Smarten up TR, Miller

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Duff_Chimp, Feb 4, 2013.

  1. Tigga

    Don't make me post my favourite singing youtube video sharpe...
  2. jamieprittpeter

    Nothing you say is possible with this game. It is broken.
  3. SharpeShooter

    hahahahaha **** off apples lol
  4. Duff_Chimp

    Let's get this straight. Your leader brought your outfit into this argument. I was quite happy to make generalisations based on observation and experiences. Granted I didn't I didn't spend much time in mumble. I have stated why. Now you have come on here all defensive as if I'm out right attacking you and your outfit.

    I merely pointed out things that put me off being in that outfit, you could take this as constructive criticism or be the one making yourself look foolish. Size isn't everything. I have had more fun in this game playing with friends in small groups than any zerg or outfit play so far. I decided that BRTD wasn't for me when you kicked my friend for being 'inactive'.

    You should state that being on mumble is a requirement, and also it seems that it isn't a hard and fast rule as certain members seem to be absent. My friend and I were thinking of leaving before being pushed, partly because of size issue and partly the having fun part doesn't have to only occur on mondays. I play the game for fun, for me capping empty bases whilst necessary is not something I participate in. Winning is fun for me, making the enemy pay for every inch of ground with piles of corpses.

    Edit: Since this thread was created TR have been doing a lot better on Amerish and Esamir. The real test is Indar.
  5. Sworaven

    An ineffective outfit is a bad outfit.

    I've got to be honest, I stopped reading the thread after the post I just quoted. To me it seems you've got no right to badmouth an entire faction on a server. Members from your former outfit mentioned you didn't even bother to get on comms. How can you say that TR Miller outfits are ineffective if you don't even try to work as a team. In my opinion, your former outfit is better of without you. Don't join an outfit if you're going lonewolfing constantly.

    You want more effective teamplay? Stop pointing fingers at others and point it at yourself.
  6. SharpeShooter

    BRTD's leader has not commented on this thread, which just shows you know NOTHING about BRTD. and just so you know it clearly states on the acceptance post you get, that Mumble is mandatory!

    and we play and have fun all the time its just on Mondays we do crazy things like grenade chess:

    anyway Im going to stop posting on this thread as reading what you're posting is lowering my IQ by the letter.
  7. Sworaven

    What observations and experiences could you possible have?

  8. Luewen

    Totally agreed. I can remember many occasions when TR had 2 continents ant proceed to lose them in less than 2 hours due the mindless zerg following one of those wannabe leaders that have tactical brain of dead goldfish. And thought that we could suddenly have 3 continents with less pop than 2 other factions. At the end we didnt have any continents for days. Of the most epic fails of Miller TR.
  9. Duff_Chimp

    You really are adorable. But totally wrong, d0tz0r posted on page 1 post #13 and if you read back there wasn't any mention of BRTD before then. Now I'm pretty sure i don't remember you in this outfit, just as well as I may of left sooner. Last time I checked dotzor was outfit leader, if not in name but by virtue of actually being the one that organised things on mumble.

    Grenade chess sounds nice, did you play it with Vanu or NC, wait lemme guess neither. Really you don't understand that I play this game as a FPS foremost, killing is my business. As for the Vanu sucking TR **** video, surely this is your best advertisement for who you are as an outfit. Your definition of fun is clearly very different from mine.

    Edit: watched first 1 minute of that vid, wow your crazy keep those videos coming.... Yawn.
  10. Windreaper

    Holding continents is totally irrelevant since the gameplay advantage is laughable. Pretty pointless to camp WGs for no good reason.
  11. Duff_Chimp

    Due to the amount of grenades, C4, claymores, resto kits and mines I currently have, I couldn't disagree more.
  12. Duff_Chimp

    Understanding the meaning of the words 'observation' and 'experience' might go some way to cementing your understanding if what I am saying. Plus I'm not only talking about from within an outfit also from having fought along side the outfit as a lone wolfer.

    I don't understand the hatred towards the lone-wolf style of play. A tactically minded individual can achieve much more than most outfits give any credit for. Like I may have said before a squad with a strong cohesion can achieve much more than a single soldier. But currently there are very few squads I have come across that can't be screwed over one way or another.
  13. Rolfski

    It's perfectly fine to operate as a lone wolf along side of an outfit, I do that as well some times before I step into an ops night. But to get to know an outfit and work together as a team you need to get on outfit comms (Mumble, TS, etc.) from time to time and get things done together. If you're not willing to do this, you probably made the right choice leaving BRTD because an outfit like that is clearly not for you then.
  14. Sworaven

    There is no hatred towards the lone-wolf or lone-wolfing itself. If there was a problem among the outfits on TR Miller, we should discuss it amongst ourselves. Not on the forums by an outsider/lonewolf.
  15. Crashsplash

    BigAl isn't outfit leader anymore?
  16. IMTasty

    Shhhhhhh, don't ruin stuff!
  17. Luewen

    Shows how little you exactly know about BRTD. Sharpe is online pretty much every day and D0tz0r is not outfit leader time being.

    And about rest of your post:
    What a load of ******** you r shoveling here.

    First, you have no right to come here to whine about how outfit(s) are run, unable to get things done, are un fun, uncoordinated and rest of your crap. Especially when you have been in outfit for 2 weeks and never participated on bigger ops, instead soloing somewhere doing your own thing. And when being in platoon, still soloing somewhere totally opposite position where platoon/squad leader has ordered you. And trying to hide all those whines about general TR progress on server...

    Second, you r calling your self pretty good in tactical planning? Then why the hell you r condemning ghost capping and capping undefended bases bad? One of the tactical things is to cap around the enemy and try to cap around heavy fights to cut them off.

    I believe you r best just soloing your own thing and do not join any outfits with your thinking.

    Also, before shoveling this crap on outfits, make sure you have actually been on them for more than 2 weeks and participate on stuff.
  18. Raap

    BRTD looks like an outfit that knows how to have fun in a game. You look like someone that is being an elitist, unsocial asshat that has yet to understand why people play games, and why people play said games with other people. Stay solo, because I would feel bad for any outfit taking in a player with your mentality.

    And no, I am not a member of BRTD or any PS2 outfit for that matter. Just letting you know what an outsider could think of your behavior. Grow up.
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  19. Raap

    Forum died after posting, somehow caused a triple post.
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  20. Raap

    Forum died after posting, somehow caused a triple post.
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