. Hopefully if enough players start TKing these worthless engies, they might actually start helping out, or at the very least they'll switch to a different class that isn't as team-oriented, like Heavy Assault.
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  2. Big Cyz

    Reported for encouraging griefing. Check your privilege and get some friends.
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  3. Laraso

    This is not griefing. Waiting five minutes for an engineer to repair you only to have him deliberately kill you is griefing.
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  4. Hellzmovie

    u know what i do i run around to where there is a group of people and look for ammo drops but engineers u guys need to listen to ur comrades so they dont become fallen soldiers "dead" i know what you mean when they stright up dont respond to a call for help i play medic and guys usually shoot me when i dont heal, and they've been callin me sometimes i dont hear it tho but it's funny cause i shoot Engy's not shoot to kill but a light tap so they turn around a drop the pack for a brother no way shape or form am i encouaraging team killing.....
  5. Tasogie

    An being in a max who runs into the middle of a battle always screaming repair me you C&^$!!!, expecting engies to all follow him into the middle of a bulletstorm is stupidity. As an engi myself I let them die, if you are going to spam repair me then rush into the face of a tank, you deserve to die.

    MAX's need to remember something, it's a one way street, you need us, we do NOT need you.
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  6. Laraso

    Well yes, of course. Idiot MAX players don't deserve an engineers help. I'm talking about the engineers who refuse to repair and/or supply you with ammo in an safe area void of any immediate danger.
  7. orionite

    Sorry mate. You deserved it. It's not his job to provide you with a good time. Get yourself in an outfit and don't expect coordination, teamwork or help from strangers. Also, there are other utility items an engy might be carrying.
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  8. smokemaker

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  9. Yastin

    I agree with OP. The amount of non-ammo-dropping engis is ridiculous. I've tried everything. Voice comm messages, voip, text, dancing. If you find one of these guys, they won't do ****, and it makes no sense at all, because all I'm offering is free exp for three seconds of their time.
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  10. Laraso

    An engineer cannot replace his MANA turret or his Repair Tool, so there will never be a situation where the engineer is completely unable to assist you.

    I'm not asking for "a good time", I'm asking for the engineers to be engineers.
  11. Autarkis

    Apologies to be the one to break this to you, but everyone is entitled to play as well, as poorly, as independently or as teamplay-centric as they choose. Threatening to TK people because you take personal umbrage with their choices is ridiculous. If you want to help, try whispering to them - it's entirely possible that they don't know how to do certain things.

    Really, though, the best path is to just carry on, join a squad and live with less stress. Your heart will thank you.
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  12. Vedo

    Hey guy, it takes a second to switch to turret hit B then stop and wait for it to drop on the ground. Stop running around like a fool and hold up a sec ffs. Oh and when running around screaming for repairs stop moving so we can repair you. I swear every time I chase one of you guys half way across Indar I want to shoot you myself. Goes for HA's that need ammo too.

    Man it's like playing vanilla WoW all over again when DPS would aggro stuff then run all over the place and not allow the tank to take aggro.

    Btw. I'm glad I'm not NC. OP is the type of guy I'd drop 2 prox mines down in front of and shoot them.
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  13. Hellzmovie

    i think Engis are underplayed and when there played they need to pay attention
  14. Laraso

    People can play however they want. That's why classes exist, so you can do things the way you want to do them. If someone picks engineer and never uses his repair tool or drops any ammo packs, he'd be much better off just playing Light Assault.

    Joining a squad won't help at all when you're behind cover on the front line with an engineer and he refuses to help you.
  15. Kakihara

    I don't get it I never have a problem with ammo, also I don't really see loads of mana turrets since they are sucky. I think everyone must think op is a ***** so will not give him ammo.
  16. Blarg20011

    I have never, in all my day seen a large battle without several ammo packs lying around. The thing I see most often is MAXs and HAs running around like chickens with their heads cut off begging for ammo, without actually looking around for it first.
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  17. Tasogie

    I get what your trying to say, an as an engi I have seen it myself, but trouble is to many MANX think Engi's are their personal skivvys.
  18. Fox Reinhold

    Get into an organized outfit and coordinate. The other engineers are probably trying to support their squad or are already on a mission with their outfit. Here's what I hear over my comm from my Outfit leader:

    "I need 1 engineer per two maxes in each squad. One or two medics as well. Suit up!" And less than a minute later, we're ready to go because, when you play with the same group of people, pretty much people know who's going to do what (I'm typically the medic, and everyone knows that.)
  19. Autarkis

    I understand why it's frustrating but it's just not up to you.
  20. FendleyFire

    Solo MAX players are the worst. Join an outfit and actually talk to people or maybe play a support role if it bothers you that much.
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