NC AI MAX Weapons Need a Nerf - Daily Post #1

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Hoffburger, Feb 4, 2013.

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  1. Olek

    Not really, I'm TR and think the NC MAX is fine, if they were that bad in Bio labs then NC would own them all, and on my server that isn't the case.
  2. Antich

    Ok, taking a point from an nc max.
    Oh look, that guy in front of me just died from a max boxed in a 5 m room. *switch to light assault**flashbang the room**run in**place c4**run out**detonate**win?*. What you guys need to understand that being imba under 5(it´s freaking 2 shotguns, what do you expect, 2 infantry shotguns shooting at you would kill you as fast at that range) usually meen you are forced to be static in a small place(to force the enemy in your kill range). That equals a sitting duck for any kind of enemy.
    Last time i checked, things like magriders, liberators, etc were OP cause of mobility+range. When you stay at a range and you are fast, you can controll the terms of engagement. You have more time to run if things get bad. Having to stay at 5m form enemies gives you no chance in case of an organised assault. Yes, you might kill 3-4 ppl on a clip however the 5th will kill you till you reload. I would prefere being able to stay at 25-50m range in a max suit. I would feel safer and die way less

    P.S. av maxes don´t really suck in their role but how many av maxes you see around? What they suck against is infantry and ppl don´t wanna use a weapon that is good only against maxes and tanks. How many ppl would use HA if they didn´t have LMGs and they only would run around with a rocket launcher.
  3. NeverWas

    scythe going faster than mossies ? lol from this statement alone i know you're nothing more but a pathetic troll that goes around disagreeing everything that's bad for TR.
  4. Xasapis

    So you basically agree with me that the VS max is nowhere as good as the NC max is at its primary function, taking points and controlling points.
    He is indeed a troll. He's been whining for weeks about his precious TR and now that others post carbon copy threads to his, he goes there to tell them how to l2p. Pathetic.
    (I do not condone whining threads btw. I loathe hypocrites though).
  5. Stew360

    THOSE ARE 100 % ACCURATE , And proove everything in maxs vs maxs combat also in maxs vs infantry the TR and VS maxs are at least twice as good if not more at any range because TR or VS maxs instagib infantry while Dual their Ai weapons in QCQ and kille them really fast in medium range combat Unlike the NC maxs who need to be fully upgraded to do anything near (( decents )
    • Up x 1
  6. Xasapis

    They are 100% staged, have no real base in actual reality or every day combat and distort the actual in-game balance.

    You know, you can do the exact opposite videos. Have the NC max aim for the head and the VS/TR aim for body only. That would be as much staged as the bull crap those videos are presenting.
  7. Purg

    What exactly is forged about it? It's a controlled test, largely due to the FUD being thrown around in the MAX forum about how NC MAX instagibs other MAX units at ranges up to 30 meters. Turns out, they don't! All things being equal, the range at which the NC MAX suffers begins at less than 10m.

    If you're going to say something about lack of headshots by the NC MAX. You aim for the head in an NC MAX, you're increasing the amount of pellets that miss. Given than the headshot bonus of the NC MAX is 1.5, you aim for the biggest part of your target to maximise the amount of pellets to hit.
  8. Xasapis

    Would you fight like this in actual combat?

    It's like watching two boxers exchanging punches completely still, only one is doing crotch punches only while the other doesn't. Interesting to watch but a useless assessment of actual boxing skill.

    Even with the NC max not wanting to waste pellets you'd still aim for the upper torso part. And for no reason you'd sit still and eat headshots like that. Nor you'd wait in the open to reload your weapons. Or even stick around in 30m if the only target was that opposing max which you'd instagib with running at hug range.
  9. Vreki

    I think I may have been flashbanged something like 3 times in total since release, across all classes.
    So you could very well have a point about people refusing to adapt.
  10. Antich

    If the points are inside a 5m building, yes, i agree that vs/tr maxes are a little less suited for that job(not to be read as weak, they are far from that and every infantry that gets into 5m range of a max has a problem. The amount of ammo on tr/vs side makes them more effective against more ppl while nc maxes are better if ppl come one by one to give them time to reload). If the point is anythere else nc maxes are not the best weapons for that task. More to that, evey max that is camping a spot is an easy target for a lot of tactics(like what i said above). You are delusional if you think any infantry should live to tell the tale after going into 5m from any max that knows what he is doing. Also, who said that the primary function of maxes is holding small buildings?

    Hmm, you realise is the same thing i hear about magriders. "go close to them and they suck". While you close a 30m gap(that´s like 5 seconds if not more) you are basicly giving them free shots. You won´t reach him in time to unload your shotguns.
  11. Cilrael-sa-Altarii

    NC MAX should not be reworked.

    When you see a MAX you should think "OMFG, an ennemy MAX ! *turn away, run away* ". When you see a NC one, I do so. (even when i'm in a tank -maybe their AT weap are a little bit too powerfull compared to others MAXes but whatever.)

    But when i see a VS or TR MAX, i just think " which xeapons does he have ?", because these ones are pretty useless until you know how to kick their face ( come to close combat and turning around them while sweeping all you got in is *** ).

    I don't like buffs and other stuffs but it is the other MAXes that has to be reworked.
    And why do we discuss about that ? In at least 3 months, MAxes will be reworked, everyone, the all class. We should go to the topic and talk about what sould or shouldn't be done.
  12. Antivide

    NC MAX units run on enemy tears.
  13. Xasapis

    Until the inevitable nerf that is.
  14. SolidSnake

    Ok, give us less recoil on our weapons, reduce the damage a bit and give us higher rate of fire, and no bullet drop. I'll glady make that trade off.
  15. w00tb33r

    Due to the charge ability(or whatever its called) the NC Max has a one button solution to your strategy.
  16. MarkAntony

    Yes charging into enemy infantry lines is a sure way to get a kill. Oh wait. It's actually a good way to get killed.
  17. b0nsa1

    Improvise, Adapt and Overcome

  18. SolidSnake

    Xasapis seems on a whining crusade, let him vent. Hey how many fights in the game do you see NC Max units going in and dominating? Bio Labs and... that's about it. Any other places you have the ability to shoot at them from a distance. I really don't understand how VS have the nerve to come here and whine day after day about the one thing NC has that's better than theirs.

    It's a hulking metal suit with dual shotguns (if you have two equipped that is) why in the blue hell do you think you should be able to stand right there and go toe to toe with it? I get killed by VS or TR MAX units all the time when rushing a place, I have learned different ways of dealing with them, none of which are coming to the forums and asking for them to be nerfed, you should do the same.
  19. PeanutMF

    I think the MAX needs a revamp before the Light assault does, it's probably the class that has the most problems right now across all factions. Not implying the Scatmax is OP, just saying.
  20. Xasapis

    Hmm, I'm not on a whining anything. I was among the few people that wanted and still want the NC max to remain as is. Despite the difficulties, there are tools available to overcome the challenge. The main difference is that what works with a TR/VS max (aka overpower with numbers), doesn't work with the NC max. That, and that on the usual point fights between maxes, NC maxes will always have an overwhelming advantage.

    The NC max is the better of the three, for now.

    The unfortunate reality of the game is that anything that is better, gets "balanced" or in some cases, overbalanced.
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