Broken tanks = more fun

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Redshift, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Keiichi25

    Resource cost and time is not the solution to the problem. The problem is that a lot of the bases, 2 of the 3 major bases and the smaller bases, are not properly designed defensively, which is to say that defending infantry get spawn camped by vehicles. The spawn room for most of the bases are placed way too far away from capture points with little or no cover to duck into and the capture point itself is often times exposed so the ability to actually do anything defensive wise is a bit weak.

    The outside, is suppose to be the stronger point for vehicles, where vehicles are suppose to support the infantry. But once it gets down to the base, the base needs to revolve more with infantry fighting infantry, not defensive infantry trying to push out and getting killed by air, tanks and infantry and not even get close to the control point.
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  2. Blast Hardcheese

    I just get the feeling that a lot of people whining about vehicles are people who love lone-wolfing and being useless to their squads. Last night we had tons of fun destroying derping magriders and we (NC) actually had some air cover because our tanks didn't work. If vehicles give you so much grief just have a squad of heavies with the Annihilator and insta-kill a vehicle or two each volley. We've defended several places on Indar by just doing that. ...

    "Ooh Sundy!"
    "Oooh ESF!"
    Lock on, wait for ESF Flare. Re-Lock on, BOOM!
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  3. Keiichi25

    Actually, I think part of the problem is that not all Heavies have access to an Annihilator right now. Either the 1000 certs or the 700 SC. So they lean towards the Tank as their means to deal with armor, but also being able to get infantry.

    The Faction Dumbfire Missiles are ok, for short and medium range AV usage, but require a bit of a curve in learning how to use them, but frustrating to use against vehicles on the move and dealing with the arch and lead with the slow reload time. Tanks, on the other hand, you can at least fire on the move and take hits to a degree and you don't have to spend the 1000 certs or 700 SC to use it.

    While it also leans a bit to lonewolfing as well, the problem is not everyone who hops in is able to be in a group. The auto-squading doesn't have people working as a group to begin with, so it makes it more difficult. And the ESF jockeys are lonewolfing anyways unless they are part of a group, but in all honesty, tankers and air jockeys are not going to be any better than infantry when it comes to 'team play' as it does allow instant gratification.
  4. Cookiepiledriver

    Your vision of PS2 is your vision of PS2. Sequels never have to be a carbon copy of the original game. I honestly don't care if the game is "combined arms", or not, but if it personally appeals to my own preferences like most people. This is a computer game, not a scientific research field; imposing your definitions is both fruitless and arrogant.

    Yet again you speak of people being selfish, because they want to impose their preferences.. yet that is exactly what you're doing when you try to impose what you think is the paradigm for this game. There is no difference between you and them.

    You're just another side of the selfish coin, calling the kettle black.
  5. Jaquio

    It costs me 245 resources to spawn as a LA (2 C4 + nade) and 270 resources to spawn as an Engineer (3 tank mines +nade).

    I don't have to pull those every spawn, but you don't have to pull a vehicle every spawn, either.
  6. nukularZ

    Infantry resources feel balanced. Between grenades, C4s, mines, and maxes, I deplete my infantry resources regularly. But I can spawn my MBT and Lightning back and forth all day long.

    Edit : For the sake of a good meta-game, vehicles need their resource costs significantly increased. Infantry rockets also need something like 50-100 used per rocket. (someone mentioned rockets earlier and I fully agree with them). Right now the nothing vehicle costs promote mindless zerg play. And the lack of rocket costs promote mindless lock-on play as well.
  7. Laey

    Oh right. Sorry.

    It's fun to lock-on an insta-kill air/tank on platoon.

    Yes it is ! We wait someone show up, and then, we scope on it, and as soon as you can shoot, you shoot !
    He will die for sure.

    Yeah, it's hard and funny.

    It's a ******* game dude. I'm not here to play like arma to be able to not being spam by vehicules h24....
  8. Laey

    Then we solve the problem. We dont make the price of tank/air go up; and we taxes them on their ammo.

    It's the exact same thing.

    But.. you know, that can work like that, not a problem.
  9. Rusky

    Infantryside 2 got boring fast, looking forward to monday's patch.

    You don't like getting killed by vehicles ? go play another game and buzz off.
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  10. DoctorWhose

    Alright. Viable might be correct. Although I still rather play ARMA II ACE and BF2: Project Reality than this shoddy mess of a game.

    Its not really combined arms but combined farms. *chuckle*
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  11. Mootar

    Are you being deliberately obtuse? For your sake I hope so.

    PS2 isn't a combined arms game because it is my "vision" of PS2, it is not a combined arms because people who like combined arms games say it is.

    It is a combined arms game because that is what SOE designed it to be, is this sinking in yet?

    Everybody who plays this game has a preferred playstyle, some like infantry fights, some like tank battles, some like dogfighting and some like kill farming with whatever works best, it doesn't matter what you prefer to do, you are choosing to do it in a combined arms environment.

    So whining about the existence of tanks, aircraft and vehicles in general, while you footzerg around in a game designed to incorporate tanks, aircraft and other vehicles, makes you a certified mong.

