Confirmed Myth

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by toxs, Feb 7, 2013.

  1. toxs

    NC dual hacksaw MAX is great. I tried it out, and really enjoyed it.

    Close range = very powerful

    Medium range = not good

    Long range = useless

    I know you guys will say thanks for the obvious, but I decided to investigate some of the gripes on the forums.
    I noticed two phenomenon while palying. Stupid enemy will contuniue to rush into a room and try to outgun an armored robot holding 2 large automatic weapon systems. Smart enemy avoid the LOS of the robot and use explosives.

    I know there are many other variables and situations, but I cannot understand why some enemy just spawn, sprint, and essentialy try to fist fight this MAX setup? In the majority of situations there are other options. Has anyone else noticed this while using this MAX setup?
  2. Gisgo

    I dont play maxes but i do repair them and i can confirm a lot of people acutally runs directly into them... in fact they try to kill the max before the engineer :confused:
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  3. PaladinZERO

    If you are standing in an objective room, what else is there to do? Smart MAX suit operators are positioned so explosives can't be a threat.
  4. Bambolero

    Yup, and the tears you see on forums are from the the same Rambos that tried to arm-wrestle your MAX.
    It all checks out.
  5. jak

    The interesting thing about your statements is it's obvious to me that you're a *smart* player. The people that defend the hacksaw as some form of balanced throw the arguments that it sucks at distance to anyone that will hear. My question to them has always been - why are you using it to shoot things at distance? Why let the enemy dictate the situation?

    Now, as to why you see some people sprint towards you - I play LA and if I find a smart hacksaw player, sometimes the only way I can try to kill you is hope you're distracted and drop C4 near you. Often, it goes VERY badly for me. But the smart hacksaw will give me very few options that don't put me in a distinct disadvantage against him. On the other hand, there are a LOT of players that do things that make me scratch my head.
  6. Xind

    Can you people please stop ignoring charge? When you're in a bio lab, unless you have a trap pre set (c4) they can reach their effective range incredibly easily and instantly kill you. Yes, they are less effective at long/medium range but they have a fantastic tool to close said range. More over, most of they are laying in wait in places you must COME TO to prevent them from capturing the base.

    Again, I think the issues is the amount of damage Scattermax AI weapons do to other MAXs, not so much how much they gib infantry. You should need to use the damn MAX AV weapon to kill enemy MAXs so incredibly quickly.
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  7. Alkasirn

    I saw a real bad case of that about a month ago. An NC Max and engi decided to start capturing an amp station all by themselves when there was a platoon's worth of VS surrounding it. I told everyone the situation via /re and suggested to take out the engineer first.

    So I watched the map and noticed about 75% of the VS just leave. The VS that stayed eventually came up to help me get the max and engi off the point. They all went for the Max. I tried killing the engi but the engi was smart - he was using cover and moved to the other side of the room (breaking line of sight) any time he took damage. Combined with the fact that the max was looking for someone to kill, I managed to take off half of the engi's shield about 5-6 times but I was never able to really hurt him.

    Literally 5-10 minutes later the 10 other VS around me finally killed the max and the engi made a run for it. Yep, the engi was still alive... then the NC zerg flooded in and overwhelmed us (they were actually destroying generators during the last minute of the max 'encounter').

    See what can happen when people don't aim for the engi first? :eek:
  8. Ayre

    Because at 15m the TTK of the hacksaw and the quasar/chaingun is the same. Above that, they're all useless.
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  9. TheShoes

    If you are in a biolab full of people and a max charges toward you to close the gap and eliminate the range issue and he kills you and still lives. you are in a biolab that doesn't have many people and range is still a possibility. Try doing that in a full biolab and watch how you just lost cover and now 10 other TR or VS will shred you in two seconds. If you are in a max suit and the Hacksaws charge at you, Do the same thing and charge the other way, maintain your gap. This isn't hard, stop pretending NC maxes are the only ones with an ability. As for close quarters in a biolab, shooting from one door to the other is usually enough distance to be out of hacksaws effective range. Don't keep running in the same camped door and try different approaches.

    How do you beat an average hacksaw max? bait him into playing on your terms.

    How do you beat a skilled hacksaw max? By being equally skilled and using the terrain.

    Coming to the forums and crying isn't the answer, use the time you spend doing that on improving your tactics and get back into the fight.
  10. Curse_Gamerkin

    Because rushing MAXes actually works, except only on VS and TR max because these 2 actually have to aim and have longer TTK. A NC max scatters have a way too high fire rate for having dual shottys.
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  11. jak

    I tried that at TI Alloys the other day. There were about 5 hacksaws on the capture point and I kept shooting them from outside, trying to bait them into my C4 trap. I think they were on to me.
  12. TheShoes

    For maxes, Tank mines also work wonders, throw one or two down, shoot it when they come around the corner. Or make it a 2 man operation, you can't expect to always beat a max 1v1, they cost resources and have a cooldown for a reason.
  13. Johnnyseven

    I've noticed this. THIS IS ALL A LIE, do you hear me TR and VS? The Hacksaw is extremely effective at long range, the only way you stand a chance is to run through the doorway and directly into the front of the MAX.

    Now that that's out of the way its time to reveal how C4 and rocket launchers are bad for your health and should never be used in a biolab.
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  14. jak

    I expect to beat everything 1v1. Why else would the forums exist if I didn't have a reason to complain about something? :(
  15. TheShoes

    I would say for constructive criticism and for fostering Ideas; but that would be blasphemy.
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  16. Cluckubangbang

    I have to second this as I am also an Engie, who helps MAX and wonders why the mass carnage in front of him is not trying to kill the guy repairing him.
  17. Phaze

    If you've never played FPS before, there are 2 main tactics that 95% of all players use....

    1) sprint up to your target and shoot it as much as you can, as close as you can


    2) sit in some dark corner sniping/camping

    Neither of these work very well vs. NC MAX... therefore, it frustrates most of those fighting against it.
  18. jak

    Careful, that's almost reasonable talk right there.
  19. innersphere1

    better to kill both with a c4
  20. Duff_Chimp

    ScatMAXes are mostly next to impossible to grind down when camping in a room with an objective. The problem with biolabs is that two of the objectives are only a max charge away. Grenades aren't very effective and c4 only effective if you land one on top of him. Easy enough to do most places, but the claustrophobic rooms in the biolab. I guess now we know the real reason the biolab shield is blue.