Massive nerf to cloak, low graphics quality gives you a HUGE advantage

Discussion in 'Infiltrator' started by Village, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. VelcroPudding

    yeah it's terrible that he would make a decision based on real life time versus reward /sarcasm

    Why should he invest more time leveling his infiltrator when he can just play his other FPS games and not be frustrated?
    Currently, he was a free to play user who was considering putting down some station cash on weapons and vanity items.
    Now he won't spend any money.

    In the end, this hurts you. If you don't know why, then you should probably not say anything more in the forums.
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  2. Jests

    Yeah but there's always going to be people like that. There's always going to be people complaining that their class is weak and "fix this or I quit" blah blah. If it wasn't this it would be something else.

    I'm not saying stealth doesn't have issues but to somehow use posts like that as some sort of a weird justification is kind of silly o_O
  3. MadcowwithSwineFlu

    My point is why give up so easy when its something we all know will be fixed. Play another class or try vehicles for a bit. If your friend cant handle sarcasm also what is he doing playing a fps a genre that is known for sarcasm infintile behavior and all sorts of un grownup like activities. Sheesh.
  4. zenosarrow

    Some people get attached to their class of choice. Especially in an MMO like this one, where it takes a long time to get your class set up the way you like it. I just finished getting my Hunter Cloak fully certed like a week ago. The infiltrator class was the reason I started playing the game. ESFs and tanks are fun, but they aren't the things I want to focus on in game. Some people like Planetside because they have so many different ways to play the game. Some of us like Planetside because there is one specific class we love, and we get to play that class while competing with things like tanks and ESFs.

    In the case of infantry especially, the class abilities are really what makes it fun. I never play light assault, but if I didn't get to shoot guys with jetpacks out of the air things just wouldn't be as fun. Same goes for the cloak, without it infiltrators are just a squishy sniper, a free kill for most at anything but long range.

    So sure, I can still log in and play the game, I can fly a Lib or hop in a Scythe, I could start working on another class, but those aren't the things that keep me logged in for 4+ hours at a time. I might get a good gunner for a half hour, or it could be a rare day where my faction has air superiority. However mostly, having my Lib or Scythe shot down over and over is frustrating and makes me want to log out. Being a light assault and not being able to hack terminals to resupply ammo makes me frustrated and want to log out. Trying to play my favorite class and knowing I am getting spotted/killed over and over because my cloak is worthless, makes me frustrated and want to log out.

    Yes, a lot of people are saying it's a bug. Yes, if it is a bug it will probably get fixed. No, I am not going to even bother playing the game until then.

    I bootcamped my mac and installed this game for Infiltrator, I spent money on Station Cash for my Infiltrator, weapons and cosmetics, I have spent the last 2+ months turning my infiltrator into a killing machine by carefully spending my cert points.

    I'm very attached to my class of choice, and having it crippled like this really sucks. I'm not quitting the game because I have high hopes for it, and I want it to last as long as Smedley thinks it can. That being said I'm not going to play until it is fixed, or at the very least addressed. The most I have seen so far is a screenshot of a conversation with an SOE Operative saying to report it as a bug.

    I hope it gets fixed this week, but it could be longer, I just hope I don't find another game that I like as much as I liked Planetside when I started playing it.
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  5. VelcroPudding

    I'm hoping Defiance doesn't devour the PS2 user base, but I'm pretty sure it will.
  6. zenosarrow

    It's not defiance, it's just a choice. If I really like a restaurant because of the way they cook their steaks and then they change it and I no longer like it I'm not going to keep eating there and having a different menu item that I don't enjoy as much, I'm going to find a different restaurant.

    It's nothing personal, it's not trying to be defiant, it's simply my choice. I come here to the forums to voice my concerns and hope that the devs will fix it, and to discuss my opinion with others. I do that because I respect them enough to at least give them critical feedback, instead of simply walking away without saying why.
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  7. VelcroPudding

    Defiance is another MMOFPS under development by Trion
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  8. Jests

    One of the better misunderstandings I've read :D

    I did just look the game up, though, and it looks terrible... I can't imagine that'll compete with planetside at all unless somehow the show is a huge hit.
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  9. zenosarrow

    haha i feel dumb
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  10. Mark467

    Do you have google fiber or something. Holy ****.
  11. AnotherNoob

    Nope, but my land lord has a private connection to net node that is shared among the tenants. If I remember correctly its a 1000/1000 connection, split on about... 200 users, so technically that's the limit, if no one else is using the connection at the same time as me :)
  12. Jex =TE=

    It better be a ******* bug because right now it's ****. I play infi fairly regularly, well I did but now I've gone back to my HA and Engi. Yesterday we had a huge battle going on and guess what I see running through our lines, an enemy infi cloaked but bright as day. I felt sorry for him as I killed him. Shortly after that I switched to infi and didn't even bother using my cloak. There's some people that argue the infi should be seen if he's moving well in that case, up the cloak time to infinite. 12 seconds to dash between cover is not enough, not even worth trying now as stand out worse than a regular player.

    The infi has had nothing done to it as far as infiltration goes - the SMG can go **** itself, I want to actually infiltrate.
  13. zijin_cheng

    The cloak works in extremely tight quarters such as airbases. When you cloak pretty much the entire base hears it, so they don't have a direction to pinpoint you from. Some people hesitate when they see a cloaked infiltrator, because sometimes its their own, and looking for that blue arrow above me gives me the time to either run away or fill him full of bullets.
    The only problem are shotgun engineers at close range. Even from behind, if they are good enough, they can turn around fast enough and fire one shot into me, and I'll die.
  14. Jex =TE=

    You can't fire whilst cloaked and you can tell where an infi is, we hunt them down all the time - every 12 seconds...whoosh. Currently it makes no odds anyway, infi's are completely visible right now so the cloak is useless.
  15. Ashur

    Whelp, that video would explain why some guy was able to see me across a courtyard every single bloody time.
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  16. Ashur

    Whelp, that video would explain why some guy was able to see me across a courtyard every single bloody time.
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  17. zijin_cheng

    Either you're very good, or everyone I'm killing is extremely bad, because I've gotten average at CQC after sucking for a long time. The cloak does indeed help. If I sprint at you from the side with my cloak on (using the bug that gives me the lowest level of opacity) people don't notice. If an LA sprints towards you from the side of course you're going to see him and shoot him down.
  18. HeadshotVictim

    guys... you think cloak got NERFED?
    Cloaked Infiltrators are completely invisible kneeling!
    One of these guys shot while I was looking through a IR/NV-Scope in his direction!
    I couldn't see him... on high-graphics!
    Jesus, what do you want?
    Perma-complete-Invis with ability to shoot rocket with 8000m/s velocity at 3.5 km?
  19. Jex =TE=

    Put ur graphics on low and you will see what we're talking about - people have put vids up here anyway on other posts.
  20. Jex =TE=

    What bug?
  21. HeadshotVictim

    thank god low graphics don't has ANY downsides!
    ye gods... I played far too long on low graphics to know, that there are some things completely impossible to do on low graphics.
    (IR-Scope... ever tried?)
    Is there any video of the low graphic cloak stuff at another continent?
    Esamir is a bad example because you don't have much ground contouring there... everything is white/grey.

    Gimme some vids from Indar/Amerish (at night) and we can talk