    Do you complain on the WoW forums about dying to raid bosses while you /dance because in your "vision" of an MMORPG people are trying to force their preference of boss fights over your preference for dancing?

    Do you fall over a lot in real life?
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  12. maxkeiser

    Agree. I wish people would stop trying to turn this into an infantry only game. If you want infantry only go play Metro or Bazar on BF3 or play counterstrike.

    The huge tank, air AND infantry battles are what make PS2 amazing. The more tanks the better (but, sure, you could raise the resource cost a bit).
  13. Baleur

    Speak for yourself, i've not had such a boring time in Planetside 2 as i've had after this patch.
    Fps issues with spikes down to 1fps
    Latency issues with teleporting players even worse than before.
    Unrivaled liberators and esf since skyguard and bursters dont work.
    Vehicles not working (i enjoy vehicles, got a problem with that?)
    Shields not recharging upon respawn for infantry.

    What more needs to be said?
    The redesigned bases, spawn rooms etc were awesome yes.
    But the patch pretty much broke half the game and now jokers on the forums are like "lul i like this".
    Give me a break. Battlefield 3 Close Quarters is there to play if you want an infantry only game.
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  14. JohnnyMaverik

    This is also true, but I doubt SOE are going to re-design most of the bases (not to mention re-building them) any time soon.
  15. Badgered

    I believe poor base design is partially to blame, but the resource system is a bit of a mess and they're reworking it later on in the year according to the Roadmap.

    You know what I feel would go a long way in reducing the amount of vehicle spam in the game? Make MBTs a 3-man operation just like Liberators. You need a driver, a main gunner, and a secondary gunner. This would essentially halve the amount of MBTs present on the battlefield at any given time. As compensation I'd be in favor of making them a bit tougher than they currently are. Oh, and XP sharing would have to be re-vamped so that everybody in the vehicle gets full credit for each kill and assist as they are all contributing to the effort.

    anyone complaining about infantryside is just mad that their disposable exp. machines weren't working for their farming pleasure. the quality of the action (besides the framerate/stuttering issues) went up dramatically while vehicles were screwed. you can actually mount a meaningful defense and have a battle last longer than 15 minutes!
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  17. Littleman

    Though there being absolutely NO tanks is inexcusable, this is the game a lot of players expected when they downloaded it in November. Yes, they left because it wasn't their cup of tea, and that tea was served with an extra large helping of tanks and aircraft. They make for a dynamic battlefield, just like MAXes force one to take a different approach. The problem with PS2 before this bug was that infantry combat was virtually dead outside of base walls. Doesn't matter if it's open field, infantry should be swarming over those hills too, not just tanks. Tanks need to be support to infantry just as infantry should be support to tanks. Don't bring real world tactics into this: it's a game for the purpose of making money from people having fun, not a war of ideals run by politicians with stock in victory.

    Simply put, there is no downside to pulling a tank like there should be. And those 20 tanks mentioned earlier? They were enough to clear the hills of 100 infantry with their HE cannons. Who packs AP? The other guy's tank will just back around a corner and repair to full. It's not that the crime is running out there to face a tank and lose. It's a crime that an entire play style is shut down outside of a few select areas because of another. Even outposts are worth defending now that there aren't a hundred 100mm cannons pointed at them from every conceivable angle.

    If we had our strikers, phoenixes, and lancers back, with appropriate levels of power, tank spam might actually by stemmed a bit from sheer effective AV countermeasures. Right now, we have a dumbfire rocket of moderate power that can only hit CQC, a more powerful, slower dumbfire rocket only good in ranges shorter than that, and lock-ons that take some time to lock and do $#!% for damage on impact (though air seems to be having a problem with actually having a threat.) Do you know what made vehicle combat balanced in PS1? It wasn't just the crew requirements, it was because the AV countermeasures worked.

    It's actually not the tank that's the problem, it's the standard foot mobile's answer to them that is the problem. Anyone bashing infantry players for wanting a stronger infantry game and falling back on the "it's a combined arms game" excuse is either desperately seeking a crutch for their argument or is simply ignorant of the in game situation when tanks are out in force, and that is it kills the infantry on infantry game. Like it or not, that is what most FPS gamers play FPS' for.

    I take comfort in the fact that SOE is collecting data on this period of life in the game.
  18. HellasVagabond

    AA turrets are NOT working, Skyguards shoot blanks so effectively only lockon missiles and AA MAX's are against Air Targets. So i wonder who is trolling.
  19. Rusky

    Hopefully all you infantry only players will get bored of whining and leave the game eventually, and then we can all enjoy a DIFFERENT game from COD and CS and other INFANTRY ONLY(ish) FPS on the market.
  20. Cevera

    So the 2 most effective AA units/weapons are still working.
    Both are invisible 90% of the time due to render distance. Both can fire at air units long before these are able to shot back.

    And then we have the bugged lock-on warnings. As aircraft you just get killed by rockets without any warning.
    Or the warnings appears for 0.5-1sec and then just disappears, but the missle hits you anyway.
    And all that with a AA weapon that doesnt cost resources or many certs to get.

    If you cant kill air now, then you are doing something veeeeeery wrong.
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