Vanu nerfs start to become too much? Vanu pop dying ;-(

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Asan, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. Asan

    On Jaegar we have always had pretty even populations. But these days, NC/TR both outnumber us Vanu by 15%+... and this all started post patch.

    And to make things worse, they both team up on us because until recently, we rocked them both every day.

    Any other servers experiencing mass exodus of Vanu dudes? Looks like this recent nerfing we took hit people a little too close to home and they left for greener pastures.

    Dev's, take a look at how things really are instead of listening to crybabies on the forums.. Sure the magrider could climb hills, but the other MBT's destroy us in seconds... I am afraid your nerf (which I personally don't mind all that much) has slaughtered the Vanu pop. Throw a buff our way every now and then instead of a neverending stream of nerfs!

    And most importantly.. to the Vanu players... the nerf wasn't that bad, stop being babies and come play ;-)
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  2. Wasdie

    Does it ever cross people's minds that players may get bored of playing the same faction for months in a row and may simply just leave to play something else for awhile?

    I know my non-NC accounts have been getting a bit more love lately because 2 months of NC is getting a little boring.
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  3. Nextic

    Just proof that most of the people that play VS only do so because of the OP gear they get.
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  4. Nepau

    While that can be possible, it seems that many servers are reporting a similer drop in their population without really and corrisponding change in the other factions except for an increase. The odds that every server would see a similer drop in just 1 faction indicates there is far more to it then simply players getting bored.
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  5. BlueSkies

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  6. Nepau

    If we follow that logic then those people are moving to the next OP faction, which on my server is the NC (they seem to have gotten the population that the VS has lose, and we were the lowest average Population before the patch too). If that is the case thats interesting since pre patch there was a ton of talk on the forums saying that the NC were the most under powered.

    Perhaps you might want to think about that statement before assuming that people only play this or that because it is OP.
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  7. VSDerp

    Well im not on jaegar but i recently left vanu not because of the so called ''nerfs''.i just got bored with playing Vanu so im rolling NC now and loving it more challenging more fun.but seriously what nerfs?? only one i heard of was the mag nerf that wasn't implemented i heard.It's pathetic people would really leave vanu for that reason.
  8. Terrex

    VS pop is low because they aren't AS OP. Move on to the next FOTM.
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  9. jak

    Some people just aren't cut out for purple and teal tights...
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  10. SenEvason

    Some servers report NC overpopulation, some report TR, some report VS. Also, TR gets double teamed by NC and VS as well, and I'm positive the same happens to NC. This "problem" isn't specific to the Vanu.
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  11. Nextic

    Its the only reason allot of people play VS, and I dont think the nerf was nearly hard enough, people can still mag snipe.

    One server = entire game census

    Maybe you should think before you post.
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  12. Cleaver

    On Ceres, Vanu pop never reaches 30% any more. Usually 25-28 when I'm online.
  13. r1stormrider

    population drop because of balancing changes to the magrider? big surprise there. but at least you guys have dev representation with the TR on the balancing. we on the other not.

    VS have had a meal ticket for a very long time, you all cried your way to it and then the balancing hammer struck.
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  14. ArcMinuteLight

    About freaking time the VS started dividing to different factions. They were 50% of Helios for the longest time. Now NC have the slight advantage of 40~45%, But I think a bunch of the VS just dropped from the server and went to another/left the game.
  15. Nepau

    I was. I was mainly saying my server. My point was that your statement was broad in that is implyed that the population loss was due to people running to what they percive as overpowered and atlest for my server, following the statement, it is percieved it is the NC.

    Now if that is happening on more then 1 server it could be interesting. I don't know what it is like for that on the other servers so I can only give my own experence. All I can tell right now for sure is that there seems to be an across the board drop in Vanu population, and if that is because of what you were saying, then I would fear for the Faction that got the population increase.
  16. Bambolero

    Your faction is better off without the ez-mode children that jumped the FOTM ship a second after their FOTM OP toy got brought in line.
    The bad news is, they gonna cross over to faction that has the next FOTM (Prowlers perhaps?).
    So TR, get ready for a influx of ex-Vanu kiddies. :D
    NC don't have to worry about that btw, for obvious reasons.
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  17. Nepau

    That is quite true. Really the problem is coming from the server where the VS were already the lower population. Since the current game makes it hard for a lower population to be effective, it is causing problem for those server as it starts a cycle of people leaving because they are getting farmed, and population drops causing more to leave.

    What I would like to know is what the average population % was for each faction on each server. It would be interesting to see which faction tended to be the most underpopulated or over populated. Using that and compairing to before and after the patch it could be an interesting descussion.
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  18. huller

    fact is: few people realy have faction loyalty like it was the norm in PS1. Some people do not bellong to any of the three empires, they bellong to the "fourth empire" aka no skill players who hop to whichever faction is the next flavour of the month. Respect only those who stick with their side no matter what, like all the TR and NC when the VS were burying them under avalanche after avalanche of magriders (especialy the NC dudes). Now that the VS got brought down to the level of the other factions those fourth empire dudes see this as a nerf and move on to other factions they percieve as OP.

    And let's face it, who REALY wants to be the purple spandex xenos loving wierdos faction?

    No, vanu do not need a buff, faction swapping should be on a CD for the same server appart from briggs (seeing as how there is only one AU server and those people want to play other factions as well)

    Also, peole like to get revenge for having been on the recieving end of stuff for far too long and now have the power t ostrike back, heavily, that is why they team up against the VS (other factors might play a part as well)
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  19. GraphicJ

    On Indar the VS pop were considerably reduced and the NC pop was rose like an old impotent man with V-iagra™.

    Either way we TR peeps just nonchalantly killed away last night.
    Here's a quick footage of the said event when we exterminated some VS scum and NC hippies:
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  20. Disparu

    Waterson Vanu pop seems to be dying a rapid death. We were always outnumbered by TR but now NC pop has suddenly increasaed while vanu has dropped dramatically.

    No-one except the true vanu fans want to play a faction with a tank that cant go anywhere that isnt perfectly flat ground. Balanced faction becomes subpar due to the combination of nerfs and buffs in same patch (big mistake). Its expected really.
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