Get rid of spawn protection, asap!

Discussion in 'PlanetSide 2 Gameplay Discussion' started by Evilhardt, Feb 3, 2013.

  1. Evilhardt

    Dear Devs, if you ever should manage to get your **** together and make the game technically playable again, the next thing you should do is remove spawn protection again! There was a 2/3 downvote to that feature and you still implemented it. People had good arguments, why spawn protection is bad. It caters to the unthinking player, that keeps spawning where he get's insta-killed. And still you ignore the good arguments and what your regulars player base wants (the ones that come to the forums represent mostly the regulars, I suppose). That is not how it works!

    ... Stupidity Unlimited Special Edition
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  2. Bluecricket

    Spawn protection is largely unnoticeable in its current state. It mainly helps Medics and their friends a small amount, and I don't see any problems with that.
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  3. MarkAntony

    Agreed this mechanic is bady bady bad bad BAAAAD!
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  4. Nature

    You dont see any problems with free revives? Just keep an exremely short protection when spawning so you wont spawn dead on sundies. Invulnerability for revived people is just absolutely moronic.
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  5. Lord Robert

    I haven't even noticed that it exists at all...
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  6. SneakyTouchy

    Was watching a guy get rezzed yesterday. I started shooting him the second he got up. He turned around 180 and shot me dead. Damage didn't start occurring to him until he fired his first shot. That pisses me off.
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  7. 13lackCats

    The root cause of camping is campees.
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  8. Hoki

    It received an overwhelming proportion of down votes to up votes, and they shipped it anyways.

    Confirming that it is lame as **** and has gotten me killed several times already.
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  9. Necron

    Kill the medic before he revives... problem solved.
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  10. Bambolero

    Umm that's exactly why it was implemented in first place.
    So you can't farm players that don't have any control over their character ( there is a loading period after death and you would usually be dead before you can see the world and react).
    So you lost a fair fight, a shootout that you were prepared for.... what does that tell you about your skill level?
    Sorry, no more free kills for you, you'll need to learn to play now.
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  11. Hoki

    Can you guys imagine the impact immune revives will have when we have pump-action shotguns in CQC?

    Intentionally die in a doorway. Get rezzed -> immune -> find target -> OHK

    Or hell basically what I just said but with grenades. Invulnerable room clearing trollage.

    And I'm honestly wondering, wtf did this feature come from? LITERALLY NOBODY was asking for it?
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  12. Hoki

    Where is the downvote option when you need it? This game is about strategy too. Anyone who ever played a battlefieldish game knows that you don't die in a compromised position.

    Immune spawns has flipped this on its head, wherever someone dies is now compromised due to your killzone now being defeated by spawn immunity.
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  13. DoomMaze

    I must admit I was surprised to see this in the patch notes too.....not only was it effectively voted down in the road map but I have read these boards a lot since release and have seen literally 'one' thread where someone was complaining about being spwan camped at a sunderer....virtually nobody asked for this, or highlighed it as a problem.

    I think they endanger the credibility of the road map if they implement voted down features without any explanation as to why
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  14. JohnnyMaverik

    Spawn protection just means never again are you told you're getting rezzed by a medic, or decide to spawn on a sundy, and be greeted by the you've been killed message. You will still be killed, but at least you have a chance to go "oh fk" and then it happens. As other have said, if you see a medic rezzing somebody, kill that medic, he's guna be worth more XP than the dude about to get up if you don't anyway, how it should have been from the start, not "lol that guy is getting rezzed, two kills for the effort of one". So far I have not been killed by anybody because they had the spawn protection... there again I didn't play like a farming dick in the first place, so you know... adapt.
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  15. Talizzar

    I would guess you are a spawn camper???
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  16. GimmeUrWallet

    So camping a spawn area and capping spawning, unsuspecting players is now strategy? G. T.F.O.

    Yes, where is that downvote option...
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  17. Bambolero

    It seems like I'm talking to people who never played a MMO before but sure, I'll give it a go in explaining the situation..
    First, you don't CHOOZE where you die, you try to avoid dieing by default.
    Second, rezing is in game for a reason.
    It's a MMO feature just like after death imunity.

    The whole point of the imunity in MMOs is to allow the player to take control of his character after the game world loads.
    We arent playing on tiny 15vs15 maps its a big open world (well, continent) MMO and theres a loading period involved every time you try to spawn somewhere.
    This means that you can see my character and shoot it while my game is loading and I have no control over my character... well, you could until yesterday.
    This feature should have been in game from the start, every PVP MMORPG has it, it's a must.

    The scenarios you are pulling out of your azz will never happen because the invul period is very short.
    You will NOT be able to farm players that don't have a control over their character anymore though, if you want to talk strategy here's one no-brainer for you.
    Kill the medic...
    Dificult concept to grasp for some I know :/
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  18. TheScapegoat

    This is making rez grenades very valuable, first wave eats the alpha strike; revive and push past the low ammo/reloading defenders.
  19. maxx

    spam protection not bad
  20. Nature

    Medic revives behind cover... problem is unsolvable.